Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

New batch of Russian peacekeepers fly to Sudan

August 4, 2008 (MOSCOW) — Some Air Force personnel will leave today to Sudan as part of a scheduled rotation of of Russia’s contribution to the UN mission in Sudan (UNMIS), a military spokesman announced today.

Around 10000 peacekeepers are deployed in Sudan, particularly its southern part, to support the implementation of a peace deal signed in 2005 between the Sudanese government and the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement ending a two decades conflict in the country.

Russia participates with 120 aviation personal and four Mi-8 helicopters in this peacekeeping mission. The first unit of Russian peacekeepers arrived in Sudan in April 2006.

“Eighty pilots and technical specialists will fly to Sudan on August 4 aboard an Il-18 military transport plane,” Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.

He further said that a second group of 40 servicemen would fly to Sudan on August 8.

The Russian aviators transport military and civil members of the peacekeeping mission as well as cargoes. They also carry out rescue operations.



  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    New batch of Russian peacekeepers fly to Sudan
    Are these Russians truely peacekeepers?.

    With much doubt, last month many Chinese came claiming to be peacekeepers, now these Russians are coming to Sudan, particularly Southern Sudan!. what peace are they really coming to Keep?. Do they really know what peace is?. If So, why support the bloody Bashir?.

    I personally beleif that these Russians, Chinese and some from Bangaladish are Bashir hired thugs. They come to Sudan only to implement Bashir Policies and that is all!.

    I argue UN to keeps on monitoring these terrorists which are using UN’s name only to come and terrorise Southern Sudan.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from racism.

  • Gatdelha

    New batch of Russian peacekeepers fly to Sudan
    Let Russians first keep the peace in their war torn country before they think of coming to Sudan! otherwise they are coming to protect al-bashir and not Darfuri people given to their always support for Arab!! thusfar, I advice Darfuri not to welcome Russians with flowers but with builets on their heads!!

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