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Sudan Tribune

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Arab ministers must not trun blind eye to Darfur crimes – rebel chief

July 17, 2008 (WASHINGTON) — A Darfur rebel chief urged the Arab foreign ministers, who scheduled to meet over the ICC Prosecutor accusations against the Sudanese president, to not ignore Darfur crimes and to distinguish between politics and justice.

Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur
Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur
Arab foreign ministers are set to meet on Saturday in Cairo to demonstrate their solidarity with the Sudanese president against the request filed by the chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo to the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant against him for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdel-Wahid al-Nur called upon the Arab ministers to not turn blind eye to crimes against the humanity and genocide committed by the Sudanese government during five years in Darfur against the innocent civilians.

The rebel leader, speaking from Washington where he holds meetings with the US officials and American rights groups advocating Darfur cause, warned that Arabs by defending the head of a regime responsible of crimes against humanity and genocide risk to be accomplice of these crimes.

Al-Nur said the ICC Prosecutor is a man of law and political pressures on his legal action are inappropriate and could exasperate hatred between the different ethnic groups in the country. He further added that “this totalitarian regime” works since its inception to establish a radical system and to impose its ideology by force.

“Arabs have to distance themselves from such criminal regime” he said. “Because it had ever never being a regime of peace of acting to accomplish it,” he added.

He further said “this regime had turned down Arab calls and advises to respond to the legitimate demands of Darfur people and opted for the war and the systematic destruction of villages and the killing.”

The Arab League chief, Amr Musa, said yesterday he would travel to Khartoum heading an Arab delegation on Sunday after the foreign ministers emergency meeting.

He expressed concern over “repercussions” of the indictment of the Sudanese president by the ICC chief prosecutor.

“The situation is very serious and very dangerous. At the same time we are not convinced that the decision taken, or the steps taken, within the criminal court have been well considered.” He said.

Last Monday 14 July, Moreno-Ocampo has accused Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of a campaign of genocide that killed 35,000 people outright, at least another 100,000 through a “slow death” and forced 2.5 million to flee their homes in Sudan’s western Darfur region.



  • William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia
    William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia

    Arab ministers must not trun blind eye to Darfur crimes – rebel chief
    I meantioned many times, that the behaviour of Arab always standby Arab, and I bleave what is going to happen on saturday, only permmison to sweep out the black people, as the hide agenda, and condemn ICC decision, and yelling the west, USA, EU, Israel, as the final result of meeting.
    League of Arab will not recognize the people of Darfur, and they are not concerne.
    When the war broke out in Darfur Arab did not even ask what was the reason of war, they just gave weapons to the regime to distroy and capture Darfur to be Arab Land, and they knows regime will able to do that. The League of Arab gave sanction to the people of Darfur;

    -To Kill them slowly by hangers

    -Make regime strong giving him weapons and money.
    – To atake the land of promiss belong to Gaza also.
    -To spreat Islam and Arabization identification and capacity to distroy blacks and disapear them by rape their girls and kill their men.

    They keept trying to solve the conflict in Labnon, because the rule there is a majorty Christians, that is why they want to sweep out Christians in Labnon, thruogh Izub-Alla and his alliance Sirea and Irran, but they found it very difficul because of west concerne in the region as the land of Christianty and Israel border with Labnon.

    Today Nafi Ali Nafi and others are going to Irran and other Arab countries to mobilize about ICC decision to bring more weapons, and start the tactics that the regime said it will be released after ICC and UN declear the warrant of Omar Hassin Al-Bashir officialy arrest.

    Also China send his troops to Darfur as a peacekeeper, but with a very hide tactics in case of war agains the regime, they will fight to help regime, as now they are helping terroe in Irrwag through Irran.

    What Darfurian and people of south will be perpare for?.
    The land is our land, black Afican land. we wellcome any one who want to live in peace.
    the time of aslve is over,and everyone is free in his land, and Darfur will be African for ever, and Omar Al-Bashir is not Zubir Basha Wed-Rahama, so if Arab want peace, wellcome, but if land, we will defened and no Arab will touched.

  • Baggaran

    Arab ministers must not trun blind eye to Darfur crimes – rebel chief
    Not all arabs support al-Bashir.

    Many question the ability of a fractious Arab League to do anything to help Sudan in its confrontation with the ICC.

    «All they can do is to issue a statement of condemnation to console the Sudanese president,» wrote Abdel-Rahman al-Rashid, a leading Saudi columnist for the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper on Monday. «We must remember that the Arab League did not care about extermination of 300,000 Darfuris. It even refused to stand a moment of silence to the killings, displacements and burning.

    Some have welcomed the charges against al-Bashir.

    «This has long been overdue. Arab governments have not only turned their back to the sufferings of the Darfuris but encouraged al-Bashir to continue with his crimes,» said Bahey Eddin Hassan of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies.

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