Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM women support ICC Prosecutor efforts to bring Bashir to justice

Statement of Sudan Liberation Movement SLM women commission

August 10, 2008 — In the name of all women who passed on the struggle for freedom in Darfur, in the name of Sudanese women in refugees and in IDPs camps, in the name of all Darfurian women who are continue their struggle on the front, in the name of raped women who are very brave to continue giving their share on struggle, in the name of our daughters who will continue liberate this country, in the name of all women on exile who have been forced to flee their country.

Since this regime steel power in the country in 1989, Sudanese women suffered a lot from Albashir and his regime in Khartoum, when they target women in Darfur, South Sudan, Nuba Mountain, in Blue Nile and in, Eastern Sudan. Darfur women suffered from systematic genocide which manifested in rape, abduction, sexual slavery, imprisonment, torture and vast human rights violations against women has been committed by his followers.

On July 14, 2008, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo presented evidence to the ICC’s Judges against Marshal Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, President of Sudan on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur since 2003. Mr. Ocampo briefed members of the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber on details of the genocide in Darfur, requested them to evaluate the evidence and issue warrant for Marshal Al-Bashir’s arrest.

Women commission of Sudan Liberation Movement SLM in all chapters, want to support Mr. Ocampo on what he did and we believe that, the first step on the finding an ever last solution is to prosecute all people who committed war crimes in Darfur.

We urge all international community to exert more pressure on Khartoum regime to cooperate with ICC and stop perpetuation of women and children in Darfur by deployment of all UN force to escalate security level in the region.

We also want to stress on the miserable conditions in refugees camps in Darfur due to serious shortages in food and medical assistance and we warn the international community of serious famine in Darfur.

SLM Women commission

[email protected]

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