Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM chapters say concerned by appointment of GoSS’s Liaison Officers to Canada

Concern statement of all Southern Sudanese in Diaspora of SPLM Chapters and other leaders in Canada for Appointment of GoSS’s Liaison Officers to Canada

Cc: President of the GOSS and Chairman of SPLM

Cc: Vice-President of GoSS and First deputy of SPLM

Cc: Minister of Regional Cooperation and International Relations

Cc: SSLA Committee on Regional and International Relations Committee

Cc: SPLM Representative in Canada

We, the undersigned SPLM chapters’ leaders living in Canada and other concerned communities, guide by the principles of SPLM embodied in our constitution

– Seriously surprised or frightened by the appointment of GoSS Liaison officers to Canada selected by Mr. Martin Majuk, the director of President office and signed by the First-Vice-President and President of GOSS, such appointment has really divided the Southern Sudanese in Canada and SPLM chapters between the Dinka and other ethnic groups.

– We solemnly concerned by the absence of any other ethnic group in the appointment of our Government Liaison officers in Canada.
For the purpose of the protection the below list of GoSS Liaison Officers to Canada are as follow however, the list is from Gogrial State which is actually the President home State.

1. Head Mission— – Dinka
2. Deputy Head Mission – Dinka
3. Administration and Finance – Dinka
4. Political Officer – Dinka
5. Protocol Officer — Dinka
6. Investment and Economic officer – Dinka
7. Security officer – Dinka
8. Community Officer – Dinka
9. Parliamentary Officer – Dinka
10. Bilateral Officer – Dinka

– From these reasons, we draw the attention of the President and the Minister of the Ministry of Regional Cooperation on this issue.

– We also call upon International Relations and Regional Cooperation Committee of South Sudan Legislatives Assemble (SSLA) to look at the appointment of one ethnic group ( Dinka) to foreign services without including the other nationalities.

– We sincerely, hope that the current appointment of GoSS diplomats is imperfectly representing the interests of our people in Canada.

– We respectfully demand that GOSS’s Liaison Officers should reflect the diversity of our people.

– We have seen the list of all the officers and they are all Dinka, but such appointment will be receive with skepticism and criticize by other communities.

– Clearly not a single ethnic group can claim to dominate our government institutions, because all the Southern Sudanese fought during the struggle.

– For all of this, we are all about the future of SPLM as political party and South Sudan as nation and the challenges, which we now collectively face.

– We must do something about it. And we must do that sooner, rather than later.

– We have learned that the idea of appointing only Dinka to Canada’s GoSS Liaison Office comes from Mr.Martin Majuk Yak and not originated from our respected President Lt. General Salva Kirr Mayadit, who have been working night and day to unite the People of Southern Sudan behind the CPA.

Long live Peace in South Sudan

Love live the leadership of Salva Kirr Mayardiit

Signed By:

1. Simon Olok Obama , SPLM Chapter Windsor, Canada

2. Deng Deng Ayai, SPLM Chapter, North ern Canada

3. Chuol Deng Chol, SPLM Chapter Eastern Canada

4. Gatluak Pal Deng, South Sudan Democratic Forum Canada

5. Kuol Deng thok, South Sudan Defense Force(Diplomatic Office)
6. Arop Deng Bol , SPLM Chapter Central Canada

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