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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

How is Sudan not a “failed and corrupt state?”

By Garang Ayang Kuoi

September 21, 2008 — On September 14, 2008, the Sudan people liberation movement (SPLM) was once again stabbed in the back when Sudanese President Omar Al- Bashir had decided to relieve Pagan Amum from his position in the Government of National Unity (GONU) as cabinet affairs minister. This came after Pagan who is also SPLM Secretary General made a statement a few months before that Sudan is a “failed and corrupt State.” The SPLM/SPLA Veteran made this remarks during a forum on political freedom in Sudan, organized by the “pro-SPLM freedom Bells.” However, this direct political realism intimidated the bigots from National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum and were outraged; as a result, folks like Nafi Ali Nafi from NCP heavily criticized the secretary general and demanded him to resign from the post of cabinet affairs ministry.

According to the NCP dominated government, Pagan’s statement was shameful and a reckless political agenda. It was misinterpreted by the National Congress Party as unpatriotic and a norm against national interest. On the other hand, the National congress party had failed to realize its impracticality which led to the SPLM secretary general stands on the issue although the statement was meant to describe Sudan government and its imperious policies that disintegrate its central policies and the Sudanese people. However, I would like to first and foremost define the “failed” state with all due respects to its real meaning. A failed state is a state whose central government is weak and ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its internal and territorial affairs. It is one that has shattered and disintegrated political structure. So given Mr. Secretary General description of Sudan based on its government policies and the circumstances surrounding it, Sudan is a real failed state because the Khartoum government has failed to overcome the odds. The country is at war with itself, innocent people are being executed, tortured, women being rape everyday in Darfur; pending implementation of comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) in the South of which its crucial protocols are yet to be fully implemented.

The international criminal court arrest warrant against Al-Bashir is another potential challenge the regime is wrestling with, a situation that is a total failure given Khartoum response to the international community. One would have to believe that the Sudanese government is notoriously known for chaos, internally and externally and therefore is incapable of finding ways and means necessary to solve its problems within the context of peaceful or political mechanism. When indicted by International Criminal Court (ICC) on issues associated with human rights violations in Darfur, Omer Al Bashir grossly retaliated by threatening the world with expulsion of the African Union-United Nations Peacekeeping mission Darfur. He further threatened the Sudanese public with what his party called “political Tsunami” if the ICC issue an arrest warrant against him. So when you look at all this from the standpoint of political view, you would definitely notice that the regime is running out of ideas in Khartoum. If not, why threatening the peace keepers with war? Why threatening the innocents’ Sudanese people with political suicide? The answer is that the Islamic National front (INF) has miserably failed to acknowledge its atrocities against Sudanese populations, it has failed to admit its incapability to rule the nation, and indeed, the NIF has mysteriously failed to know that the international criminal Court (ICC) indictment against Al-Bashir is a serious international business that he will never get around it given the attitudes of National Congress Party.

However, given these few examples, I find it very difficult to argue that Sudan is not a failed state because these are facts, and undeniable realities. In my view, the Sudanese government should have mobilized its peace partner ( SPLM) and other notable political organizations within the country to solve Sudanese problems by fully implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), make the fragile unity between the north and the south more attractive by making all the concerned issues priority. Address outstanding political issues such the upcoming national elections, and prove to Sudanese people and the international community the willingness to work hard to attain peace and prosperity in the country. Bring the war to an end in Darfur and turn in war crime suspects to be prosecuted by the ICC. This can serve as an example of Sudanese government willingness to cooperate with the international community and its own people. Now, whether Pagan was faithfully relieved from his duties as Cabinet affairs minister, or whether he was wrongfully relieved from his duties, he have nothing to lose, nor does SPLM which is his party has anything to lose; in fact the SPLM needs him more in Juba where he can have actual powers that can have impact on his people rather than to be in Khartoum where he is a man in power without powers. He is a beloved son of Sudan and indeed, a beloved son of South Sudan who happened to be a freedom fighter who strongly disagrees with injustice imposed on Sudanese people by minority elite group in the North. He will have more to accomplish in the South for his people.

I personally think that the SPLM is in good hand and on right side of ideas with Sudanese people despite false accusations that are made against its officials by Khartoum. The SPLM should stick to the vision of “New Sudan” which shall be achieved within the framework of democratic transformation. The masses are with the SPLM and ready for new united Sudan, they are ready for change and hope, and willing to restore the nation’s dignity and respect in the world. The elites are on their way to hell, and those who are willing to be free are ready to push the enemies of peace in Sudan into hell as fast as they can. The point I am trying to make here is that the future of Sudan is in the hands of SPLM because it is the only political party which the Sudanese from all walks of life believes that it can bring peace and justice to Sudan; thereby, it is crucial that the SPLM should not rule out any option until 2011. The people will decide to either divorce the regime or vote for the unity of our nation. It is too naïve to heavily rely on separation, but it is wise to equally work for separation and the vision of new Sudan so that our people from north, east, west and in the south will not have to blame the SPLM or South Sudanese people in particular should they separate. I know that the upcoming national election won’t be fair and balance, but there are good chances of letting the regime go in 2009, we just have to be smart.

The author is based in Bennington Vermont, U.S.

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