Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unifying Sudan, a mission impossible

By Luke Kuth Dak

July 24, 2008 — Any Southern Sudanese would regain hope if gone were the days when Northern Sudanese apartheid style regimes systematically inflicted injustices upon the majority African people of the marginalized regions, which has been in existence for more than half a century and counting. The arabized north sinfully believed that the Southern Sudanese educated were too intellectually inferior and morally deficient to stand up against them.

Ironically, this divisive, destructive, and racist attitude has worsened in recent years, despite the fact that, most of the Southerners who are members of the so-called government of the national unity (GNU), the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the government of south Sudan (GOSS) respectively, are terrific human beings, diligent and articulate politicians who hold degrees from higher learning institutions world wide.

The saddest part, however, is that, this notion of looking down on other Sudanese base solely on triads they can never control, is highly unlikely to ever change, which makes it even more difficult to unite the country. Further, having been schooled in the north, and lived there lived for several years, and seen things that I have seem- first hand, I must honestly say that, just the thought of uniting the country, is nothing more than just an absolute waste of a valuable time for both sides. It’s clear, without a shadow of a doubt that: whatever the two parts of the country might have had in common, no longer exists, after all these years of civil wars.

The differences are widening by the day, and so is the frustration. Even the very few Southern Sudanese who were reluctantly leaning towards unity, they couldn’t have been more disappointed, with the Islamic National Front’s arrogance and incompetence that continues to drag down any affords to transform the country into a just, fair and a democratic one, for all of it’s peoples-not just a few. Given this history, it would be too naïve and too underestimating to assume that: the extremists would give up their greed for anything less than a vigorous fight you only see between cats and dogs. They will never shy off from using Islam to blackmail other citizens if it serves their interest, just as they have done in the south and most recently Darfur.

What’s more, in most circles- in south Sudan, there’s no longer any question that south Sudan will depart away comes 2011, which seems too long and too frustrating a wait, given the INF continuous do-nothing to make unity attractive, and it’s persistence stance on the same divisive policies which had taken as to this deplorable stage in the first place Besides, I was overwhelmed by the wide spread of support expressed by some Southern Sudanese on the suggestion I have put forth in my previous article, “ The assault on pagan Amum.” that south had enough of unfulfilled agreements in the past and the CPA will most likely follow suite. My e-mail was flooded with comments that unanimously supported the idea of an early departure for the south. I couldn’t agree more with those voices of wisdom. We believe the SPLM has the legitimacy there is to declare the independence of Southern Sudan, if it chooses to. And it can be sure of the support of not only the overwhelming majority of Southern Sudanese, but also our allies in the marginalized regions of Sudan. That’s why I am a huge supporter of the Sudan Peoples’ liberation Movement, even though, am not a member. It has given us the likes of Yasir Arman, Pagan Amum and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth- to name a few- who are not afriad to stand up for what’s right, and say what no one else can, that: Sudan is in deed, a failed, corrupt, and immoral state in decline.


News coming from the capital of south Sudan, Juba, has it that the SPLM will shake-up it’s ministerial positions in the government of national unity, with in the next few weeks or so. If that happens, it would be a golden opportunity to say to the INF regime: thank you, but no thank! You can have the ministry of foreign affairs back. It’s not in the best interest of the citizens of the south to continue to hold on to a phony ministry, which is run like a colt. Apparently no Southern Sudanese who can be successful in the ministry. Deng Alor Kol is surrounded with an army of extremists from the INF: the world most famous dentist, Mustafa Otheman Ismail- one of the worst strong men of the regime, two state ministers and an under secretary. Even in the normal circumstances, it’s highly uncomfortable- if not shameful- for any Southerner to represent Sudan in the so-called Arab League, not to mention the Islamic nations organization’s conferences where Sudan is a major player. Plus, why should anyone other than the INF be put in an awkward position such as Deng Alor’s, just to clean up a half a century long foreign policy mess? It’s neither fair to Deng Alor nor the south. His gifts and talents can and should be put to use in other endeavors.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Sudan, rumors are beginning to pour in that the Islamic extremist terrorists are finding their ways into states, counties and towns in the Southern Sudan particularly, the capital, Juba. This time around though, the terrorists are using new tricks, in order to elude the law enforcement agencies. They’re no longer wearing their traditional trade- mark of beards and white robes. In fact, they’re wearing the very same African clothing worn by most Southerners including those in the government, under the pretext of being merchants or businessmen.

The Southern Sudanese people can only hope that these pretty dangerous wide spread rumors are in fact incorrect. But if they are correct, then, some real detective and scrutinization work must be put in place, and in a hurry. The government must come up with a comprehensive strategic planning, enact tougher laws and impose the most severe penalties on the cowards who put the public safety in harms ways. Moreover, south is a nation pretty much still at war, and at war’s time, nothing should be off the table. There should be no safe haven for terrorists including places of worship.

Public safety must be the number one GOSS’ concern, now and forever.

The author is a former anchorman at radio Juba, and can be reached at: [email protected]

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