Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion

By Majok Nikodemo Arou

July 7, 2008 — Anybody who has read the article titled: ‘the 1991 historic move is a blessing to Southern Sudan’, published on July 4, 2008, would not miss the point that the name of author Gatkuoth Lam, is a mere pen name. The self acclaimed author disguises himself under that name to revive or rather strategise the mediocre tribal politics championed by the National Islamic Front during the war to simply exercise the policy of Divide and Rule.

One has his own reasons to believe the author is not a Nuer, nor a Southern Sudanese. He is definitely a hidden enemy in our midst who seeks to create wedge and differences among our leaders and people. But he will not go away with it amid political awareness of our masses.

Yes, it’s his right to disagree with the late Dr John Garang as a person, but he was off point to discredit his role in the struggle. It is definitely the work of Lucifer to distort history. Even Dr Riak Machar, whom the author tries to polish to achieve his political gimmicks, would not endorse the idea that Garang did not contribute in the struggle.

The author genuinely grasps the fact that veteran SPLA soldiers and the fallen heroes who shed their blood to write the history, knew what they fought for. Life is so dear to be sacrificed in vain Mr Author.

The alleged author seems to celebrate heinous massacres of the innocent people and ridicule the struggle in which two million people were butchered and four million others displaced.

One would like compatriots to be aware when they read such articles. Lucifer has ability to misinform and paint ill scenario about the history of struggle. And that is what Lucifer author has done.

The following facts betray the author:

1. The late Lieutenant Colonel Francis Ngor, fell while fighting the Khartoum-backed militia in Jikou. He was not a PhD holder as alleged and cited by the Lucifer to prove his claim doctors were dragged into the battles.

2. The self asserted author is well informed, but chose to distort the facts for his ulterior motives.

3. The way he polished Dr Riak Machar, depicts that he wanted the leadership crisis. A pipe dream he will not achieve. The SPLM emerged stronger from the recent convention held in Juba.

4. The manner, in which he discredited Dr Garang in an exaggerated manner, brings home the idea he is determined to throttle the CPA, a thing that demonstrates he is an outsider and not a Nuer.

5. The author armed himself with distorted facts to confirm he once joined the SPLA/SPLM.

6. The SPLA/M supporters across the globe are united and could not be swayed by the cheap tribal policies, which author and the likes seek to promote. That recipe is outdated and could no longer set our people against each other. There may be some myopic elements who may entertain such cheap politics, but the masses are awake.

7. Throughout his article, the author attempted to outshine the CPA by highlighting the Khartoum Peace Agreement.

8. He tried to identify himself as a Nuer but miserably failed. Poor author is not yet aware that the Nuers will be at the frontline with their brothers when the CPA is at stake. Chickens have come home to roost.

9. The New Sudan Vision and Self Determination have already blossomed. Your goods are shoddy. Please look for another market.

* The author is a sudanese journalist based in the United Arab Emirates, and can be reached at [email protected]


  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Thak you Mr Majok for your good article.

    I think some of Sudan Tribune readers are clever enough to distinguish facts from fabrications. Mr Gatkuoth Lam has’nt got away with his poisoning article untouched by audiences and I think you have read the comments to Gatkuoth’s artilce.

    Anyway, those who dream of highly performances and achievements with short actions should read a written history before putting a misleading article to the readers.

    Gatkuoth attempts to rewrite a history in regard to the CPA and Riek Machar has caused more damage to Riek Machar rather than good.

    Despite his welcome come back to SPLM, Dr Riek is again going under a final distruction process caused by those volunteer advisors and lawyers.

    Keep up Mr Majok

  • James

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Mr. Majok:

    One true southerner like me who was in the bushe for the liberation of any oppressed individual at any corner of the country as it had been clearly traced by SPLM/SPLA objectives of 1980s can not take a side to criticize either your article or the one of Garkuot. I cann’t endorse one of them either.

    It is true that we have to do whatever we can to forget the past, but yet it is much more better for us to address our previous differences to achieve genuine unity.

    Though we try to play some baseless politics here, we still need to honor some of the facts anchoring the reality on the ground. For instant:-

    Majok I don’t think you precisely believe that Gatkuoth lied because I think you remember about?:-

    1- 8000 Murle who were massacred in 1989 under the operation commanded by our current president Salva Kiir at place called Nanham?

