Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide

July 24, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — A National Congress Party official has slammed statements made by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Secretary General terming Darfur crimes as genocide.

Pagan Amum, in an interview with the UN sponsored Miraya FM, said that there was genocide in Darfur. He further said that this is the view of SPLM, adding even the late SPLM Chairman Dr John Garang described what is happening in Darfur as such.

“So this is SPLM’s point of view since before the war, genocide has been taking place in Darfur as it had happened in Southern Sudan.” Pagan said.

NCP leading member and head of Darfur Peace Agreement implementation body, Adam Rahamah has condemned Amum’s statement. He stressed that it was up to Darfuri to say what is right but not the SPLM Secretary General.

“Pagan Amum makes this statement because Dr. John Garang died, and (the late chief) does not exist now so that people are unable to inquire if Garang made similar statements.” Rahamah said.

In allusion to the recent demonstration in the capital and in Darfur after the indictment of the Sudanese president of genocide charges by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Rahamah said “Darfur people came out to express sadness and denounce (such accusation).”

“I don’t know whether Pagan is speaking on behalf of the people of Darfur.” He added.

On July 14, the ICC prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo charged president Omer al-Bashir of a campaign of genocide that killed 35,000 people outright, at least another 100,000 through “slow death” and forced 2.5 million to flee their homes.

Since the NCP is conducting a national and international campaign to counter the ICC indictment and to force the UN Security Council to suspend the prosecution of Darfur crimes. The First Vice President and SPLM chairman, Salva Kiir Mayadrit, is the head of a crisis committee to deal with the ICC accusations of genocide.

Pagan Amum had already uttered such statements describing Darfur atrocities as genocide. In a speech before the Sudanese community in Cairo on July 6, 2007 he said “what is happening today in Darfur is ethnic cleansing and genocide in its really meaning, and it is a real challenge before us.”

He further told Sudanese in Cairo that the war in southern Sudan claimed more than 4 million lives and now that is happening in Darfur. “The IDPs in Sudan are between 6 to 7 million and about 5 million lost their lives. In every ten IDPs in the world, nine is from Sudan, Sudanese are scattered everywhere in the world, and this was the evidence of political failure in Sudan.”

The defying SPLM Secretary General repeated recently these statements of political failure in Khartoum where the NCP officials attacked him and requested his resignation from his position as cabinet affairs minister in the national unity government.

Further al-Bashir formed a committee to investigate with him over these statements, but the SPLM rejected such move.

Today, in Khartoum the two peace partners, held a meeting in Khartoum to discuss the preparations for the comprehensive peace conference for Darfur.

SPLM deputy secretary general, Yasir Arman, who headed the delegation of his party, hailed the statements made by the president al-Bashir in Darfur yesterday where he pledged to involve the non-signatories’ rebel movement in this conference.



  • Gabe

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Dear Sudaneses

    Rahamah needs to understand, that Mr. Amum got equal right to say what when wrong in the country as he(Rahamah) does. it is no longer these days when NCP/NIF hardelineres use to difine things in country(Sudan)whatever way the wants and only them.

    Mr. Rahamah needs to got use to sudan of “us”. not sudan of NCP. if he can define what happened in darfur then why not Mr. Amum. or does he(RahamaH) assumped to speaking for the darfurian and not Mr.Amum as he seems to claim.

    Mr. Rahamah you needs to change that mind-set of only you and your NCP menbers to say what is going on the country and no one else. than get use to the reality which is our Sudan and we all have a say.

    Southners needs to be aware of such isolation. this notion of , oh you,re a southerners talk only when it come to southerns affiars even if you are a member of Gonu is dangerous and needs to be fight harder by southerners.

  • Steve Paterno
    Steve Paterno

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    “Pagan Amum makes this statement because Dr. John Garang died, and (the late chief) does not exist now so that people are unable to inquire if Garang made similar statements.” What a stupid statement by this guy Adam Rahama! If Adam Rahama is that stupid, does he think that all are stupid like him. So, if a person dies, is it difficult to verify what he said.

    In 2004 on an interview with KTN in Nairobi, Garang said, “So it is basically an issue of marginalization, and the people of Darfur felt that they have no access to power, to resources, to wealth, and they rebelled, and the government took very harsh measures in trying to quell this rebellion.”

    In 2004, in US Congressional hearing, Garang wondered, “How do you ask the government committing genocide to secure the people against whom it is committing genocide?”

