Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Minnawi warns against plans to attack Darfur joint force

Minnawi in N. Darfur ahead of his departure to Port Sudan on August 27, 2023

Minnawi in N. Darfur ahead of his departure to Port Sudan on August 27, 2023

September 9, 2023 (EL FASHER)  – Minni Minawi, the governor of Darfur, has condemned what he perceives as plans by unidentified parties to attack the joint force of armed groups in Darfur. He said that this alleged plot aims at disrupting the protection of humanitarian aid convoys in the region.

In posts shared on social media, supporters of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have accused the joint forces of transporting weapons and ammunition to Sudanese army units in Darfur states. These alleged transfers are purportedly conducted under the guise of commercial and humanitarian convoys that the joint forces escort.

Minnawi, who also leads the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), expressed his concerns on Facebook, stating, “We possess information, audio threats, and direct communications from individuals intent on attacking and assaulting the convoy traveling from Kosti to Darfur.”

“If such an incident were to occur, this state of neutrality may transform into a necessity-imposed state, and we hope it does not come to that,” he added.

Minnawi emphasized the vital role played by the Darfur escort force, which also benefits civilians from North and West Kordofan, as well as the White Nile to some extent. Moreover, it serves as the only lifeline for the approximately 15 million people residing in the Darfur region.

On April 27, four armed groups that had signed the Juba Peace Agreement jointly announced the establishment of a force responsible for maintaining security in the post-conflict period. This force’s duties include protecting markets and escorting humanitarian and commercial convoys.

The participating groups in this force are the SLM-Minawi, the Justice and Equality Movement led by Gibril Ibrahim, the Sudanese Alliance, and the Gathering of Sudan Liberation Forces.

Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, the spokesperson for the joint force, refuted claims of their involvement in the transfer of military equipment to the Sudanese army. He clarified, “The circulated information is inaccurate. We have not and will not transfer weapons to the army.”

Reminding their stance about the conflict, Mustafa stated that “Our position is clear and well-known: complete neutrality. We accuse some parties of attempting to draw the joint force into the armed conflict as a third party.”

“We have already faced treacherous attacks since the conflict’s onset, resulting in several martyrs. However, we have exercised restraint to avoid being dragged into the war. Should our forces face any threat or attack, we will defend ourselves and not remain passive.”

The joint forces have faced criticism from Darfur civilians, especially following the assassination of the governor of West Darfur, who was also the leader of the Sudanese Alliance. Their inability to intervene in the protection of civilians in various regions of Darfur during ongoing conflicts has raised concerns.

Four out of the five states in the Darfur region have been affected by the armed conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces. There are growing fears that the region may descend into full-scale civil war due to escalating polarization.

On September 3, Minnawi was in Port Sudan, where he held talks with the Chairman of the Sovereign Council, Abdel al-Burhan. During the meeting, they addressed the region’s humanitarian requirements and the security status.

RSF denies

On its side, the RSF refuted any plans of targeting humanitarian aid convoys. Furthermore, the paramilitary group cautioned against using the humanitarian aid issue as a pretext for escalating the cycle of war and pointed fingers at the Sudanese army for purportedly orchestrating this scheme.

The group also announced the RSF initiative to establish a collaborative committee involving all stakeholders, including Darfur armed groups, to streamline efforts concerning humanitarian aid and other humanitarian endeavors within areas under their control.
