Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Eritrean minister in Khartoum to discuss Sudan Chad relations

August 13, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Eritrean foreign minister arrived to Khartoum today to hand over a message from President Isaias Afewerki to his Sudanese counterpart Omer al-Bashir on Sudan Chad relations.

Eritrea which is part of the contact group charged with the implementation of Dakar Agreement between Sudan and Chad, will host on August 26 a meeting of the group to discuss mechanisms related to the deployment of the joint patrols throughout border between the two countries.

Deng Alor, the Sudanese foreign minister Wednesday held talks with the visiting Eritrean foreign minister, Osman Saleh on Asmara efforts to mend relations between Khartoum and Ndjamena.

Alor told the reporters that Saleh’s visit comes within the framework of advanced relations between the two countries adding the visiting minister would hand over a message to Sudanese president from his Eritrean counterpart on this matter.

He also said that Eritrea had played an important role in the resolution of Darfur crisis and Sudan welcomes any initiative in favour of a political solution to the issue.

The Eritrean minister will meet, during his visit, a number of Government of National Unity officials to discuss relations between Sudan and Chad.

Speaking to the media, Saleh hailed the relations between the two countries adding that Eritrean is working to restore Sudan Chad relations.

In response to a Libyan mediation, Sudan and Chad agreed on August 1, to restore diplomatic relations, three months after Khartoum’s decision to break off bilateral relations with Ndjamena last May accusing president Idriss Deby of supporting a rebel raid on the capital.

Sudan announced it will open its embassy in Ndjamena next week.

However a tripartite meeting should be held between Beshir Deby and Gadhafi in Tripoli but no date has been yet fixed.


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