Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan committed to John Garang Institute survival – official

By Philip Thon Aleu

September 19, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Government of Southern Sudan and Jonglei state are committed to maintain John Garang Institute in Bor till the last day, a state minister said here Friday in what students describe “a hope strengthening statement.”

Minister of Local Government and the deputy governor, Hussein Mar Nyout told students, scared by delay of lecturers’ arrival from European country of Moldova, that governments (at all levels) is aware of the problem and have tabled all the options to uphold the historical University.

“We have informed the president and he is aware of the problem …. he is very committed. We (Jonglei Government) are very committed as well as the GOSS ministry of Education in supporting this Institute,” he said attracting thunderstorm applauds from the studies’ angry students.

Students’ information secretary says the government is completing a pledge to have better colleges at home and restoring a fresher breathing in the campus.

“We are very proud because government is committed as usual but surely, the minister has made a hope strengthening statement for the future of this University,” a student the leader Mamer Philip told Sudan Tribune here today.

Mar Nyout assured the students that lecturers are expected from Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) in six days (on 25th September) and that they (students) shouldn’t worry. The local government minister erased an instigating ideology that the institute won’t survive without ULIM. “ULIM benefits from the Institute…. and if they (ULIM) go, we will take over,” he said.

John Garang Institute, scheduled to start degree programs on Monday September 15 after students completed six months bridging course in July, 2008, was halted by lecturers’ failure to come in time. ULIM reportedly fall-short to apprehend GOSS presidential decree of recognizing the Institute as one Southern Sudan higher level of learning and hence not distinguish as it a branch of ULIM.

This decree, Mar says was lawful because president can’t endorse a foreign private university supported by the state’s resources. “If the want a branch of ULIM, we shall welcome them and share the same campus. There is nothing wrong with it,” he noted.

On January 22, 2008, ULIM and Jonglei government sealed a deal that affiliates John Garang Institute to ULIM but re-negotiations are likely. “We shall review our agreement with ULIM,” Mar disclosed. ASCOM Oil Company built the Institute, pays lecturers and supplies stationeries in another agreement; possibly reviewable too.

In a show of commitment to maintain John Garang Institute in Bor, GOSS council of Ministers approved three millions Sudanese pounds early this week in funding for the remaining months of the year. The Council also argued the principal to plan a budget for 2009 financial year according local media reports.

The speedy GOSS support to John Garang Institute is seen as a follow-up to GOSS President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s endorsement of a proposed act of establishment and appointment of Prof. Agrey Ayuen as the principal in July, 2008.



  • miss JOOK
    miss JOOK

    South Sudan committed to John Garang Institute survival – official
    It is a great feeling to hear that our government is committed to building and supporting educational facilities despite the corruption that is happening in south sudan. Home-grown graduates are always a country’s pride and a way forward for south sudan. This is a heart touching idea from our government and everyone should be proud of their effort. Many people always complain on this website saying that sudan is a failing nation, well they have just shown us that they are not failing they are trying their best. We should also understand that it is a developing country and all that is required from the citizens is patience before we could achieve world class education systems.

    Good on you.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan committed to John Garang Institute survival – official
    Good move,but i think that the lecturers where not committed to come to jungle or Garang Institute because of the insecurity in the region,where the civilian used to kill themselves like animals also the way how the junglese used to misused public funds,and always bringing corruption into the GOSS offices seem to be another point.This is what i have suspected in my view,and i suggest that some individuals will think that am jealousy but absolutely NO,you always don’t appreciate the wise move (correction) from the genuine views.

  • Dotcom

    South Sudan committed to John Garang Institute survival – official
    My special thanks to southern sudan government and Jonglei state government for their statement of maintaining John Garang Institute in Bor Town. John Garang Institute is not ordinary university because is the memorial institute that marked and recognised the SPLM/A’s victory started in Bor home town. This is because if we want to maintain John Garang’s victory memorial as our hero why not consider his strategical palace against the big enemy of century. And i will be very proud to hear graduate from this institute with outstanding performance for the first time to be exemplary for the forth and intergenerational Southern sudan

    We all liked the idea made by the state and federal governments Unless we are half Arabs and forgot our right of being native of the land.

    By Dotcom

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