Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Africa Mbeki to visit Sudan Monday for talks over ICC

September 14, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — South African President is expected tomorrow Monday in Khartoum for talks with his Sudanese counterpart ways to block a possible arrest warrant against him over Darfur crimes.

President Thabo Mbeki who had to delay his visit to Sudan several times due to the Zimbabwean crisis, will arrive to Khartoum from Zimbabwe where he will witness the signing of a power-sharing agreement for the country, Pretoria said on Sunday. .

“Talks between the two sides will include issues of bilateral relations in addition to efforts to resolve the Darfur problem as well as allegations of the International Criminal Court,” said Ali Sadiq the spokesperson of the foreign ministry today.

Mbeki will hold talks with President Omer Al-Bashir on Monday evening over the request of an arrest warrant by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court who accused him last July of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes on July 14.

The visiting president would reiterate his support to the African efforts to suspend the ICC investigations in Darfur. Since last July he said Bashir’s indictment would hinder the implementation of a north –south deal and compromise chances to settle Darfur crisis.

At the end of last August, South Africa said resolved to renew bid to defer ICC indictment against President Al-bashir.

“We decided to request the United Nations to invoke article 16 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court to defer the indictment of the president,” said Essop Pahad, a minister in the South African presidency.

However he did not elaborate on whether South Africa, a member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), will introduce a formal resolution on the issue. Previous attempts by South African and Libya in the UNSC have failed due to opposition by Western countries.

The head of the African Union’s post-conflict body will also meet the First Vice president Salva Kiir Mayadrit to discuss the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement with him.

Mbeki would be accompanied to Sudan by Foreign Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.


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