Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei capital market goes up in flames

By Philip Thon Aleu

September 1, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Ten shops (divided into twenty departments) burnt to ashes at morning hours of Sunday August 31 at Jonglei capital’s main market of Maror; destroying stocks and cash estimated over a million Sudanese Pounds (SDG).

bor_market_burns11.jpgThree (3) Ugandan ladies, whose fire started at restaurant they rent, have been arrested by police and blamed for fire outbreak. Jonglei traders union accused the Ugandans of ignorance and what it described as “lack adherence to conditions and double business.”

Four traders, whose shops perished, have been hospitalized having been unsuccessful to restrain the lost and one has remain silence (at his home) for the last 30 hours as yet another gone missing. He is feared to have run mad.

Traders of the burnt shops lost between 20,000 and 100,000 SDG in cash or on goods. Adam Osman lost 114,000 SDG (about $56,200 US) on goods and Makuei Thiek; 33,600 SDG (about $16,800 US). Many traders were unable to narrate how much they lost.

The inferno started at 01:00 am on Sunday in a restaurant where fire is believed to have been left in a storm and by 2am, ten shops were down. Jonglei police forces failed to quell the ranging flames only to be reinforced by UNMIS (UN Mission in Sudan) forces that halted the fire to the ten shops aligned together. Shops burnt were built using iron sheets from the wall to the roof.


Jonglei fire brigade has no equipment to fight fire; a department the public say is unnecessary. “There is no need for our governments to set-up institutions that do not serve any propose. It does not make sense,” a town resident who preferred anonymity reacted to the news of fire outbreak.

But Bor Town Director of Police dismissed the accusation saying the government is enough to protect the community. “Police patrols market at nights but the fight began inside the shop. We also increase the number of police to combat criminals from taking advantage of the fire,” Director of police Ajak John Jok told Sudan Tribune in an interview on Sunday.

It is not the first time crime of highest profile has been committed in Maror market. In June, 2008, an amount of 70,000SDG (about $35,000US) was stolen and about 258,000 SDG (about $129,000US) was lost in a shop break in 2007.

No criminal have so far been arrested. All these police’s inability to control offenses against caused doubt at their work but the traders’ union chair hopes for the best.

“Police have managed to control rampant stealing but only four men patrol the whole market. If the number is increased, we shall have no problems,” deputy chairman of Jonglei traders’ union Mzee Ayuel Arok told reporters on Sunday.

The traders’ chief, flanked by secretaries of his office hailed the State Ministry of Infrastructures for the good survey and labeled UNMIS as “good friends.”

“If the market wasn’t surveyed in this manner, we shall have lost every shop here (at Maror market),” he said. Local reporters have compared Bor Town markets survey to London’s; where the State Minister of Infrastructures, Eng. John Amuor Kuol studied.


Police preliminary investigations into the cause remain futile but traders’ union says Ugandans (arrested) have no intention to burn the market but did it out of ignorance. “This is what they (Ugandans) did in Juba. They are not serious at all.

They combine businesses; prostitutions and hotel management,” a trader identified as John said at the site of the fire. The traders say Ugandan women leave restaurants early in hurry. The traders pledged to correct using any legal mean to stop history from repeating itself.



  • Maruon Ayiei
    Maruon Ayiei

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames
    My prayers are with those who lost their shop and goods or monies during the fire out break. I hope the state government will comfort them during this bad time and assist them to get them back into a normal life. May lord bless all of them and the greater State of Jonglei. Keep fluxing us with information Thon Aleu even though we don’t like to hear uncertain situation in most cases. Good reporting

  • Agutran

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames
    It’s time now for the State Government to formed a fire department to defend civilians from fire all over the State not just Bor Town but in all the counties.
    The State has the resources required to purchase all the fire equipments and fire trucks to fight the fire where ever it arises.
    I believe there will be no motivation as to why formation shouldn’t happen.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames
    I t is sad to hear about fire incidents in any part of Southern Sudan which is still trying to recover from the effect of the long war.May God consol those who lost their assets in this incident .The state government should ecourage building of shops with permenant materials and equip the fire brigade with all the necessary facilities.

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames

    Very critical sitaution for those who lost their goods & monies due an incident that had occur ,our prayers goes to them in order to empower them to take courage however,traders have to analyse situation same time incase of having such amount of money they can deposit it in a/c becouse cash on hand is disease in terms of security!!!
    may God save those lost their things

  • doot

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames
    I doot , have totally condenmed the fire incident which have burned the prominent shops from successful businesses ever in the history of jonglei state. I bsolutely cast my blame to the prostitutes and criminals army run in arm uniforms in the state. the fire must have been caused by substance x or y and that mean it need thorough investigation from within or out side the capital. it is just hard to lose such among dollars and the whole properties.

    May almighty , compensate the hand of those who devote themselves to develop their families and entire community for what they have been after should not be in vain .

  • Luala

    Jonglei capital market goes up in flames
    It is really sad to hear about the disaster just after one day visit to Bor town. Anyway, there is nothing to done since it has before now occurred and it can’t be rewind in any case. What we have to do is the community to work very hard on strengthening the town fire Bridget with equipments and skills to prevent any other incident from burning large area. It happens anywhere else not only in Bor town, so we should not finger point at foreigners, the culprit have to face the law like any other citizen and not because they are Ugandans. Let’s not interlink two things in this case “prostitution and fire”. Congratulation Bor town residents, you did a good job of building those big shops I hope you will bring them back to live soon.


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