Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei releases state strategic work plan

By Philip Thon Aleu

July 17, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Jonglei state Council of ministers have unanimously passed a strategic planning that spelt out direction of key policies, achievements and challenges in which priorities are put in place, state minister of Information and Communication said in a press statement on Thursday.

“This key document will be presented to the state Legislative Assembly for their deliberations and endorsement,” said Minister Taban Juch, in the statement, without elaborating the main challenges and priorities set forth but registered a tremendous pleasure.

“We are pleased as Government to achieve this goal,’ the statement goes in parts. However, Governor Kuol Manyang point fingers to arms and food insecurities, unemployment among youth and corruption as the sticklers to Jonglei development.

In addition to outlining state strategic work plan for 2007-2011, the minister says the state Constitution have been approved by Government of National Unity (GoNU) and Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) legislative assemblies.

“The Council is pleased to learn ….that the State Constitution has been approved and it will be signed into law soon by the Governor, allowing the three organs of government to function within the constitutional frame work,” he said in the press Statement.

In another improvement, GoNU awarded Jonglei State FM radio and TV satellite that will enhance delivery of information across South Sudan’s largest state, a source at the State ministry of Information has revealed.

According to the source, the State authorities are tasked to cater for local materials and labor among others. An amount just above 930,000 Sudanese Pound has been estimated by the State Ministry of Information and Communication as the variable cost of the equipment and approved by council of ministers.

Jonglei citizens say their quest for news and expression is being answered by the Government. “The best is been done! We need update and effecient passage of messages from the government,” a town resident identified as Majok Philip said.

Eletronic news and limited papers are the only sources of update in Jonglei and most parts of Southern Sudan. Much as this sources of information are generally good, Majok says, majority of people have been out of reach and inaccessible to information.



  • James

    Jonglei releases state strategic work plan
    Wow now what?

    There were some numskulls who didn’t want our participation in this web site, now after me and Gatwech left the board for a while, the board has became river of boredom compared only to the hell. We were only trying to meet here, share our ideas and have fun for most part. In fact there are thousands of web sites we can join and have more pleasant atmosphere than here.

    Look now even Jongolei articles these days people don’t want to see leave alone to read tham.

    In fact Jongolei turned to be corrupt state led by tribalistic individuals who love to work under-cover to harming others indirectly.

    Go to hell, I will never support Jongolei again till governor and his Dinkanized cabinet speak truth, stop hate and tribalism.

    That is it.

    God bless.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Jonglei releases state strategic work plan
    This is the Jonglei that I want!.

    That is what all of us who love seeing Jonglei in healthy progress want. As from today Jonglei is becoming one of the ten states which has clear planning of their affairs. That is good work.

    Thanks to the state minister of information for his clear vision. But mr. minister too much talking with less action doesn’t help!. Make sure you do a thorough follow up of the above two things you mentioned: FM and satalite Tv. I hope you had explored the source of your information very well and your wards shall come to reallty like the wards of that very man who is taking mobile network to Twic East.

    Brother James,

    Hate jonglei, love Jonglei, you will still take Jonglei nowhere!. Jonglei was and still shall be a historic state for healthy strategic planing till Jesus come!. So you better reveiw your writing or go back to were you and Gatwech were all these days.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism.

  • Majak-da

    Jonglei releases state strategic work plan
    What is very important is that Jonglei government is not sleeping. So, one can expect anything (at least better one). But you Ministers need to be clear why the Town is divided into classed; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc? Why are people divided into classes? This is a marginalization of greatest magnitude. Pull-up.

  • James

    Jonglei releases state strategic work plan
    Mr Deng Akol

    People of your color need to keep their mouths tightly shut because your mouths learnt and marriage permanently to the tribalism, hatred, corruption, nepotism and all kind of devilic characters.

    I think you need to lay down on your bed and think you can find answers to the reason as to why everybody in this board criticize you across the nation.

    It is flat clear that, a thief don’t want to be called thief but yet he still love to steal. Also, don’t risk your business when you want to date a prostitute by mentioning something to do with prostitution because she don’t want to be named protitute. That means everybody want good name and creditable reputation but, his wicked thinking cut him short from attaining those goals.

    I would be foolish enough to ask such kind of short sighted folks like you to name for me the success that qualify Jongolei to be better than other states? Where can we find state where governor divid his own people, which state some of his state citizens refused to hold census headquarter in their own state, which state with the highest raiding rate, which state else where one tribe own many counties at smallest land compressing others in one county each regardless of their vast geographical areas.

    Mr Deng Akol Which state where majority of all those corrupt officials who steal South Sudan money come from?

    I am sure you have all answers Mr.

    Please keep your mouth closed till the time when people like you are going to face real truth of democracy.

    I hope you love that.

    God bless.

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