    2- What about 6000 Murle who were killed most of them burned alive inside shielters in 1988 at Maruwa?

    3- what about Taposa who were massacred in 1990 at Irwoto and Muryangkipi villages of which I witnessed myself us soldier in what we used to called Red Army Task Forces under the command of late Deng Guang?

    4-What about the menslaughter in Anyuak land in 1986 when late Atali was ordered by Garang to wipe out Anyuak villagers who were near the main roads for SPLA free movement and free food security?

    5- What about small tribe of Lokoro burned by Garang forces in a pretex that Lokoro colaborated with William Nyuon?

    6- What about the massacre of Nuer which Gatkout talked about, are all these false?

    Majok, let talk truth sometimes, because I know you know better than that. late Garang did things that even Arab under Umar Bashir didn’t do. I have never seen khartoum goverment forces attacking any village, killing people, taking civilian cows, goats sheep by force, raping women, burning people alive and most importantly naming our rivers,streams, mauntaints, and valleys. But Dinkas under Garang leadership did all these to others. That make it difficult to understand what was the real Garang objective in the bushe.

    Anyway, let forget the past and unite as brothers and sisters from east to west, south to north.

    God bless.

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    very good article that reflects the identity of transformed Southern Sudan free from tribal hatred and conflicts. There is no way loss of lives in 1991 can be a blessing to Southern Sudan where we fight to defend lives of the future generations. I do not want any one to shout on Garang for he has done his part and this is why some of you are able to have open speeches and if any one does not appreciate this period of peace let him regret why he was born otherwise, meet Garng in the grave to revenge if your tribal ideology is making you to deny facts and achievements.


    You are typically one of the persons rebuked by a fellow if i can recall the article written by a compatriot titled “Southern Sudanese: learn from the past”. You have already gone to Arabs by saying that some worse things are done in the South which Arabs can not do. These people of your kind are causing confusion to return to Arabs to be used as sexual objects irrespective of sex, why?

    People who can not take a right path for their decisions are undoubtedly faced with such problems of dilema and this is why you still have hope for Arabs while we complain of being cheated. Please learn to make better decisions for the betterment of our nation and call yourself a man.

  • Gatwech

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Majok Nikodemo Arou,

    When will you people learn to tell the truth or accept the truth told by truth-tellers instead of twisting it all the time!

    Again, instead of trying desperately to prove the writer of the article (Gatkuoth Lam) wrong, instead you have lied. Who told you that Dr. Francis Ngor was killed in Jekou fighting a government-supported militias. Gatkuoth was very correct, the man was killed while fighting the Gajaak sub-clan of Nuer. This happened while his forces were fighting Cieng Nyajani section of Gaajaak in what was popularly known as ’Khor Manjangdit’ in Nuer which translates ’battle of Manjangdit’ (referring to the site where Dr. Ngor’s forces were annihilated and then he was captured and killed by the villagers). This story was known by even non-Gaajaak Nuer officers in the SPLA. So why do you want to lie about it?

    I am not sure if he was a PhD holder, so I can’t defend the writer on this, but the writer might have assumed that because he always used the title Dr. Francis Ngor, he thought he had a PhD, or he was misled by some Dinka members who knew Dr. Ngor or told him that he had a PhD.

    The rest of your comments are just mere perceptions, trying even to deny the existence of the writer as his name indicates, is really a myth!

    Again, you want to clean yourself as a Mesaiah, calling other writers Lucifer, what a hypocrisy! Go down the list of opinions, you will find that your tribe has tens of Lucifers, which you did not condemn, before condemning the other one Lucifer as you called him. Do you see how you people don’t know what justice is? Shame on you!

    One thing I know for sure you are addicted to lying and denying the truth. It has become a culture to you people. What you don’t realize is that it will not make a difference at all to those who tell the truth. The truth will always prevail over lies and denials!

  • Axan

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Mr. Majok,

    Good article my friend. You have impartially related the truth, and the truth always irritates those who are masked up in tribal politics, that’s why they don’t admit it. No body cares about their blown out lies either.


  • James

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Hi everybody

    It pays off if we try to debate in lifely and truthful atmosphere where each and everyone of us could put his/her loads of tribalism behind his yard for few minutes.

