Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president to visit Darfur on Wednesday

July 20, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — President Omer Hassan al-Bashir will visits Darfur next week for the first time since his indictment by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Omer al-Bashir
Omer al-Bashir
Al Bashir will visit North and South Darfur states on Wednesday 23 July amid a national and international mobilisation orchestrated by the ruling National Congress Party denouncing the request of the Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo who charged al-Bashir of three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder.

The governor of North Darfur, Osman Mohamed Yousef Kibir, expressed in a statement to the Sudan TV the readiness of his state to welcome al-Bashir adding that there would be an important demonstration to show the rejection of the ICC indictment against the president.

He also reaffirmed the states rejection of the allegations of the ICC chief prosecutor who is making efforts to destabilize Sudan’s unity and added that world will see how much Darfur people supporting him.

The prosecutor on Monday 14 July said Bashir had “personally instructed” his forces to annihilate three ethnic groups in Darfur region: “The crime of genocide is a crime of intention. Bashir had the intention to destroy the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups,” engaged in a rebellion in Darfur, he said.

The governor of south Darfur, Ali Mahmoud, said Al-Bashir’s visit to the state discredits the allegations of the chief prosecutor of the ICC and affirms the unity of the internal front.

He pointed out that the president will open a number of development projects including an electricity project as well as a number of secondary schools. He will also tour the Niyala water project which cost the state 50m US dollars.



  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    Sudanese president to visit Darfur on Wednesday
    I think Al-Bashir’s visit to South and North Darfur is another way to ask ICC prosecutor MR, Luis Ocampo to lift three counts of genocide, five counts of war crime against humanity, and two counts of murder that was put on him last week. Anyway, Mr. Bashir try your best to do so, but make sure you visit other parts of Sudan from far South to far North and from far East to far West then extend your visit to some of your African neighboring nations such Egypt, Lybia, and don’t forget to visit your friend Chines president in Asia and Russian president in Europe then go back to Khartoum with your nice long trip.

  • Shuggar

    Sudanese president to visit Darfur on Wednesday
    Beshir, why now to Darfur? Rallying day and night will not affect the ICC’s indictment anyway? Arab league, African Union and Islamic Int’l Organisation will not save you because your evil soul did not leave those organisations with options to defend you. Genocide, grave crimes against humanity and serious war crimes will hang around as a witness. Your brought shame to our lovely Sudan.

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    Sudanese president to visit Darfur on Wednesday

    It’s good that Bashir is taking tower to South And North Durfar to witness the exactly situation on ground and access the inlet to improve area of weakness that the Inernational community mighty have access.Butd don’t forget to address your evile that you have committed against them and ask them forgiven then you can have the way of persue the Moreno-Ocampo.What you did to Darfurian they can forgive you from it but they can never,never for get!

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    Sudanese president to visit Darfur on Wednesday
    persident Omer hassen al Bashir will make visit to Darfur , your visiting to darfur is not the soluation to the indictment made by the chief prosecuor for international criminal court on genocide,Crimes against humanity and war , though you visit the states of Darfur you will be still undrer arrest , why i need you particular to visit fur ,masalit and zaghawa ethnic group because ,they are,they most affected groups in Dafur and if your visit end now where , your kneck will still within the rope .secondly itis ashamefull for you to plan a visited after being insulted , called to ICC for invistigation and known to the internationally of making crimes to the entire community of suadan , your idealology is not for president ,it seem like you have your war criminals who also share thesame i dea of cattle keepers to gether with ,you , if it happened that you are not hang to follow sadam hassien.you will be sent to exil .you better go and site under your site bank with your fathaer (cattle keeper)


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