Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements

July 9, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir has formed a commission to investigate with cabinet affairs minister, Pagan Amum, on press statements where he described the Sudan as “failed state.”

Pagan Amum
Pagan Amum
Amum, who is also the Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, was quoted as saying that Sudan is a “failed and corrupt state”. The SPLM official made the remarks during a forum on press and political freedom in Sudan organized by the pro-SPLM Freedom Bells, Agras al-Huriya last month.

The Arabic language Akhbar Alyoum disclosed that al-Bashir issued a decision lifting the constitutional immunity of Pagan Amum. He also ordered the formation of a commission of inquiry with Amum on his political statements.

Pagan will remain suspended from his ministerial duties till the end of the probe, the daily said.

Last month, officials from Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) lashed out at the Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Pagan Amum and called on him to resign.

Sudan presidential adviser Nafi Ali Nafi called on the Amum to step down. “Pagan must be in peace with himself by resigning and it will be welcomed by the SPLM even before the NCP” Nafi said.

“The problem of Pagan and the triangle of secularism within the SPM is that they feel disappointed and miserable because the NCP is able to overcome their shrewdness and cunningness and even come out stronger” he added.

Mandour al-Mahdi the Secretary General of the NCP political bureau also described Amum’s statements as “irresponsible for an irresponsible minister who is trying to create a split between the SPLM and NCP”.

The SPLM leadership; following a meeting held in Khartoum and headed by the first Vice president, condemned the attacks against Pagan Amum and calls to relieve him after his statements.

Relations between the two peace partners are complex and difficult to understand since the CPA. The two partner of the National Unity Government go from crisis to crisis.

Amum was appointed last December in the government of national unity in the critical post of minister for cabinet affairs despite earlier indications that former foreign minister Lam Akol would assume the position.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    This sound like NCP is trying to stand on SPLA/M and this may come to be true if pagan is not serious and confident in his position,this is bse NCP has a lot of problems in their own party, they want people like Akol who was coward and just aiming after money by disclosing SPLA/M principles to NCP, NCP beshir by himself lack English to understand the main theories of SPLA/M to ward the CPA,NCP is always jealous when they saw that SPLA/M are introducing some unique things to Sudan, NCP has a secret behind SPLA/M which is a strong issue where they are trying hard to conceal it from anyone accept their members. But all in my view I would just say good on them in fact the dog bark until it is tired,however in reality am just concern with our fellow families in Durfur and Abeyi who are on the target of NCP bombs.

    Therefore in my point of view I would like to inform those of SPLA/M members to be wise and wiser in those kind of issues because we knew that the relation btn both SPLA/M and NCP seem to be like holding an egg and all the process of this CPA was just the same to an egg being carried by a blind. However in other hand we knew that beshir is keeping the most unwanted man with him and their aim is to work toward South and Durfur which is going to be a very incredible issue that we have to pay attention with single heart, secondly since we knew that our relation is not 100% pure, it is time for SPL/M to be aware about how the future of those two sides whether positive or negative because the fact is that we don’t have any guarantee for the CPA it means every things are possible to happen or not to happen, it is time to be more wiser my fellow SPLA/M,it is time for Kiir,Riek and Igga to understand our future within few years I would say before 2011,it is time for South to be confident and responsible to contribute should any need arise ,it is time to join hands like a single family working together to build a shelter which serve them from rain, insects, and all other kind of un wanted things, I urge SPLA/M to stand as SPLA/M and I also urge SLM/JEM to be pride of our African nature.They have shown a clear clue to us so what are we waiting for?,Mr Kiir stop condemning every issue why can’t we face them show some skills.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    I can’t hear the voice of first vice president in this case, why is he keeping quiet when Southerners’ important man is being followed by these thugs as if he said something untrue? Yes, in fact, Sudan is a failed and corrupted Country who did not know that? Therefore, there is no point of suspending Minister for cabinets’ affairs for this case, unless there are other genuine charges against Pagan Amum.

    Message to South Sudan President and Ministers in the Unity government, you got back up Pagan’s case he can not be left alone to struggle with the tyrant and confused government who used its resources to kill its citizens and expect people to keep quiet, yes pagan speak it out, and you all need to stand by him, “to gather you can make it”

    Maguacwum the Young.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    This is an absolute outrageous response from this tyrant (president Bashire) of the country, which rhetorically claims to be transforming from a supreme despotism to democracy.

    Criticism is a fundamental archetype of democracy. Every Democratic Party must not be immune to criticism with an exception of military and dictatorial regime. Being a ‘failed government’ is globally known leave alone Pagan who voiced out the practical reality. The country had never had transparency, representative government, and fair system of Justice. Lack of these ethos justifiably qualify Sudan as a ‘failed State’ I don’t think anyone can dispute this true anarchic nature of our Country.

    This retaliation from the dictatorial regime defies an understanding of the togetherness of which they always envy.

    This authoritarian system if not a complete monarchy would never yield any rest to the citizens who will later remain under its rule if S.Sudan shows Self-determination.

    Bashir the competitor to Mugabe will obliterate South Sudan if the Leadership of SPLM does not take meticulous vigilance. Under no circumstances can another party without formal consultation suspend a minister from a separate political party. If a parliamentarian is allegedly accused of any misconduct, he/she is called to be questioned in the parliament and may be forced to resign if the member has breached any code of conduct. I term this as illegitimate move and SPLM has to formally veto Bashir’s decision. SPLM and NCP will face each other in the next year elections. This is going to be a competition and each of them have to exploit the weaknesses of one an other in order to win should the elections be fair and free from the apparent rigging.

