Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan minister must come clean

By Isaiah Abraham

August 24, 2008 — Southern Sudan Government (GoSS) after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), has been accused by many people of having done little or nothing on good governance issues particularly the handling and the fight against corruption. For the past three years, there are documented and otherwise (theories and talks) cases of graft everywhere- high level of corruption by senior Government officials- but nothing has been seen or heard to stop corrupt practices in the system, at least openly. The government however had attempted to sound fighting it but somewhere its efforts were nipped in the socio-political bud of this land. A lot of politicking and only politics found its way in to the process of fighting corruption; needless to mention our tribal gloves or closets that are place by defenders.

But the tribal element in the fight against corruption shall make this evil to stay in our society for ages. Whenever there is any graft case against an individual in the system, his tribal peers often cited it as a vendetta against their ‘own’ tribe or section by other ‘other’ tribe or section. This is very worrying. Though there are few among the leading personalities who aren’t mentioned by the anti corruption team, the majority of our leaders are corrupt. That is a sad reality. Therefore, Mr. Aldo Ajo Deng defend of the government on graft was just misleading and misguided.

Mr. Aldo, there are cases of graft within GoSS Divisions and if not go down to Dr. Pauline-Philip axis (Anti-Corruption Chiefs) and find out by yourself. I tend to think that this is the time to open up those books because we are heading for an election next year. But Madame Rebecca Nyandeng finger was wrongly pointed. She was selective and that was just not fair. The Vice President from my humble submission isn’t corrupt or has traces of this vice before GoSS formation; but to paints him as an angel is ‘corruption’.

For starters, the ugly face of this menace (corruption) came to the fore just last year when Hon. Minister for Finance and Economic Planning Hon. Arthur Akuien Chol was accused of financial mismanagement or crimes and was shown the door (fired from his job) along with other senior officials of that ministry (Finance). No further court proceeding though to try him and his group; but until to date, the law deems them innocent until they are found guilty. The former minister I guess is in pain as it seems he has something to say but no proper forum to say it. People have expected him to be heard but the Ministry of Justice has dragged its feet far too long on his case. His rights and wrongs must be accorded due respect. May be the former Minister could unearth some information badly needed now by the Anti corruption team and the Southern public.

This month again, the graft tsar Dr. Pauline Riak cried out aloud in frustration that she won’t go any more, because of an obstruction somewhere around the ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and Parliament, about 1400 cases of graft in her Commission. In Parliament Honorable Minister of Labor and Human Resource Development- responsible for public services stuff- brought yet another salvo against the Justice Ministry on the graft clustered as payment for Senior Officials and Legal Counsels under this Ministry. Where is this man going to hide?

There is little time to talk about the role of this ministry when it comes to interpretation of some legal clauses or simple discharge of legal advice to the Executive in its relationship with the Legislature & Judiciary. There has been words on interference and obstruction of justice and I could believe so; not to mention the then side show grumbling about staffing procedures in that ministry- one tribe is accused of having taken over that ministry right in the middle.

Southern Sudan must not keep quiet and burry her head because of fear of unknown. Righting the wrong is a duty of every citizen. Southern Sudan meager resources are being siphon out of our land by few individuals in the government and only get blanket slogan of zero tolerance to corruption. People are tired of talking and want action. Relieving or dismissing of officials implicated in corruption isn’t a solution but a process to force this criminal to bring back tax payers money. Officials need to help the President. Imagine, no single senior official is charge or behind bar over corruption, even when there are cases against him/her. Why? Because the Ministry entitled to gazette and advertise bills related to moral and ethical issues never took enough initiative to force its way in Parliament. There are no legal grounds (laws) to guide cases in courts against those accused of corruption.

Southern Sudanese didn’t fight the war to allow few members of our community to loot our funds in the face of development challenges, just to enrich their families and their bank accounts through their families in Australia, Canada, USA, Britain, Kenya, among other cities in the world. If Deputy Minister (Undersecretary) gets close to $10,000 a month, how much budget to we need as a government to support this gentleman within the next three years of the interim period under the CPA? In each Ministry and Commission they have Legal Officers (Counsels) with close to $8,000 monthly, how much money is going to be paid in the next three years before the Referendum?

After Referendum of course people shall rise up and take no novice and mediocrity in the government! Right from the top to the bottom, there would be proper scrutiny of who should be our Chief Executive and his team. If someone refuses to leave power peacefully after being bundled out fairly through election, it’s easy and safe to fight him no matter who he is or tribe he/she comes from. Days of abusing public offices by irresponsible leaders are gone. Even the officials of the National Congress Party (NCP) aren’t doing what our ministers are doing to our people.

Back to Justice Ministry: Hon. Minister has a case to answer about the said hefty pay to his legal officers against public service policy or standard. The Minister again must tell our people why he is not fighting the graft he has been saying he would fight. Who intimidates him to slow down and at what magnitudes? There is a rumor that says the Minister is fighting his political life due to graft “counter attacks” or fighting back. To me that is unfounded and just a cover up for a failure. If he thinks there have been difficulties prosecuting people who are politically connected to the top then why serve in a government that is corrupt? Why didn’t he clear his name when Madame Pauline Riak of the Anti-corruption presented his case about the lack of law that shall permit her to publicize cases and forward them to Prosecutors for action?

