Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir

August 9, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The International Criminal Court of July 14, has helped to bring all the political forces together, said the Sudanese president Omer al-Bashir today in a meeting with the leader of foreign Islamic movements.

Omar al-Bashir
Omar al-Bashir
ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo last month requested an arrest warrant be issued against Bashir over accusations that he was involved in war crimes in Darfur region.

Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. Judges are expected to take months to study the evidence before deciding whether to order Al-Bashir’s arrest.

Following Ocampo’s application for an arrest warrant, all the Sudanese political forces denounced the move and announced their support to president Omer al-Bashir. They also called to end the five years conflict in Darfur swiftly.

Speaking to leaders of Islamic delegation that attended the seventh convention of the Sudanese Islamic Movement today in his residence Bashir said that Ocampo’s accusations have contributed to unify the national ranks in an unprecedented manner.

Bashir further added that ICC’s “allegations aim to destabilize the country and to stop the development process that Sudan is witnessing.

He also said that Darfur conflict was one of a series of plots against Sudan because of its rejection to the colonialist hegemony, pointing out that the Western media backed by lobby groups worked to distort the image of the country.

The president reaffirmed that the challenges facing Sudan will increase its determination to press ahead with the peace and development process.

Since the ICC prosecutor unveiled his intention to sue the Sudanese president on July 14, Bashir repeats his rejection to cooperate with the international tribunal. He further obtained the support of the African Union and the Arab League who see the indictment as an obstacle to the political solution of Darfur crisis.

The political forces inside the country say the international court endangers the implementation of the peace process in the country and could affect particularly another deal signed with the SPLM to end a two decades of civil war mainly in southern Sudan.

According to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, a process of democratic transformation is engaged in the country and free general elections are scheduled to be held next year. Bashir’s party threatens to suspend the process if the ICC judges follow the prosecutor and issue an arrest warrant for its leader.

Last month the U.N. Security Council pledged to discuss the suspension of the ICC proceedings against the Sudanese president. However the issue is not on the agenda of the 15 member council for this month. France and Britain say they can approve the deferral if Sudan accepts to hand over two suspects in a first case to the ICC.

However, one of the ICC registered councils, Hadi Shalluf, told Sudan Tribune that the Rome Statute does not allow for a partial deferral and that any such resolution would cover the other two suspects Ahmed Haroun, state minister for humanitarian affairs, and militia commander Ali Kushayb.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir
    ICC’s decision only aimed at stopping the killing in Darfur, bring those responsible for the suffering of Furs and has nothing to do with anything other than that full stop.

    However, ICC deision did not unify me with you and I think alot of people are considering disassosciating themselves with your regime before getting too late for them to do so. Even within your NIF party are different views that favoured coorparating positively with the ICC.

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir
    Dear persident ,

    what you are talking for is not much with what ICC is talking of it , you ,other members of SPLM and Government of sudan Had already signed the peace and yet rest of the protocols being signed were n,t acheived by either of you , the CPA has its own procedures and polices mainwhile the ICC has its own Rules. What is the Conection of CPA and ICC? the the 10 charges against Omer doesn,t Include CPA Protocols that were being Signed ,Why don,t you say to ICC that you don,t want the ICC polices instead of Attaching diferent topic to the ICC dicisions that warrant arest was made by mr occampo and he is the top presecutor in the world what he say will be anyalized by ICC Judges and send out as dicision Made by international Judges


  • Gatdelha

    ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir
    Al-bashir! African Sudanese are with touched and hurt by your killing of Darfuri brothers! if that is what you mean by bringing forces together then, you are right otherwise think twice!

  • Gatdelha

    ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir
    Al-bashir! African Sudanese are touched and hurt by your killing of Darfuri brothers! if that is what you mean by bringing forces together then, you are right, otherwise think twice!

  • Aketch

    ICC indictment helps to bring Sudanese forces together – Bashir
    what Omar is doing is a pure and a total
    threat.If he is not a fool,can president of the country as he called himself threatens to adjourn the the first to be democratic elections.For whom is the elections going to be conducted,ICC or his own people.His bloody supporters are also already blind behind him.
    My dear Omar Hassan,fights your own way to get off those charges against you but donot fight back to your own people

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