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Sudan Tribune

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Egypt and Libya to coordinate joint efforts to end Darfur crisis

September 21, 2008 (TRIPOLI) — Egypt and Libya agreed to coordinate their efforts in order to end the ongoing crisis in western Sudan region of Darfur and achieve a comprehensive reconciliation between the Sudanese parties.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met with the Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi on Saturday during a one-day visit to Tripoli. The two leaders discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations and the coordination of bilateral efforts on regional issues.

The meeting discussed the five-year crisis in Darfur and agreed to coordinate bilateral efforts to achieve full reconciliation between the Sudanese government and the rebel groups, said Ahmed Gadaf Eddam, the coordinator of Egypt-Libya relations.

Libya and Egypt had participated in different attempts to end Darfur crisis also they mediated between Sudan and Chad to ease tension and mutual accusation of rebels support.

Last month Egypt pushed the Arab League to launch a political mediation that Qatar proposed to host in coordination with the joint mediator Dijbril Bassolé.

Also France said it would support the Qatari mediation and work closely with the host country in this regard. Doha and Paris said they would coordinate their efforts with Cairo and Tripoli.

During the talks, the two leaders also tackled issues to be raised at the next African Union summit, and Libyan-Egyptian coordination at those issues.


1 Comment

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Egypt and Libya to coordinate joint efforts to end Darfur crisis
    The Darfur geographically belongs to the Fezzan ethnic minority of Tibesti rather than from Egypt-Sudan Nilotic ethnic peoples, so it is not fear that it concluded as a Sudanese minority, and try to solve within not negotiable of peoples demands of Darfur. Historically Darfur never been a Sudanese minority, but what it was devided by West.
    Even though Egypt will never support the Darfuri demands, the Voice of Darfur, but always within the strength of the Nilotic River basin communities all the way up to East Africa.
    Though Darfur itself is isolated from Sudan.
    Even though Libya as the strength of Sahara by pass, the Yellow Belt of highways from ancient route all the way into the ends of Mauritania from ancient Mesopotamia, the present days of Babylon and Assyria, Iraq: the Libyan leader never intend to host Darfur, but obeying the leadership under Egypt.
    For Qatar to host Darfur is not enough of scale and understanding of whole situations in Maghreb Sahara, since the absent presence of Mesopotamia Baghdadi Iraq and with the host of U.A.E..
    The blacks of U.A.E. are the diaspora Maghreb Sahara and fully supports Darfur, and rest of Sahara regions of North Africa today, since they are the diaspora of Black Mesopotamia descents.
    Once again Libya and Egypt corporation joint efforts can’t be trusted for future of Darfur!

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