    This is not about Pagan’s comments but I genuinely believe that NCP wanted to thwart his political determination. Pagan is a true democrat and thus he is an imminent threat to their Monarchy/dictatorship. I know SPLM will never let him down we need to see that hysteria remains inactive. Criticism and freedom of speech all reflect democratic ethos and hence anyone should not be charged of any wrongdoing in a country where people morally know what is right and wrong leave alone democracy.

  • Titai

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    I am really felt sorry for the silent of Southerners Ministers in GONU as if the senario will not not reach them or otherwise they will always not speak their minds due to fear of their loosing their jobs and their concerned for their families and relatives only.

    Of course Khartoum under bashir is always expecting southerners officials under his boot to praise him whatever he does wrong for south sudan to do not say a word, but that is not complied with New Sudan visions.

  • Duop Chak
    Duop Chak

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    It is unwise, anti-CPA,immoral, and Very risky decision to make.

  • Duop Chak
    Duop Chak

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    It is unwise, anti-CPA,immoral, and very risky decision to make.

  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Who knows Nafi name will appear on the list of suspects next week.Let them not intimidate Pagan.

  • Ruai Malual Jal
    Ruai Malual Jal

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Dear president,

    It is mistake from you to formed a commission that will investigate Pagan Amun,s statement,Pagan who described the Sudan as a failed and corrupt state.

    Hi Bashir, do you think Sudan is not corrupt state? For sure Sudan is corrupt state in Africa.so Bashir do respect the National constitution of Sudan? in the constitution there is freedom of expression. Why are you not respecting this article?

    infact Bashir if you don,t reverse your decision against SPLM Minister in the GONU you will face bad criticism from the SpLM as NATIONAL party in the South.

    Dear Brothers in the north, Let me reassure you that SPLM will never give up to continue its mission to liberate the marginalize group in Sudan.

    Hi Kir,what are you doing in Juba? Bashir is playing with our ministers in Khartoum. can you take decision as a president of south Sudan. Why are you not declaring south Sudan as a independent state? if Bashir misbehave like that.

    Hello Stupid Arabs, SPLM will never give up.



    Ruai Malual Jal

  • Patriot

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Unpatriotic Beshir and his gangs of NIF will always dispute the truth as long as it touch their inhumane management of this country with so much potential. We can not oppose investigation on Pagan but let them first prove how wrong Pagan is, in other word let them proof that NIF (and previous Arabs parties) have not “failed and corrupted” this vast country. Refusing to change this attitude is what SPLA/M fought against for more than two decades, it is therefore stupid of NIF to want SPLM cadres such as Pagan to joint government due to CPA, then Shut up. If that was to be the case, then decades of war would be a waste. NIF should know that SPLM is opposition and will be so until 2011.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Oh ooo oh wait a minute my country men you are crucifiying a wrong peron. Calling of Sudan a failed state was not coined by H.E.Pagan Amum. Sudan is ranked no (2) in the list of US failed states this year in the order of Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad and Irag. This appeared in the Kenyan Daily News paper no 15848, dated 26/6/2008, page no 28.
    The paper stated the survey was realesed in Washington.The report placed Kenya and Congo-Brazzaville at postion 26 in the 177 nation survey. The survey is an annual global scorecard complied by US.
    The surveyors know the indicators of the failed states.Let us not trouble our selves with these thing. Instead let us work for peace building in our nation.

  • Gatwech

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Dear Compatriots,

    I am just curious! Did Salva Kiir accept the suspension of his SPLM Minister, Pagan, in GoNU? Did he discuss it with Omer el Beshir in the Presidency? And why is Kiir’s reaction to this issue not heard, either privately or publicly. Or has Kiir resorted to his chicken tactic of a coward once upon leader by avoiding the discussion on the issue with Beshir in the so-called Presidency. Incompetent Kiir, wake up or resign before your colleagues are being embrassed in your face by Beshir!

  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Mr president, why do you waste your time over this matter? H.E Pagun was calling a spade a spade within the frame of the CPA which allow him to speak on behave of the marginalised people of the Sudan. so you do not have any right to question him, after all, you can not remove him from his position as a minister and if you do so due to your dictatorial powers then you are likely to kill the CPA and remember CPA is not the kind of agreement whom your NIF government use to dis honour.dear Amum do not mind for all the marginalised are behind you. may god bless Amum.

  • Ajuong

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    My own view on this issue is that, SPLM leadership must act without delay becoz this is a proppagada.

    SPLM OYEI !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Guess what!

    Time has come for the SPLM to outshine NCP in Sudan’s political upfronts and that is why Bashir keeps scary eyes at those who endeavour to change the political course of this country. Nevertheless, the war of words is a resolute that foster people’s rights of equality. Thus, Mr. Amum is justified, knowing his citizenship as Sudanese, to point out the real status of our nation.
    Keep the flames of justice shining for free and equal citizenship!

    Dear Anyopajot Kuol,

    I would cordially like to remind you that nobody is righteous save the Only One Who died on the cross in that Jesus Christ. Thus, You are wrong to have referred to Compatriots as Righteous.

    Watch out for blasphemy against God’s Holy name.


    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent.

  • Mr Point
    Mr Point

    Sudan president orders probe against SPLM official over statements
    Sudan is a “failed and corrupt state” according to independent observers.

    FACT: Sudan is second from bottom of the Failed States List produced by international research organization Fund for Peace, only Somalia is worse.

    FACT: Sudan is fifth from bottom in the list of the most corrupt states from Transparency International.

    It was Sudan presidential adviser Nafi Ali Nafi who called on Amum to step down. Nafi Ali Nafi is apparently believed by some to have been implicated in an attempt to kill the President of Egypt in 1995 when he was Chief of External Intelligence .

    Mr. Nafi Ali Nafi has been viewed as the architect of the Sudan government’s nebulous “ghost houses” (torture chambers).

    It is said that Nafi Ali Nafi was involved in torture

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