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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan, Libya agree to join hands on ICC and Darfur

July 20, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan and Libya agreed to work together in order to counter the prosecution of president al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and to settle Darfur crisis.

Muammar Gadhafi
Muammar Gadhafi

The Vice-President, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, returned to the country on Sunday evening after a short visit to Libya during which he discussed with the Libyan leader ways to counter charges against the Sudanese president by the ICC prosecutor.

Sudanese government is seeking to raise enough support within the UN Security Council, of which Libya is currently a non-permanent member, to block the eventual issuance of an arrest warrant for president Omer al-Bashir.

The Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo asked pre-trial judges on Monday to issue arrest warrants for Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir accusing him of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Taha told the reporters that his visit comes in the frame of the Higher Committee action to freeze any prosecution of president al-Bashir. He said his meeting with Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi was very positive, adding that they agreed on constructive ideas with regard to the management of the ICC crisis and how to deal with “the false accusations against” the Sudanese president.

He pointed out that Gadhafi confirmed “his rejection and condemnation of these allegations” and his support to the Sudanese government.

Libya’s minister for African affairs, Abdel Salam Triki reiterated the support of his government to the Sudanese president in this “conspiracy orchestrated against him.” He further added that such “plot is directed primarily against Sudan, Africa and the entire Arab homeland.”

Mustaf Osman Ismail the presidential adviser, and Youssef Abdel Fatah the responsible of relations with Libya in the ruling National Congress Party were among the delegation that accompanied Taha in his visit to Libya.

Last year, the African Union and the United Nations chose Libya to host peace talks aimed at ending the five-year conflict which has killed over 300,000 people and forced over 2.5 million from their homes. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised Libya’s “constructive role.”

Taha said the meeting with the Libyan leader touched on the ways that could lead to address the issue of Darfur which is the pretext on which the ICC prosecutor based his charges against the Sudanese president.

The two parties also agreed on a joint mechanism to detail the ideas put forward by Gadhafi. According to the Sudanese vice-president, the Libyan leader proposed to conduct a series of contacts to address Darfur crisis and to determine a roadmap to for to settle it.

He also underlined that the contacts would be inclusive to all parties which could contribute to the resolution of Darfur crisis and the issue of the ICC.



  • Gatnath

    Sudan, Libya agree to join hands on ICC and Darfur
    who care whether this may be a plot directed against whoever the minster called; should it be Sudan or the entire Arab homeland, it is not our problem, as long as it will get rid of al-criminal Bashir, the killer of southern Sudanese and Darfuri!!

    I support my people in Darfur and Southern Sudan, let the criminal that shed the blood of poor Darfuri BOYS, in the street of al-omdurman al-satania, less than two months ago, meet his fade in the hand of the international community!!

    Arab were welcome to Sudan, but they turn to forget that hospitallity of the African people of Sudan, now, it is a high time to let them know that Sudan is not belong to them, they look stronger because they were using other African-Sudanese, such as the people of Darfur and Nuba monts, against their African brothers in Southern Sudan, simply becuase they are muslims and thus they were made to be believe that they share the same values and culture!

    Thank God, now those people have come to realisation that it just a tactic from Arabs to help them to rule Africans in Sudan!! they will never allow this to happen again as Arabs have start to show their true colour now to them as they have been doing to the great people of the Southern Sudan!

    Sudan has been transformed forever, there will no Sadiq Al-Mahdi or any nonsense traditional northern parties that used to run like their own property will rule us again!! it is our turn to take care of country Sudan!! long live the unity of African Sudanese and the victory for will be ours!!!!!

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