    Steve Paterno

  • NgorKur Mayol Chier
    NgorKur Mayol Chier

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    It is unbelievable indeed to believe that the Sudanese journalist including, the people of Darfur for their lie to the world that 2.5 millions lives have been killed in the war of Darfur only. What about in the South Sudan before? How many people have been died in the guerilla war that last for 21 years of invasion? For me, I can’t believe this as something true because the war between South and north was the one that have been gone longer enough then, the conflict war in Darfur. If they lie, then their God or Allah can judge them fairly according to the way they have lie to the people of the worldwide. Why Sudanese doesn’t tells truth to the supper power worldwide nations if they really want their voices to be heard by the human rights society as great America.


  • James

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Mr Steve Paterno:

    I know you as not only well education men, but open minded individual, and I normally respect your Ideas & agree with you most of the times. Though frankness in politics yields harm, yet we still need to be very observant often.

    I discovered that we have very wicked political spirite that divide us day and night. This kind of parallelism may not allow us to achieve most of the things we want through political debates later in the future if we don’t stop.

    Actually, Iam one of the people who are confuse knowing nothing about South Sudan stand regarding Omar Bashir’s indicement charges, because as a nation as we pretend to be, we can not win the ground when our president Kiir is heading recently form committee to fight against Bshir indicement meanwhile the secretary from the party lead by the same person who fight to set Bashir free jump out to press charges against the same Bashir. I personally don’t simply find the clue. It is just political crack with ourselves. Why don’t we learn to speak on common goal as Southerners?

    Since the indicement of Omar Bashir surfaced out, I have never uttered a word because the charges levelled against him are not right. If ICC want Omar Bashir to be fully indicted, they would have charged him with 2,000,000 South Sudanese who died during 22 years of North south war not with the charges of 300,000 or 10,000 people who died in Darfur because you can not forgive a thief who rob the bank and made away with $10,,000,000 and charge him tomorrow for stealing a bottle of beer, that doesn’t work.

    Mr. Steve, we as Southerners have big problem that we need to fix before taking other steps.

    I hope you agree with me.

    God bless

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Shameless Bashir’s dog-Rahaman.

    Please leave our wise Pagan Amum alone. He is a truth teller. No way he can keep his mouth shut while you are commiting genocide in Darfur. What had happened in Darfur is a genocide so you better stop calling Pagan and those names you are uttering.

    You shamelessly said that Pagan is saying these just becouse the “cheif” Garang is dead. Are you retarded?. Garang wasn’t a cheif fro your information, he was a vice president. Sure Dr. Garang is dead but the clean records that he made during live time are still alive!. So if you are not sure of what you are taking about, whether Pagan is right or wrong why don’t look for those records only to prove your foolishless.

    How do you call mass killing of people for continues years if not genocide?. Is it not genocide?. You better take it the way Pagan is putting otherwise your days are numbered. You and your master are going to be hung just like Sadam.

    If you are not sure you better take it this way.

    Saddam Husein of Iraq died there!.

    Slobodan Milosevic died right there!

    Charle tailor is now there!.

    Jean Pierre Bemba is there!.

    Soon Joseph Kony of LRA will be there!

    And of course Bashir must soon be there!

    Please puts in your poor brain that Bashir is not more than Saddam. So leave pagan alone.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, aman far away from tribalism.


    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Dear readers,

    Honourable Pagan Amum got it right over NCP.Pagan is not only a committed politician but also a true man of the people.He speaks sense in calling Darfur crime as a genocide.

  • Deng Aruei Yak
    Deng Aruei Yak

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Dear Hon Amum,
    please hold on don’t tire of your suitabel speeches which you give public.
    your party Sudan’s People Liberation Movement is behind you.
    the foolish are agaist you and feel at home .i like the way you act in the goverment with zero atolerate. they will bark at you untill the will keep quite by themselves. what is going on in Darfur is genocide and true can set you free.

    Mr Deng Aruei Yak.
    far away from Politics.

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Thank you Pagan Amun for your leadership courage, a man who devoted his life for his people, who had left his education for sake of his people could not betray his country at the last minute and will not be blackmail anymore. Mr. Amun knows the usual corridors of trick use by the NCP since from the beginning and now, it is easy for him to figure out the hidden agenda from his political rival. This is why the NCP bases its political focus on him. They fear him; he is one of the people whom NCP does not want to work with them. But NCP must acknowledge that Sudan is for all of us with equal rights and freedom of speech.

    The NCP should not expect Pagan Amun to remain silence over what he sees as catastrophe to the CPA and the country at large.
    Pagan, we are with you at all time, never surrender at the last minute, you have made it,the number of intellectual from South Sudanese have soared, it is not like the time you took up arm and fight for freedom.
    Never Surrender at the last minute

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Dear James & steve, you have logic sense over viewing things of course we have obtain such prediction in advance.

