Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state to begin disarmament next week

July 1, 2008, (RUMBEK) – Head of the SPLA Division 5th sector, Maj-General James Gadual Galuak, informed the crown chiefs in an awareness meeting for disarmament forum at ECS church on how guns should be hand-over to state government authority next week.

The meeting was attended by top state government officials including, Advisors, ministers, lawmakers, Rumbek central county commissioner and chiefs.

Galdual announced to the gathering that disarmament in Lakes state would start on Monday July 1, 2008 but as the governor Daniel Awet asked for, it is delayed to July 10, 2008.

“Must or not, we will take all unauthorized guns without failure”. Gadual said.

Lakes state disarmament will be covered by media using video camera and photos are free to be taken. He reassured that SPLA is going to protect civilians in all areas peacefully disarmed, said Galdual.

He also said “Pass permit will be only document that allows people moment from state to state.”

Galuak concluded that constitutional posts holders are going to be guided by police not SPLA military; he ensured all officials who are having guns at their houses to hand over their guns to store before forces take over the street for official disarmament.

Chief Madol Mathok said that “several time, we have been disarmed by SPLA soldiers and guns are still in the hand of unauthorized persons in the areas as well as in cattle camp, this is the responsibility of Lakes state government to disarm again her civilians.”

It is the duty of state government to protect the civilians without terror of guns gain, he stressed.



  • Deng John Ajang
    Deng John Ajang

    Lakes state to begin disarmament next week
    Good news to Lakes State government, be examplary to the rest of the States of Southern Sudan in relation to peaceful disarmament. It is high time for the civilians to hand over their guns to over come the issue of tribal conflict. Weapons are for protecting the Country not for herding cattle. Therefore, our people must understand the situation. Thanks for quick implementation.

  • Ajuong Ayany De puorgook
    Ajuong Ayany De puorgook

    Lakes state to begin disarmament next week
    Disarmment is the best option for the government of Southern Sudan.because these illegal arms are taking away the live of our people.

  • Bior-Makech

    Lakes state to begin disarmament next week
    Congratulations to Lakes State Governor, Daniel and Maj-General Gatdual for the disarmament and awareness planned.I lamented for huge number we lost during census time for tribal clashes.

    Guns are only allocated to soldiers for conutry protection not for civillian.Therefore; I hope lake State shall have tasted the CPA’s fruits if guns are to be removed.It is good you have awared them such that they hands over guns peacefully.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Lakes state to begin disarmament next week
    Government of Southern Sudan must make sure that our people are also well protected from the pastoralists communities in the neibghouring countries who use to cross the boaders for cattle raiding.

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