Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move

August 17, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – A senior Sudanese official hinted that the decision by Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) to name Salva Kiir as its candidate for 2009 presidential elections was aimed at weakening the position of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Sudan’s presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen (R) standing next to 1st Vice President Salva Kiir
Sudan’s presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen (R) standing next to 1st Vice President Salva Kiir
Sudan’s presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen told the pro-government Al-Intibaha that foreign powers are behind the decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo last month to charge President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir with war crimes in Darfur.

The ICC’s prosecutor filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. Judges are expected to take months to study the evidence before deciding whether to order Al-Bashir’s arrest.

“Ocampo’s case will not be the last and it is specifically targeting the NCP and its candidate for presidential elections which created an additional factor in the next elections” Al-Deen said in the interview.

“We cannot read the announcement by the SPLM to nominate Kiir for presidential elections separate from these developments” he added.

The SPLM political bureau met in late July and decided to nominate Kiir despite his long standing reluctance.

Al-Deen said that foreign powers are trying to instill the “New Sudan” as an ideology alternative to that of the NCP.

“New Sudan” formed the basis of the SPLM political vision in its early beginnings by its former leader John Garang. Its basic tenants are creation of secular state with equal rights for Sudanese citizens irrespective of racial or religious background.

“In my opinion it is very clear. The new political ideology prepared for Sudan is that of the ‘New Sudan’. It is possible that the owners of this ideology consider themselves part of the Western principles” Al-Deen said.

“There is the Ingaz [Salvation NCP] project met with an opposing one of the ‘New Sudan’ and it made its owners and details clear. It has points of intersection with the Western ideology” he added.

The SPLM signed a peace deal in January 2005 with the government of the NCP in January 2005 ending two decades of civil war in Southern Sudan. The peace deal made the SPLM, the ruling party in the south and the NCP the ruling party in the north.

In 2011, southerners will be asked to vote in a referendum on whether they want to be independent or remain part of Sudan.

The Sudanese presidential adviser also criticized the government for accepting resolution 1593 referring the Darfur case to the ICC.

“When resolution 1593 was adopted and it was a dangerous one, I told the decision makers that we should not accept it….accepting it was gullible” Al-Deen said.

“Now we see that that the resolution is used against the state from the top of the pyramid to other officials” he added.

Asked about freezing ICC indictment against Al-Bashir, the Sudanese official said that his government “is not enthusiastic and not committed to deferral” and added that Sudan wants the UN Security Council (UNSC) to revoke resolution 1593.

However he said this is unlikely due to the stances of US, UK and France.

Al-Deen also acknowledged the limited options before the government in dealing with the ICC and stalling the indictment.

Sudan has said last month that it will request the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the authority of the UNSC to the ICC. It will lobby for a resolution of the UN General Assembly making such a request.

But the Sudanese presidential adviser expressed skepticism on the ICJ’s neutrality and said that an unfavorable decision by the world court means “there is no escape” from standing before the ICC “established primarily against African nations”.

Al-Deen also downplayed Chinese or Russian support for Sudan in face of any confrontation with the international community over the ICC saying “it is not guaranteed”.

The Sudanese official called for a “major initiative” to resolve the Darfur crisis “no matter how high the price that will be paid”.

“The political aspect is part of this problem and we must be genuine about criminal proceedings [on Darfur war crimes]” he said.

International experts also say more than 300,000 were killed and 2 million have been driven from their homes by the conflict in Darfur, a region that is roughly the size of France.



  • Grader

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    Constitutionally doesn’t Kiir qualify to run for the presidency?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    What a burning article, absolutely Ghazi Salah this process of Kiir getting chance of being nominated as a presidential candidate comes as the result of bashit being set on fire by ICC, However in the decision of Southerners to decide on who will be suitable for that position is undecided the fact is that Kiir has been as a representative to that seat due to the fact he has been as a second man in charge since Garang was alive. Therefore I would like to declare that whether Arabs are happy or not the Ideology of “New Sudan” and all the principles must be applied to if they are hoping for unity in 2011,infect I know that it is extremely basic on western Ideology which will affect the entire beliefs of Arabs but I propose that it is the only way to go,don’t border ourselves with shria law,terrorist group,evil dresses and etc.However if they are not happy about it,it would be better if they can show their reactions otherwise we are all aware of your tricks, because you believe that your wise to gag blacks with your stupid money how can, how can your regret resolution 1593, how can you escape from ICC while ICJ has an objective that anyone must not be above the law. NCP criminals believe that their money can do everything’s for them but it is absolutely stupid in a society of morality, why do they intend to waste their money just because of their lives if they were superiors if you’re rely on those evil territories of China and Russia for truth it is like a drankard sitting on a broken chair.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    In 2011, I hope North and South will be separated. There is no benefits for each other, plus we differ as different ethnic race, and peoples of KUSH never called Sudan anyways. Mr. Salva Kiir, go independence on 2011 for SUDAN.

