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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan conflict: Amnesty International calls for broader arms embargo

Sudanese army chopper attacks RSF positions in Khartoum on April 22, 2023

April 22, 2024 (NAIROBI) – Human rights group Amnesty International is urging the UN Security Council to strengthen its grip on the conflict in Sudan. They’ve launched a petition demanding the existing arms embargo on Darfur be expanded to encompass the entire nation.

This escalation comes amidst accusations that both the Sudanese government and external actors are fueling the ongoing violence.

Sudan has formally complained to the UN, alleging the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is supplying weapons and military equipment to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Independent reports also suggest Iran may be arming the Sudanese army.

“The situation demands immediate action,” said Amnesty International in a forceful statement.

“We urge the UN Security Council to broaden the scope of the arms embargo on Sudan and ensure it’s strictly enforced. This will disrupt the flow of weapons and alleviate the immense suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire.”

The statement paints a grim picture of the conflict’s devastating impact.

Amnesty reports over 14,600 deaths and more than 8 million people displaced, with 2 million fleeing to neighboring countries.

The organization emphasizes the plight of civilians who lack access to essential resources like food, water, and medical care. Limited internet access further restricts their ability to find safe passage.

“Civilians are bearing the brunt of this conflict,” the statement continues. “They are being killed in their homes, while searching for basic necessities, or deliberately targeted in attacks.”

Amnesty goes on to report disturbing incidents of sexual violence against women and girls as young as 12 by warring parties.

Amnesty harshly criticizes all parties involved for prioritizing military solutions and ignoring calls for a peaceful settlement.

They highlight the devastating consequences of this approach, including the loss of life, displacement, and destruction of infrastructure, the economy, and livelihoods.