    However just look at the statement made by Rahaman which was absolutely political error.Imagine Pagan as describe sudan as a faile state and that statement provoke the president Bashir and he actually form a committe to investigate him and ask for resignation from his position of Cabinet Affair.Nontheless as a southern following vision of new sudan which focus early by late Dr Garang in entirely country just after one week the ICC indict Bashir for war crime and genocide in Darfur and that is the faile Pagan was talking of,how wonderfull vision Pagan predicted!

    The only thing the GoNU is corrupted governce of Governmentship and they donot want any correction on their evil does .As southern whom are speaking sense of understanding leave this useless man like Rahaman with limit reason capacity soon he can follow Bashir in hague if he as not change from such attitude .
    May bless be upon those who hightlight the eye’s of innocent be bless!!!

  • William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia
    William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    The truths will not be hide,Dr John Garang a live and our hope will never be end, SPLA/M is a live.

    Dear friends: you will hear very shurtly the secrets of the Regime, will be posted on sudanile news paper, by some one who spoke to the man who hold the files of Mr Ali Al-Haj,former minister in the regime rule, he spoke about Omar Al-Bashir and Nafi Ali Nafi and Ali Osman Taha and their releation with Osaama Ben Laden the terror Leader, and how they try to assassinated Egyption president Hassins Mubarik.The regime is rosponsible of genocide committed in Darfur and South Sudan.

    Speak out Mr Fagan Amum, and the people of new suda are with you, and ready to fight, to free our people from the heades regime and thire genocide.

  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    When I look at mr.Pagan determination in his position in politics ,he is really want to let world know all the failures characterised in Sudanese system of government.In Sudan people are fond of producing lies and claim them rights.The example of this is seen when President Bashir let his civl servants gathered in Darfur and said that they are Darfur returnees.Pagan is right to say this word.
    I thank him for being courageous to let us hear this hidden atrocities.
    May God blesses Pagan.

  • Omer

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Again a former Rebel with no legitimacy to be a minister of any sorts making inappropriate and inflammatory comments about the President of the Republic.

    At least for the sake of his professionalism, he would deny such accusations towards the president while we a have a sitting president and this seriously shows the amount of loyalty and “unity” the SPLM claims to seek with the North and all other regions.

    Strangely enough he draws to John Garang as his inspiration for such statements, yet he himself is cited by many sources as one of the key war criminals of North/South civil war, and his extermination of rival tribes in the south to get them under his command.

  • Petero igaa
    Petero igaa

    SPLM’s Amum at odds with Sudan peace partner over Darfur genocide
    Dear Folks,
    The brilliant Secretary of the SPLM presented the view of the SPLM and his personal a sound human being. As a matter fact SPLM & NCP are partners of CPA and more so they are political parties with independent phyilosophies. This does not simply give the NCP/Rahama the rights to point fingers at Amum. The sec. Gen does not hold the position of the First vice President of the Republic of Sudan.(the VP has two tickets, right now he is using the FVP ticket to head the Crisis Committee gentlement)
    Where does it say in the CPA that, when the NCP commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity SPLM should tell ICC, UN, US, Britain & the International community that there is nothing wrong happening in Darfur? The SPLM has stand view over the affiars of Sudan or the killings taking place in Darfur. What was why the Sec. Gen made such statements: Genocite or Sudan is a state of failure. The truth always bites but it has to be said.

    If ICC allow this situation get out of hand, by allowing China, Russian etc in their conspiracy with the UN. It has lost credibility and trust of the world; as world wide legal and independent Judiciary system.

    The propaganda of the former Arab regimes and Bashir for using Islam as a uniting factor against the Southern Sudanese is now being used to blindfold the eyes of the Darfuris; to forgive Bashir of his sins. The blood of the Children, the old, weak and the disabled will not forgive Bashir. I think the Darfuris are well aware of such tactics. Those Posters used and the statement of Bashir, using Islam as a way of convincing the Darfuris will not hold any water.

    Friends I for one have come to know that, most of the countries and individuals who are opposed to the indictment of Al Bashir have been friends of interest and sucking the blood of the Darfuris. It is evident that they are the perpetrators of the killings taking place. Imagine some of the fellow African Countries flatering with statements like: who will arrest Bashir, Bashir will now kill more people, UN, AU will be kicked out of Sudan/Darfur, the CPA will collapse etc, these mythical speculations. What have these Bodies done over the fives: allow BAshir to kill with impunity. Bashir’s days are numbered and if he choose war with the South as protest for the opinion of SPLM/Sec Gen. over the DArfur issue or his indictment, then his government and the Muslim brothers are finished.

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