  • Thon Aguek Aguto
    Thon Aguek Aguto

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    It’s sad,but not a surprise to see Al-Deen attempted to poison the fragile partnership between the SPLM and NCP by projected this bias and unfounded claim.His (Al-Deen) perspective on this issue has shown the typical and misguided Arab,who sees the running of Kiir as the follow up of the ICC Indictment against Al- Bashir, however, he(Al-deen)fails to recognize the CPA which says that somebody will have to run for president in the south in 2009. Kiir Mayardit goes into the race for president because sudanese people need different flavor to deal with their demostic and foreign issues using new strategies, and Kiir will bring those,but not because Al-Bashir is indicted.Al-Deen needs to understand that the ICC is an independent legal body that has no political interest in the Sudan, but it (ICC) has an obligation and responsibility to bring those who ‘ve committed genocide like Al-Bashir to face justice. It’s troubling to see many muslim arabs coming to the defense of perpetrator instead of victims(Dafurians).Kiir is running because people of southern Sudan as well as some people in the other regions of the country have entrusted him(Kiir) to bring a new and fresh leadership

  • james atanasious
    james atanasious

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    MR advisor need an Egale eyes to see things clearly, and a rabbit ears to hear things,wonders shall never end a foriegner clamming to be a sudanese,hmmm, you must eat your words, do you really know what they mean by the word clean sheet? then kiir is the only clean man to rule this country, and i tell you mr advisor, he is going to do it now not tomorrow,leaders come and leaders go, salver has come and bashir should go to face justic,long live salver you are our man gooooooooooooooooooooo, you are the promised one gooooooooooooooooooo, i have promied him my vote,

  • Thyinka

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    ICC or no ICC, kiir need to try his hand at the presidency. Only those who fail greatly can achieve greatly. I saw him commenting in a youtube video the other day that Northerners won’t accept a Southerner.It is a legitimate concern but times have changed and if the vision of New Sudan will be achieved or even the independence of Southern Sudan, it would be easier if he were the president.

    Ordinary Sudanese are tired of war and everyone would welcome a radical change in governance. Sudanese deserves a government that put people first and ideologies second so as to accomodate all the Sudanese people in their diverse ethnic, religious and political affiliations.

    In fact, Kiir would leave Northern Sudan more united if the South decides to separate because all northerners would identify with their government not because they are Arabs and Muslims but because they are Sudanese and have a say in how their affairs are being run.

    Otherwise, I see a film called “The Death of a Nation: Sudan” being screened a few years from now looking back at how the Islamic fundamentalist Khartoum regime led to the break up of the largest country in Africa like the former yugoslavia under Slavic Serbian supremacist Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic didn’t have the sense to see that by pushing hard for his Serbian people, he was pushing the rest who were Yugoslavians but not serbians to fight and defend their interests in a system that was increasing being used to serve the interest of Serbians only.

  • Kur

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    I do not know what these primitive people were expecting. Were they expecting that the SPLM is not going to contest the elections? The SPLM as a political party in the Sudan has the right to contest elections at any level or join forces with other political parties to win the election. The ICC’s indictment of Bashir did bring about the idea of running an election in the Sudan; it was the Sudanese people who want to see democratic process and the rule of law coming to the system of governance in the country.

    It is time for change and the Sudanese people demand change now to see the country coming out of the hands of your bloody tyrany, Mr. Salah Deen. So if were expecting the SPLM to sit by and watch you run uncontested election, then it would be foolish for the SPLM to fight for freedom in Sudan for more than two decades and not try to fight for winning an election.


  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Sudanese official hints Kiir run for presidency a result of ICC move
    Here he is, the man who once siad to the IGAD in 1994 that they were (NCP)sent by Allah to preach Islam, and covert people by force of power not only in the Southern Sudan, but entire Africa and the world as well. Now, SPLM/SPLA and all freedom fighters in the Sudan should not keep hidding the fact that al-bashir is no longer competent since he is now wanted by the ICC as an individual as said by Mr. Luis Ocampo. Southern Sudan government also should provide ICC with evidence of genocide and crime against humanity committed by al-bashir in the South so he can be charged with double genocide.

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