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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan Vice-President seeks to rally international support to defer ICC move

September 20, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese Vice-President left Khartoum today heading to New York where he is expected to seek international support to suspend the indictment of President Omer Al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court prosecutor (ICC).

Ali Osman M. Taha
Ali Osman M. Taha
Vice President, Ali Osman Taha flew to New York Saturday heading Sudanese delegation to attend the United Nations General Assembly and to take part in the African Union Peace and Security meeting to be held Monday on the sideline of the UN meeting.

Taha will deliver a speech before the 63rd session of the General Assembly general where he is expected to speak about the ongoing efforts to settle the five year conflict in Darfur. Also he will speak about the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Since last August informed sources told Sudan Tribune that Taha would travel to New York to request a resolution by the Assembly General to condemn ICC move against President Al-Bashir.

Nonetheless, for a time it was announced that Deng Alor, the foreign minister would lead the Sudanese delegation to the Assembly General. But last week, Khartoum officially said Taha would attend New York meetings.

The Vie-President intends personally to go to the Assembly General to rally support against the indictment of the Sudanese President by the ICC Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo. The dominant National Congress Party might prefer to request such support by one of it men and not by a minister who publicly calls to cooperate with the ICC.

The prosecutor Ocampo filed on July 14 an application for an arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir, accusing him of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Asked about the significance of such support by the Assembly general since last August,. Hadi Shalluf, who was the defense counsel for Darfur at the ICC and filed a series of motions challenging the jurisdiction of the court, said that the UN general assembly may back Sudan in its request.

“There is nothing in the UN charter that prevents the general assembly from adopting any kind of resolution” he said.

However he acknowledged that such a resolution may put the general assembly “politically” at odds with the UN charter which charged the UNSC with the maintenance of international peace and security.

The Vice-President would try to convince the UN Security Council permanent members who are opposed to the suspension of indictment to support the move. Among others, Taha will meet U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. President George Bush has turned down his request to meet him on the sideline of the UN meeting.



  • Abuoi Jook
    Abuoi Jook

    Sudan Vice-President seeks to rally international support to defer ICC move
    Dear readers,
    I failed to understand why the articles concerning Taha addressed him the vice president without number. could any one clarfy that to me if it means he is the only vice of the republic or what else might be behind this rethorique as Salva Kiir is being addressed as first vice president, what is wrong Taha being termed second vice president?.

    I urge all the publishers of this web site to adopt to using word second instead of vice president because it raises suspicion in the mind of readers who understand politic of positions.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan Vice-President seeks to rally international support to defer ICC move
    Jesus,who is Sudan Vice president Kiir or Taha?,is this what we talk of unity with arabs.It should have been written in 1st or 2nd,but not just Sudan vice president,it’s just like those arabs are teasing kiir as a vice president.

    Ha Ha Taha is now wondering like a lost goat in summar,am sorry Mr Taha it is hard to cancel the whole signatures of ICC judges which were made as an approval to the arrest of your hero al bashir,how much you keep wasting your time it’s too late you better just give up and mind about you turne,remember yourself as a second man to follow him,in fact you where the messenger who listen to al bashir instructions for genocide in Durfur,than you take them into action by organising your millitias.Do you think you will escape from the hands of ICC,unless ICC is under islamic leaders not USA master for bloody islamic terrorist,what do you think we will have to do with those service (celebration foods) which where organise for al bashir departure from Sudan,it is not good to let us waste our money for a well organised celebration of peace.Even your on the wrong side those of Rice,Bush and United Nations General Assembly memnbers are not part of ICC,they have their own constitution and according to the law,you’re not allow to act on two side,it is not your sudan where you can act on terrorist,militias and Vice President.

  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    Sudan Vice-President seeks to rally international support to defer ICC move
    What happens to those many warnings your NIF affiliates have been issuing one after another to the International Community not to interfere in what you termed as Sudanese affairs? Or is it just another continuation of your hypocrisy?

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