Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan dismisses ICC proceedings on Darfur

July 11, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — A spokesman for Sudan’s president is dismissing an investigation into crimes against humanity in Darfur and says his government refuses to hand over any suspects.

The comments come as a prosecutor is set to name suspects and present evidence Monday to the International Criminal Court about crimes in the troubled western Darfur region, where up to 300,000 people have died since 2003.

ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has indicated he is going after top Sudanese government officials.

Mahjoub Fadul Badry told The Associated Press on Friday that he’s heard media reports that Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir will be named a suspect. But he says Sudan “doesn’t care” about the ICC because it has “no authority.”



  • dotcom

    Sudan dismisses ICC proceedings on Darfur
    This is how the demise of Saddam Husein came about. his followers (mostly the highly ranked officials) always come in defence when finger is pointed at saddam. where is he now? gone! just like his followers. now the history is repeating itself here in Sudan. dont you know mr spokesman that you are digging your own grave by defending your boss?
    my best advice to you is: leave your boss alone. let him go to the court and defend himself instead of you doing the work because you will regret this when two of you are wanted together to face those charges when your government is overthrown just like what happened to saddam in Iraq. take my advice seriously.

  • Sihs

    Sudan dismisses ICC proceedings on Darfur
    The ICC’s short record shows that the Court is better off without indicting senior officials like the president of Sudan. There are chances of violence escalating. The court would face challenges in securing arrest as shown in Sudan and in other countries like Uganda. Eventually people will lose faith in the Court which seems toothless. Those inclined to commit atrocities would not be deterred either as they reflect on a record of failure to bring justice by this Court.

    It appears the Court already has its plate full without indicting more people. We are yet to see any single person being successfully tried by this Court. Adding more people as its targets obviously need more resources which I am not sure the Court has.

    The Court will also face cooperation challenges from the a divided international community. So far China is largely blamed for the continued impunity in Sudan but many would also know that the US is not committed to the ICC and has interests as well in Sudan.This does affect the prospects of arresting those indicted.

    Once those in power are indicted, I would suggest that a likely consequence is that they would want to continue in power forever to lessen their chances of ever being brought before the Court. As long as they are in power they control the internal criminal justice mechanisms/institutions like the police. They can decide to stay in power at all costs.

    I think all this would caution the ICC against expanding its reach beyond what it can cope with.

    As for the other means of securing peace it appears, without discussing in detail, that this could be a viable option which so far has also been affected by the commitment of the international community

  • Wene_mangeth

    Sudan dismisses ICC proceedings on Darfur
    Dismissing the Iccfrom entering to Darfur is another crime.Omar is really ill-fated if he doesn’t agree with the ICC.The Fur have really suffered and need to be helped through peace and reconcilation.

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