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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.28

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.28

14 August 2008

Key overall developments

– On 11 August, PricewaterhouseCoopers announced that they have donated more than USD $4 million to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to be used to build and operate schools in Chad for refugee children who have fled the conflict in Darfur.

– On 12 August, the Government of Japan announced that it has extended a grant of USD $5.8 million to UNICEF to improve the situation of children’s health in Sudan as well as to ward off communicable diseases in the country.

Needs and response by sector

Food Security and Livelihoods

North Darfur

– The World Food Programme (WFP) blanket supplementary feeding programme (BSFP) blending machine and mixing operation started this week, with food distributions to take place shortly. The programme plans to target an overall 200,000 children-under five with a nutritious premix of corn and soya blend (CSB), vegetable oil, sugar and dry skim milk to stave off malnutrition. Community sensitization on the programme is ongoing at targeted locations.

South Darfur

– The 5,000 new arrivals to Al Salam IDP Camp were confirmed and verified by WFP partner, World Vision. The group will be included in the general food distribution (GFD) caseload for August. A further 615 new arrivals were verified at El Neem IDP Camp.
– A WFP monitoring team visited Al Salam IDP Camp to monitor a BSFP distribution for about 12,000 children under-five. The team was able to visit three (3) out of the six (6) sectors and met with partners on the ground as well as beneficiaries and local food management committees. The team found that beneficiaries were well informed on the intended beneficiaries of this project, the way to cook the premix provided, as well as basic hygiene rules. Overall in South Darfur WFP currently distributes BSFP rations to 44,000 children, with one of the objectives being to mitigate the negative impact of the cuts applied to the GFD ration due to the WFP’s inability to transport sufficient quantities of food to Darfur as a result of road insecurity in Darfur.

Health and Nutrition

West Darfur

– With funding through the Government Aid and Development Agency (DANIDA), the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) conducted a community health education project phase 3 in the villages of Wastani and Geibat in Krenik locality. The following were accomplished:

? The construction of two (2) public latrines and six (6) doors;

? The construction of two (2) school latrines;

? The construction of two (2) health posts in Wastani and Geibat which will be equipped with funding from this project;

? The construction of 450 household latrines;

? The training of 85 community health promoters who are currently conducting health education sessions in their respective communities (Wastani & Geibat) and surrounding villages;

? A three month training — in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MoH) for Wastani and Geibat — of six (6) community health workers.

Non-Food Items (NFIs)

South Darfur

– Distributions continued to support newly displaced populations in South Darfur. Great Family made distributions to 600 households in Made IDP Camp in the Ed El Fursan locality and Solidarite distributed NFIs to 97 households in Muhajiriya IDP Camp. Items distributed were blankets, plastic sleeping mats, jerry cans, plastic sheeting and women’s clothing.
– Additionally, IOM distributed NFIs to 130 households of spontaneous returnees and a further 80 households of newly displaced populations in Amakassara IDP Camp in Nyala.

Water and Sanitation

West Darfur

– With funding from the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) conducted sanitation and hygiene promotion activities in the villages of Sanidadi, Um Tojouk and Krenik in Krenik locality. The following were accomplished:

? Constructed 997 family latrines in the villages of Krenik, Um Tojouk, and Sanidadi;

? 997 families received five (5) pieces of soap and attended hygiene promotion sessions;

? 65 community health promoters were trained and who are currently conducting health, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities in their respective areas – Krenik, Um Tojouk, Sanidadi and the surrounding villages;

? Conducted six (6) cleaning campaigns;

? Conducted six (6) public health sessions;

? Sanitation and hygiene visits to 4,680 homes were conducted.

If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Nahla Zarroug, Information Analyst, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12160065
For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035

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