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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 5, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Jonglei’s parliament passed a no confidence motion Thursday against the state minister for Agriculture Biar Deng also it overwhelmingly voted to warn Health Minister Agot Alier (photo) on Wednesday.

Dr. Agot Alier Leek, by Ph Thon (ST)
Dr. Agot Alier Leek, by Ph Thon (ST)
This the second time in a week for Jonglei Legislative Assembly to seek minister’s dismissal after voting out Education minister John Ayiei on Monday.

The decision to remove Agriculture minister comes after the parliamentary committee confirmed that the number of employees presented by the minister does not match in any way. “There are 199 workers both at the headquarters and the 11 eleven counties but not 344 at the headquarters as represented by the minister,” report of the chairperson of the parliamentary committee Jamezs Ruot Wuor goes in parts.

Meanwhile for the health minister, the parliament found no substantial evidence to hold him responsible for unpaid salaries to health workers. Agot Alier equally admitted to pay the unpaid salaries.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune after the decision to warn him, Health minister Agot Alier rejected media reports that they (ministers) were investigated for fraud related allegations. “We are submitting our reports to the parliament but we were not questioned about corruption,” he said.

In accordance to Jonglei constitution, censured ministers have to resign or to be removed by the governor.



  • Yong Kuai
    Yong Kuai

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    This is unbelievable, tell Biar Deng Biar to refund the money that he grabbed on behave of extra 145 employees that he claimed to have employed. How about the rest of the Ministers, are they free from this malpractice?

    Hope they are good public servants.

  • biarawieu

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    the decision to remove all the corrupters in the state is not bad but Jonglei Lagislative Assemble should be very carefully of dismissal without confirmation, is not easy to review all the allegation against someone, it might take time not just only one week. iam worry that it might creat or bring the division with in the state next tommorrow if the case is not handle properly. i requested the Government of the Jonglei state to look at it, there might be an opposition people with in the state, those who are interested to take over after the dismissal.

    for my suggestion to the Government of South Sudan too, should also pass vote of no confidence for those who are dealing with their pockets and give them a notice of dismissal, example Dr X since we are making correction Goss shouldn,t not keep those element. by this time now South Sudan want to be a democracy State with no corruption and killing. By Awieudit

  • doot

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    Fair going in jonglei,

    There is nothing wrong with passes voting of no confidence against barbarous ministers by the third quarter major of house of representative if the mechanism being applied is fair and just. Opportunistic society , with greed and heartlessness , cannot be simple change by greedy and introvert whose powers are there to add more problems instead of bring change to people who need it. There are thousands of citizens with spirit of patriotism and highly academic qualification who should replace those attempted to downfall the vision of south sudan and particularly jonglei state. Some ministers have been out of touch since the formation of jonglei parliament meanwhile doing nothing except getting dollars , now, time has come for them to explain themselves to the people who they have been working for, what they have achieved and how best they worked to achieved that . Likely ,when add x to y the result will not be similar like substracting w from z .They ministers have been working in number of years but people have not seen work done , however if we want to make progress , we must stop repeating the same instead to make new .

    The constitution dopted by the parliament to subject the ministers to highly scrunity is on the other hand ,productive and valuable . why, because parliament need to work upon greed principles no matter what principles are, in order tackle the hard problem from within because ministers together with members of parliament must be a ware that change doesnot come from position but from hardworking and determination to achieve what you have been assigned to . I think the dismissal of this ministers is the warning signal to any one working for goverment in this state.

    However, the one thing so sad about the removal of ministers from goverment position is that, there are no enough evidences to support the action plan of the parliament to dismiss them from the goverment. Although, there is article in the constitution perhap match up with the dismissal. indeed ,what is justify sometime as prove ,must have proper details and several evidences to support justification. I, particularly remained unconvinced about this action plan, anyway i,m not saying that what the parliament have done is wrong but i,m not convinced due to the lack of details . another thing which remained unclear is that, the congress passed the legislation and signed in the recent days meanwhile the investigation of the so called corrupt official was already in the process therefore, the investigation has separate entity from the drafted constitution to rule .

    To conclude, this piece of writing aim at to highlight the general terms that pertaining the passes voting of no confidence against the state ministers. then aim at to reveal the action plan by the parliament. Further, to identify and recognise the downfall of the state ` s vision. to stimulate the readers to read this article. Finally, to appreciate and judge the action plan made by the state goverment.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    I think Jonglei state is giving good example in a fight against corruption not only to the other states but even to Goss and government of national unity. I hope the rest will emulate the same provided that proper investigation is to be carried out before a decision is taken so that the officials accussed of corruption are given chances to defend themselves, because some wrong elements can misuse this disciplinary measures maliciousley.

  • 13012 Shepard
    13012 Shepard

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    Good job Jonglei Legislative Assembly (JLA). Those who embezzled public fund and think they could get away with it should be dealt with accordingly, however that job did not end just there. Dr. Biar has some neighbors of which some them might be victims of the same fate

  • John Mou
    John Mou

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    Dear readers,

    Vote of no confidence against corrupt elements in the State Governments of Southern Sudan is not a solution to the issue of corruption but a way of showing it to the south Sudanese people.

    According to me, the only solution is for South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission and South Sudan Legislation to come out with the laws and set up special courts to deal with the issue of corruption in the south.

    In this case that any official in any government being state or Southern Sudan is accused of corruption, he/she should be temporary removed from his/her position to face trial. If found guilty, he/she should immediately be dismissed from the position and sent to prison. If he/she is not guilty, the result of the court should be made public to the people of Southern Sudan in general and the people of that state in particular so that the accused of corruption should go back to enjoy his full rights among his/her people.

    You have been reading or listening to the media about the news of corruption in Southern Sudan. However, have you heard or seen any accused of corruption being tried then set free or imprisoned according to the findings of the court?

    As I said earlier, dismissal of corrupt officials who misuse the public funds will not bring an end to the issue of corruption in our region but will encourage the greedy to seek positions in the government as means of becoming rich after being dismissed with public funds. Therefore, the only solution is punishment by the use of justice.

  • Thyinka

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    Dismissing corrupt officials is good to clean up the government and send strong message to would-be offenders. However, any process such as this is open to abuse by individuals who want to settle scores with their political enemies or are eyeing ministerial position. Is there any member of Jonglei parliament, no matter how illiterate, will refuse a ministerial position in the state that give him more power and an edge over his political opponents?

    In the fight against corruption, the government must provide solid evidence against the accused to prevent scoundrels(most politicians are) from misusing this process.

    My hope is that all this steps are well-meaning actions intended to serve the greater good of society. Jonglei should strive toward a system that works for all citizens irrespective of status and that can’t be taken advantage of by virtue of positions.

  • Wunashuei

    Jonglei Parliament passes vote of no-confidence against another minister
    Yes this is sound to be good but will it not be interpreted as ethnically motivated as I see all these two ministers are from one ethnic group. why does it always affect one group and not the other, this must be seriously look into it before it burst out of control. I wish to hear the next one from Galuak or Korok and omot not Deng or Kuol. Thank

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