Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

RSF extend presence to new areas in Sudan’s Al-Jazira State

Abu Aqla Kikl

Abu Aqla Kikl (L) poses with his fighters in Al-Aidij area of Al-Jazira State on October 7, 2023

October 7, 2023 (KHARTOUM) – One day after asserting control over the Al-Ailfoun area in Khartoum State, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have now penetrated additional areas within Al-Jazira State, located in central Sudan.

On Thursday and Friday, RSF operatives seized the town of Al-Alifoun, situated 30 kilometres east of Khartoum. This operation resulted in the displacement of thousands of residents, with allegations of looting, shop raids, and confiscation of civilian vehicles, along with the arrest of dozens of individuals.

The RSF’s incursion into Al-Ailafoun followed an attack launched by the Sudanese army, supported by airstrikes, on RSF positions and gatherings in the Soba area, east of Khartoum.

According to eyewitnesses who spoke to Sudan Tribune, following their takeover of Al-Ailfoun, the RSF expanded their presence eastward, passing through areas such as Um Dawa Ban, Al-Asilat, and Katranj. They eventually established military outposts in Al-Bashaqra, Wad Rawah, and Al-Aidij within Al-Jazira State.

These sources noted that the RSF imposed restrictions on the movement of many citizens seeking to reach areas east of the Nile. Instead, they were compelled to return to the city of Rifa’a. Additionally, several citizens were detained on suspicion of being mobilized to support the army.

Abu Aqla Kikl, the commander of the Al-Jazira State Mobile Forces of the RSF, addressed the situation in a video broadcast on the forces’ communication channels. He stated, “We harbour no ill will towards any citizen, and we shall not harm any citizen. Furthermore, we have refrained from looting or occupying their homes.”

Abu Aqla Kikal founded the self-proclaimed Sudan Shield Forces, which emerged in 2022. He was active in the states of Al-Jazira, Gedaref, and Khartoum, where he criticized the Juba Peace Agreement and the armed groups he advocated for integration into the military establishment.

After the outbreak of hostilities between the army and the RSF on April 15, 2023, Kikel went missing for several months. He resurfaced on August 8, 2023, announcing his forces’ alignment with the RSF.

With the RSF’s presence established in the villages east of Al-Jazira State, they have effectively severed a crucial supply route used by the army to transport troops and military provisions to the East Nile locality in Khartoum State. Previously, the army had deployed forces to the capital from Gedaref and Al-Jazira states, using this eastern corridor.

Furthermore, the RSF has gained control over the western road connecting Khartoum and Al-Jazira states, encompassing areas such as Al-Masoudiyah, Al-Nuba, Al-Jadid Al-Thawra, and Jiyad, all the way to Al-Baqair.

The ongoing conflict in Sudan, which originated in Khartoum and has expanded to encompass extensive regions in Darfur and Kordofan, is approaching its sixth month, marked by a widening scope of confrontations between the involved factions.