But for crusaders against corruption, corruption sometime preys on decent people having good intention. Corruption is subtle. On matters of ethical behavior, there is a grey area that is generally undetected until the spotlight shines brightly; then what seemed to be a mere indiscretion suddenly becomes national scams. Therefore care must be applied. But there are real crooks, scrupulous and swindlers who say ‘this is our government, we fought for it and therefore right to eat as much as we can before we leave it’; that mentality is morphed, they must be stopped.

Madame Riak must not stop by just groaning in Hai Cinema, she must take the fight to the enemies of our people. There are troubles (corruption cases) in the army (SPLA), she must not fear to be shot. This is another biggest challenge to our government and deserves concerted efforts from everyone. I therefore commend Hon. Minister Awut Deng for her courage to come open and exposed one biggest scam of all times. She is the only ‘man” among many who put their tails behind and only shout the loudest when those who preach ‘water’ and drinking ‘wine’ are doing their evil business as usual. Great lady from a great background! It’s unbelievable to read and hear that the Ministry that supposed to be the guardian of the people trust has turned out to be the graft invested den. Horrible Minister would you resign honorable?

Isaiah Abraham lives in Southern Sudan; He can be reached at [email protected]


  • chol garang
    chol garang

    Empty struggle causes another revulotin
    They so call the intellectuals of long hand are the cause of the death of William Deng and Dr Garang.
    Becuase the heaters of public functions are they real looters of public money because they do not know what to do with money. Please loot all you want but invest it in country so that the poors can get the jobs. I only would condemn the transfer of money to sweden bank or western world banks in general. We the public are being decived for last 50 years meanwhile southern politicians are real enemies.They had been our judea scariot who betray jesus except the only the guys who had been killed becauses they were really for the people Thanks to WILLIAM D,Dr Garang,William Beny, Keribino kuany bol, Arok Thon Arok, AND Akuot Atem and Samuel Gai Tut. We will missed them until their dream is realised. The writer is a philosophy and public interest major at mtsu. [email protected].

  • malok

    South Sudan minister must come clean
    You also need to come clear, your article alerts me and others probably that Riak Macar has kicked you back in one way or the other in order to eclipse spotlight hovering over him in nextus to financial scams he has overly been involved. You wouldn’t be able to convince even a child that Riak is not a thief, never. Becuase of people like you, we would not be able to make any progress in combating corruption, Riak Macar you just mentioned in your article as scruplus and honest in finances except other minuscule things is well known in and out by majority of south Sudanese people as a man one time sold south for power and money(1992). These are naked facts, your article have no legs to stand these facts about this most corrupt individual. I am extremely disheartened by the magnitude of corruption in Juba, but we should piont fingures to any one involves in misused of public money even if he or she is your own brother.Moreover, the committee itself has innumerable flaws; can any one believe that Riak’s wife who is the head of committee can fairly investigate her husban! We should not prank about this evil called corruption, new committee needs to be formed and headed by chaste, honest individual. Thanks, Malok

  • Baalens

    South Sudan minister must come clean
    I really extremely failed to understand the direction we’re heading to. Even grey-haired people who were been behind NIF, whom Southerners symphasized to call them back home after being spying and now still spying, forgetting their beloved “LAND”…just gazing for empty corridors to place some poisons that will lagged the progress behind the mirror. Pliz Un. Aldo Ajeuo, when did you started being with Dr. Riak to understand very well from A-z that is a very sincere person…note that Riak is absolute fox, just wait and you’ll witness yourself. Just simply Makuei Lueth has been threatened indirectly, if you actually traced how Makur, Akuein, Amule of custom looted the huge money of GOSS, go down and ask how much they where bailed especially Akuein and Makur, that’s was quite abnormal and indicated the true color of the scandal. Pliz you’re elder…try to think on positives issues that will paved the South forward to relieved from the path of doom, that why your community persuaded you when in Canada to come home, not to come and cause chaos, but to correct chaos and work towards for a constructive South.We know the game…these are just allegations being derives to manuevre the post of legal affairs to Mayom Akec inorder to protect Akuein and Makur plus some other persons. Lincoln said,”Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.” Pliz mind I know all these…let me not enter to the detailed part, you know the rest. Let all stand firm together and challenge the agents of NIF…for they’re still breeding their poisonous gas in all corners of the South. The president is ever been preaching to banned corruption, but where? only these highly ranking persons are the base.

    I said these fews words for our Country, and for God. Spla/m oyee! Spla/m Oyee!


  • Macatuong

    South Sudan minister must come clean
    Isaiah Abraham,

    Isn’t it interesting how you meticulously avoid mentioning the name of the one you wrote about? You found it easy to name drop others you think fit the corruption mould best. Let’s see how far that attitude will take us.


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