Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Misseriya leaders broker truce to allow civilians to escape conflict zone in Babanus

Civilians flee Babanusa on foot heading to neighbouring areas on January 26, 2024

Babanusa, January 31, 2024 – In a bid to alleviate the plight of civilians caught in the crossfire, traditional leaders in Sudan’s West Kordofan state have brokered a temporary ceasefire between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the town of Babanusa.

The truce, initiated on Wednesday, aims to facilitate the safe evacuation of civilians trapped in Babanusa, which has been the epicentre of intense fighting between the two rival forces since January 22.

The RSF’s offensive to seize control of the 22nd Infantry Division headquarters in Babanusa has resulted in heavy casualties and widespread destruction in the town.

Osman Al-Saleh, a member of the Babanusa Emergency Room, described the situation in the town as “catastrophic,” with all hospitals and markets closed, water supplies disrupted, and communication lines severed.

He lamented the plight of dozens of civilians still stranded in conflict zones, unable to flee due to the presence of RSF snipers and the rampant looting by armed groups associated with the paramilitary forces.

“The Misseriya paramount chief, Mukhtar Babu Nimr, and several tribal leaders reached an agreement with the army and the RSF to observe a temporary truce to allow civilians stuck at the sites of clashes to leave their homes to safe locations,” Al-Saleh told Sudan Tribune.

He commended the efforts of people in neighbouring towns, who have been tirelessly evacuating stranded civilians and providing them with shelter in safe havens such as Al-Fula, Al-Muglad, Umm Ash, Kalait Al-Dulaima, Al-Qantour, and other locations.
