Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Protest against ICC forces UN staff to stay at home

July 15, 208 (KHARTOUM) — The United Nations urged hundreds of staff to stay at home on Tuesday as crowds of Sudanese protested against war crimes charges levelled against their president by an international prosecutor.

Supporters_of_al-Bashir.jpgThe International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo on Monday sought an arrest warrant for President Omar Hassan al-Bashir for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

Protests since Sunday have been staged by pro-government bodies but even Sudanese who traditionally oppose Bashir have backed him against The Hague-based ICC.

Tuesday’s protest was small. A few thousand from Bashir’s dominant National Congress Party met outside U.N. offices downtown, some on horses, shouting “Ocampo is a criminal”.

Badreddin Hussein, 25, said: “We came out for this march to support Bashir and we reject Ocampo’s court — he is a traitor.”

No senior officials attended the demonstration. The protesters handed a memo to the United Nations calling on it to stop the arrest warrant and saying Ocampo was a “Zionist agent”.

U.N. security officials had earlier told non-essential staff to stay at home ahead of the protests.

Sudan’s Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha called the ICC move “irresponsible, illegal and unprofessional,” saying the charge was part of a conspiracy to prevent Sudan from being a normal member of the international community.


African Union Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra travelled overnight to Sudan and met Bashir on Tuesday.

He said Sudan had requested an emergency foreign ministers meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC), which he expected would take place before the end of the week.

Asked about the ICC charge, he told reporters: “The targeting of African officials is unacceptable.”

AU officials have expressed concern that the ICC’s first four cases have only targeted African conflicts.


A group was formed on the social networking site Facebook to support Bashir after the ICC announcement and within a few hours it had attracted almost 1,000 Sudanese at home and abroad.

Sudan’s government has reassured international workers it will ensure their safety, but the United Nations raised security levels in Khartoum and Darfur ahead of the Hague court’s announcement, fearing a violent backlash.

Families were evacuated from Khartoum and non-essential staff moved out of Darfur. So far their fears have not materialised.

Many aid agencies said they had pulled staff from rural areas back to towns in Darfur. U.N. spokesman Brian Kelly said life-saving activities were continuing in the world’s largest humanitarian operation.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Protest against ICC forces UN staff to stay at home
    What a fake black dogs to bark for bloody beshir to carry genocide in Sudan.
    UN is doing their best by bringing peace to our country yet stupid idiots are acting crazy by supporting a sadist to be realised why do you care about him. Ok go and join him don’t protest because of terrorist man.We don’t need chinese troops in our country go back

  • AK-47

    Protest against ICC forces UN staff to stay at home
    AU officials have expressed concern that the ICC’s first four cases have only targeted African conflicts.

    Bull-shit what of YUKOSALVIA’s ex-dictator was charge with many crimes of war.

    Sudan is geographically African country but economically, politically and religiously is ARAB WORLD. No doubt!

    So why is Sudan seniors officials are only targeting African ethnic? By killing them in too many difference ways since from the beginning till to date. Becuase the need to wipe us away and settle Palestine and Iraqis into whole of sudan. Open your eyes…..No day and there will be no day….long life Africa

    Omore(omer) wasn’t brought up well as he was a street child who don’t even Know his parents who they are and where are they? No body told him not to play with fire when he was young this is Nightmare to him now adays. He jointed army i guess at age of 16 to get food to eat as he was houseboy.

    Why he don’t value live of others is because he has no children and he want everybody to be like him. Hell no wait for the day. Hope you not gonna be hang like your godfather Saddam.

    One day God gonna change the world make it better place for every body. Foods to eat, place to sleep and security for all.

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