Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president to inaugurate microcredit bank

August 24, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — President Omer Al-Bashir will inaugurate on Tuesday the Bank of family, which is the first Sudanese financial institution specialized in the microcredit.

The bank will extend very small loans to the unemployed, to poor entrepreneurs and to others living in poverty who are not considered bankable. With a capital of 32 million dollars, the bank is will include public and private partners

Engineer Widad Yagoub, the chairperson of the board of directors of the financial body said the capital of the bank is expected to reach during the next five years 500 million dollars.

Abdul Rahman Derar General Manager of the bank said the ceiling of the individual funding to be offered by the bank is ten thousand pounds and that there are seven mechanisms to ensure their salary guarantee, guarantee fund, social guarantees

Abdel-Rahman said that the bank completed the procedures of establishment, and exercises its activities in state of Khartoum. It is also opened fives branches in Northern State, Nile State, and the three states of Darfur.

It provides financial services like small loans and transfers of small amounts, besides non financial services as to spread awareness Credit and contributing to the organization of communities.



  • Hammuel Merari
    Hammuel Merari

    Stop The Bickering
    Hey my name is Hammuel Merari and I am from Israel and I have been reading your comments in the past days and I find it equally disturbing from both sides that you people are ready to engage in such racism against your own people listen look at America theres Black people,Latinos and white and asians and french and look at them they all get along so please stop the bickering and remember that you guys are one country,one people and I totally,absolutely agree with Moe Montana on this subject and I truely admired it when he said….. They say: “A family that prays together, stays together and one that walks apart just falls apart” so TOGETHER we STAND divided we FALL, UNITED we form SUDAN and take on ALL!!” and may I add this that sooner or later and if the president does become indicted they are immediately gonna call his vice president in and guess who he is its selva karr who is going to come under much scrutiny as they will believe that the president cannot do it on his own so believe me when I say this that although I love the west and America deeply I speak the truth and I wanted to say that the west and its allies main plan is to get money from sudan from oil and incase you think otherwise please take the courtesy of looking on the internet and seeing how much barrels of oil darfur has got you would be amazed and shocked and you will see why America wants to take over sudan as darfur has more than 100 billion barrels in Darfur Alone and thats its estimation and believe me when I say this America invaded Iraq because of oil they havent attacked kuwait or saudi arabia because of oil so this indictment by luis Moreno Ocampo is a self proclaimed attack by the west on Sudan and I cannot tell you how to act except for this you southerners in sudan respect and like America but little did you know America fought a civil war in 1861 and then president Abraham Lincoln killed Many Southerners and still look at them now they Have moved past this Ideological thinking that because Im white Im superior and instead they forged an alliance and today they are standing as beacon of hope and oppurtunity for the whole world so think yourselves in this modern day and think about all the hate which you compass and your mutual resentment towards others for what they have done in the past but in order to move on we must forgive and stop living divided and also think about what you guys could have accomplished by now you Sudanese people have the potential to rise up and live as one so think about it all this hate towards the northerners whats it gonna achieve in the near future and all this hate from the southerners whats it going to achieve Biar M Bul? in the end you will achieve nothing so I hope in the near future you people will understand that living divided means the very end of Sudan and once where a great civilization lived the nubains who are still living today so think about this comment I just wrote and God Bless this world

  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Sudanese president to inaugurate microcredit bank
    THIS BANK IS ONE OF THE albashir’s PLANS to bring about economic death!

    calculated to influence slow death to sudanese nationals after ICC Move!
    it is a way out to ship away national resources through fake / false banks,
    oh,ICC RESCUE Sudanese from this ‘man’!

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