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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president and Southern official involved in a verbal clash

August 27, 2008 (JUBA) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the Speaker of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly James Wani exchanged accusations over role of the central government in the development of the South and other issues.

James wani (ST)
James wani (ST)
Al-Bashir arrived in Juba today for a signing ceremony for the construction and rehabilitation four dams in south Sudan that will cost $38 million.

Wani accused Khartoum of neglecting the South in terms of economic development and called on the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to pay Abyei residents oil revenue in arrears.

The Southern official also urged speedy demarcation for the North-South borders that were hindered by dispute over the oil rich region of Abyei.

But the Sudanese president quoted by the independent daily Al-Ahdath responded by pointing fingers at the semi-autonomous Southern saying that they are responsible for “lack of services”.

Al-Bashir also hinted at corruption in Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) by saying that “tax and customs revenue in the last three years surpassed that of oil”.

He further said that “most SPLM leaders that accuse the central government of negligence received their education in the North till PhD level”.

“Now they come out to complain about neglect and injustice” Al-Bashir added.

The Sudanese head of state also said that border dispute between the North and the South will be resolved in the coming months. He also promised back pay of oil revenue in Abyei.

Al-Ahdath reported that Al-Bashir skipped on a planned address to National Congress Party (NCP) members in Juba. However the newspaper did not provide reasons for the cancellation.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan president and Southern official involved in a verbal clash
    You did it right Mr wani just fire is the only way to go,he cannot come to Juba when his hips where set on fire by ICC even where does he expect to sit since South has broken to ground level.Why can’t he just talk on his plane and return immediately to his area of north.

  • Mabior Abun-deng de Mabior
    Mabior Abun-deng de Mabior

    Sudan president and Southern official involved in a verbal clash

    To the best of my knowledge and understanding of Arab policies, the main aim of Mr. Bashir visit to Juba was not about the so-called five contracts rather to lobbies SPLM for something else which I believe they will achieve because the SPLM POLICIES MAKING BODY (SPLM PB)and President Kiir senior aide differs recently. Mr. Bashir had made many political promises in 2006 through 2007 which yielded to nothing but their political interests.
    He had promised Rumbek Senior Secondary School to be upgraded as University of Rumbek, he had also promised Malakal – Bor – Juba roads and Wau – Raja – Yambio roads, all were to be funded by the “so-called” central government. I believe all of you brothers and sisters of have seen this fruitless promises. I was reall very bitter the day before yesterday when it was being announced on
    SSTV that Juba citizens should turn in their big numbers to welcome a bloody hand man who is coming with hinden agenda to this great town of ours.

    I was also shock yesterday when I moved around Juba and found all the shops, banks and commercial plane like East African, Jetlink and so on were not allow to land simply becuase of the BLOODY HAND PRESIDENT. The business group have lose big money yesterday and who will be responsible for all those loses, is it the “so-called” Central government or GOSS? This unexceptable at all. I know many of you will argue me when I say Omer Bashir’s aim was coming to convene some SPLM Leaders not to contest for the Presidency come the year 2009 general elections. It is indicated by the fact many of his (Bashir) advisors have made statements and even some GOSS Ministers like GOSS minister for Parliamentary Affairs have made a convening statement two weeks ago.

    Those who do not know this simple facts should not hope that Mr. Bashir visit will bring all those political promises into reality. That how poitician are, they do not feel shy especially when it come laiy. At this point, it will be very shameful and disgrace to the SPLM when they are convenced not to contest for the Presidency. Their main target is to elect the BLOODY HAND MAN by all the Sudanese people and when he come to power again knowing that he has legatimate mandate even from his ex-enemies, then he abolish/disown the CPA and declare the State of Emergency like what his (Bashir) one time Commander – in chief Jafar Nimeri have done with Adis Abada agreement of 1972. This is exactly how it came about. Don’t be suprised when that happend before referundum. Also, I would once again would like to tell the SPLM that they should stop talking of Democratic change to the marginalized group because how do you change peoples’ situation when you are under some body? Now SPLM is always being intimidated from time to time and they came and joined the government through CPA which was the last attempt to bring peace atmostphere in the Sudan.

    Generally, it is we who will lose the independent of South Sudan which is the Arab target, the right time for a Southerner to become the president of the Republic of Sudan and at all, there will never ever be a golden chance like what we have now believe me or not. I wish that the SPLM have to rectify this before time and let’s not except any big price that NCP would buy any idividuals, let’s focus on our ojectives and goals as a party. Thanks

  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Sudan president and Southern official involved in a verbal clash


    Your statement is very illogical and irrational!

    having been educated from the north to ”PHD level” does not gurattee that we should pay allegiance to the government that deserve NOT to be call agovernment because it is void of the qualities of any government.if the government cannot protect its citizens,maintain security and guranttee the protection of rights and freedoms of its citizens,it is not a true government.it is a gov.with hidden agendas.

    should we stop exercising our freedom of speech,raise complaints,criticise,for the true wrongs the government done just because you were educated from khartoum??? so all those educated from khartoum should shut their mouth no matter what the goverment does? if that is the condition,then it would be wise not to learn in such places!


    Who is the Chief corruptor of NCP and GOS? IS not AL………?
    Can you remove the Speck in NCP bloody eyes before attempting to remove a log in SPLM? Can a blind leads a blind? wherre will they heads to?
    ALBASHIR: A COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF CHIEF LIARS And corruptors.unscrupulous sheiks/imaams!


    bravo! bravo!!!
    pagan Amum did it!,Dr.Garang did it! SALVA did it! now your there! Freedom of speech! free press,liberty and rights! ARABS MUST FACE IT! THEY thought that they would………but TARAUU WEEN!! YES,ARABS MUST FACE IT!

    samani and Omer here!

    what legal grounds do you have supporting an internationally recognized killer and criminal?
    how many times should you be informed that the presence NCP regime is illegitimatewhich came to power throug coups and very dictatorial? Hence,does not deserve any respect or payment of any loyalty?
    why should you back up just because they are ARABS AND Muslims despites the wrongs?


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