    I cann’t believe tribalists like Grader, Biar-again, Agany and Axan are trying delete my name from the SPLA list of veterans. However, for you to know that I was in SPLA, here are the gleam shots to know me better.

    1- For those who wanted to claim that I don’t even know Deng Aguang, I want to prove you wrong, I know Deng Aguang, his father Aguang, his brother Atem. Deng Aguang was my neighbor in Kapoeta at his home between the main market and the airport. When Deng Aguang ordered the killing of Lawulak who were mainly Lotuko men who were protesting about their languge when they were stationed in Magoth without languge, I was there myself witnessing their killing at Khor Machi outside Kapoeta. Then Deng Aguang was sent to Torit when CDR Achiel was brought in as Kapoeta base, Deng Aguang home again was opposite Kuol Manyang home across the street in Torit, Deng Aguang used to go around with his green landcruiser, I know most of his bodyguards include Kongkong from Murle who died in 1992. You believe me now? Who want to dispute this guys if you really want the truth. I will tell you thousands of facts till you are totally convine.

    I know the operation of 1988 against Murle was commanded by William Nyuon through Garang orders, and William commaded Kennedy and Bol Madut to used tanks sent by Garang against civilians by then. Guys let stop going deeper because it will lead us to the point where those of Grader has to run away knowing that I am about to hold the collar of his shirt very soon. Mr.Grader, It is easy for me to trace and get hold of you in a minute body. You are one of those who mistreated Murle in 80s with your one-eyed friend Madul.

    All other kids who try to attack me blindly need to keep quite. I know the reason most you dignify Garang is because you were kids who knows nothing than just food and a gun for killing. You need to find out why Arok Thon Arok who was educated Bor like Garang has to leave Garang and join Arabs, you need to know why Martin Majier who was also Bor like Garang had to spent many years in jail before he was tied inside sack and thrown into river to die like a dog. Remember also that Garang didn’t like anybody who want to tell him what to do regardless of any relationship. Garang love to see you as a fool with a big mouth full of yeses and without playing with fire by trying to say no to whatever he say or be killed. Most of you would have been on his list of those who should be thrown into the river inside sack like Martin Majier when you attempt to show your western degrees.

    In other hand, I was pure fighter who wanted to see my people from any tribe treated fairly and freely. I support GOSS fully because it is now under Salva Kiir, otherwise it was not wrong for me to Support Umar Bashir who don’t order his forces to kill, rape and mistreat my people. You can not kill people and expect to be supported just for being southerner, that is not true, southerner who need people to support him must protect his people and treat them equally. Do you think even those who died under Garang ruthless adminstration could support Garang if suppose they return to live because Garang is southerner? I don’t think so.

    Deng Kilech who is Bor like Garang ran in 1992 to join Khartoum goverment because of Garang’s misconducts. Why is it a problem for others to join arabs if their own Garang turn buffalo. SPLA was not Garang but people, similarly GOSS is not any tribe but southerners, and if we don’t watch out. People of southsudan still has wide right to put even secession behind and adapt secular united Sudan policy. because we don’t want to be fool in name of GOSS which in real sense controlled by one tribe. That is just a sham.

    You start acting right or all of us will regret while I think one tribe will bear heavy blame for letting southerners down and these are people like you Grader, Biar-again Agany who celebrate lies than realities. In fact you are the enemies of CPA

    I hope you learn to be patriotics.

    God bless.

  • James

    Enemies of the CPA poise to create confusion
    Mr. Grader

    Please don’t panic or stager after all these evidents. Yes Salva, William Nyuon, Kennedy, Bol Madut plus Akot were all involve in the operation which had resulted into the massacres of Murle civillians. Other officers involve in other massacres like the one against Nuer, Anyuak,Taposa etc, but you have remember that, only fools may throw a blame unknownly to those junior officers whom we know without doubt were sent with strict orders by dictator Garang.

    Salva Kiir is innocent though he carried out that operation because he was merely pressured by the dictator. We are here trying to treat each criminal as individual not as tribe or group.

    Grader, again happened happened, let forget it and beginning new page, but you got to know that, we were not going to support GOSS if Garang was still alive whether he want it or not. Many southerners support GOSS because of Salva Kiir and Riek that is a secret that you need to know very badly.

    Stop running here and there because truth remain truth till the end of the world though you try to distort it for your egocentric ambitions.

    I hope you are through.

    God bless.

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