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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities

By James Gatdet Dak

July 25, 2008 (JUBA) – The Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has passed a resolution forming a Ministerial Committee to look into possible urgent solutions to quickly repatriate the three universities of Southern Sudan currently based in Khartoum.

These three Universities are the University of Juba, University of Upper Nile and University of Bahr el Ghazal which were relocated to northern Sudan during the 21-year civil war.

In the weekly Council of Ministers meeting on Friday chaired by the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the resolution was passed after lengthy discussions on the memo presented by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Government of National Unity (GoNU), Professor George Bureng Nyombe in collaboration with the Minister of Education, Science and Technology in the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), Professor Job Dhuruai.

The eight-member Ministerial Committee shall be headed by the GoSS Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Luka Tombekana Manoja with membership of the two respective Ministers of GoNU and GoSS as well as the three Vice Chancellors of the three universities, among others.

According to the press statement issued after the meeting by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Official Spokesperson of the Government, Gabriel Changson Chang, the Ministerial Committee, which will also be supported by a technical committee, is mandated to look into required budgets for the infrastructures of the Universities as well as their administrations.

Minister Chang said the Committee’s terms of reference will also include exploring the possibility of converting the current Juba Military Barrack into University of Juba premises and relocating the military personnel to Bilinyang – a few kilometers north of Juba – as proposed by the GoNU Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor George Bureng.

Both Professor George Bureng and Professor Job Dhuruai appealed to the Government of Southern Sudan to support the urgent repatriation of the three Universities to their original locations, lamenting that the Government of National Unity has not come forth to support the return of these national institutions.

The Council of Ministers noted that no level of government – GoNU or GoSS – has budgeted for the three universities in the 2008 fiscal year budget. GoNU identifies these Universities with GoSS while GoSS identifies them with GoNU as national institutions falling under the responsibility of the national government.

The Friday’s resolution urged the Ministerial Committee to formulate a budget proposal for the three universities and submit it within one week to the Council of Ministers for approval.



  • Martin

    South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities
    I think the resolution that requires the three universities to be quickly relocated back to South Sudan is a naive decision. What does the GoSS want to repatriate, the names and places with buildings or students that are studying in Khartoum? Is the GoSS confused or afraid to frankly tell the North Sudan to officially closed down those three universities from the North? The materials in those institutions that the people know were taken to the North during the war are nothing than our natural resourcse which have been exploited and exported to the North before the war began and upto now.

    I was expecting the GoSS to relocate a budget that can rebuild the three universities plus more and to promote higher education in the South. I suggest those three universities; Juba, Upper Nile, and Bahr el Ghazal should remaind in the North as branches if the North accept to maintain their funding. There is no higher education without a budget.

  • Deng John Ajang
    Deng John Ajang

    South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities
    Huge thanks to the ministers concerned and the vice president of the government of Southern Sudan. Eradication of illiteracy is our target; the government of National Unity is not having any plan for the three universities. It is the duty of the government of Southern Sudan to make sure that the three universities are in their positions in the South.

  • youngdinka

    South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities
    let get rid of Reik Marchar from his currently position because ehe trying to ends SPLM and Uganda freindship. Reik is just targeting to ruin SPLM freinds there meant splm will be weak but Reik i pointed my mid finger to you.

    can’t you stop of greddiness of leadership.

  • Maduk Lual
    Maduk Lual

    South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities
    Thanks you very much indeed the cabinet of south Sudan, by saying that you wants to repatriate our universities which are currently base in Khartoum since the civil War broke out in southern Sudan, pliz i urge you to do so.
    By Mr. Maduk Lual Makuei.

  • Bona K
    Bona K

    South Sudan cabinet wants urgent return of universities
    That message sound good, but how quickly will it be? Repatriation of Universities don’t fit to all kind of thought that there are spark of all undone on primaries and secondaries level, otherwise there most be languaage problem here. Does it mean to repatriate names from North to South right? Well, to me it sound like pushing water onto mountain top instead of water flowing into the lower label. I encourage your decission as well I hold my breath and wait what will it be..

    Bona K.

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