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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform

By James Gatdet Dak

September 29, 2008 (JUBA) – The 6th Governors Forum of Southern Sudan began on Monday in Juba to share experiences and resolve on challenges faced in the context of implementing the peace deal signed in 2005 between the National Congress Party (NCP)–led government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

GoSS_President_Salva_Kiir.jpgIn his key note speech during the official opening of the Forum, the First Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), General Salva Kiir Mayardit, called for introduction of Public Service Reform and further decentralization of governance in the semi-autonomous region.

He directed the Government institutions to immediately embark on reforming their institutions in accordance with the guidelines to be provided to the institutions by the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development.

On yet to be availed guidelines, President Kiir also stated that “both public and private media must undertake mass education on the importance of reform and its implication on the future of this country.”

Kiir said his government had already identified functions that should be further devolved to state governments and said he also expected state governments to further decentralize to counties as part of their reform program.

He predicted that there are those in the government that may try to resist the reform “because it challenges the status quo and destabilizes the comfort zones of the few individuals in the system.”

“Those few individuals whose comfort zones shall be affected will try to resist the changes being introduced, but I want to remind us all that this nation is bigger than any one of us, so we must by all means ensure that we sacrifice our individual interests for the benefit of the country,” he stated.

Kiir further explained that operationalizing decentralization is an aspect of the wider reform which is meant to ensure that government services reach the people and that it is in line with the philosophy of “taking towns to the people”.

The President’s speech was followed by presentations of the ten Southern Sudan states governors on their achievements and challenges during the year, in which insecurity, need for administrative and fiscal decentralization, workforce downsizing and harmonization of tax collection at border points dominated their presentations.



  • marial mach aduot mach
    marial mach aduot mach

    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    Good Mr Kiir because many of the most courageous men and women have decided to unite their lives with you until the very last day when the south will be fully free from all kind of corruptions and political injustic. on my views the southerners are ready for reform but you yourself need to do more so that you led the way but removing the the criminals from the public offices and replace with some able bodies who are willing to focus their attention to south sudan in all directions unlike those who are working day and night filling their accounts with the public funds. they are not qualify to hold those positions with the best example in Lake state, Mr, Awet is the real hero who fought for the right of the south sudan however he is qualify to be the head of south sudan wild animals and trees across the south rather then leading the people of the Lakes. he is to be blames for the lawlessness in the area and that is unsoutherners thinking, people of lakes have right to be rule by the rules of law and not from the top of the genarals heads like what he did. he is not aware of legal right of the people of lakes therefore i suggested that the reformation must start at Lake state before all other southern states.

    written by marial mach aduotdit


    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    decentralisation is the backbone of any government social policy. south sudan is a young country and more ideas such as this one are desperately needed from you Mr President Kiir. you have done a good job by surprising people for the fisrt time that you can actually think and give such a beneficial speech.

    many people in south sudan are aware that there is alot of oil in their country, however they never recieve a cent of the oil money. decentralisation will be a good way of making sure that common men and women at the bottom of the chain get a taste of their oil-rich country.

    The only small advice i would suggest is that GOSS should stick their noses into Arab affairs and carefully watch how budgets are calculated and to ensure that enough funds are being given to the south to continue with their development. In addition, GOSS should have its own watchdogs to make sure that decentralisations is being carried out appropriately by the ten states.

    Good on you President Kiir.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    It sound good H.E.kiir.We are aware about the numerious challenges of leadership in Southern Sudan, but you are heading to the right direction.There is urgent need for the public service reform to enhance the effectiviness and efficiency in service delivery.This can be possible through the strict observation of the public service rules and regulations in appointment and promotion of civil servants.we should aviod reckles promotions and appointment of the new employess to the leadership positions in the ministries and other government institutions.Let them progress from the starting grades to the higher so that they learn in the process. I learnt that some heads of the government institutions are dodging their work because they don’t know what to do. The government should also encourage the policy of decentralization and devolution of powers to the lower levels of the government so that towns can be moved to the villages. Wishing you suceess of this governor’s forum

  • Dotcom

    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    Your honoured excellency the GOSS president mr. Mayadit for the move you are undertaking to address the public services to reach each idividual in the entire corner of the country. That was the things iam waiting for all this time to hear from your government priorities. Iam also urging your government to look into the market regulations to control the business departments as there are many problems facing consumers. These problems are consumers exploitation such as unregulated market price as trade double the profit they earned and many more just few to mention. This is because there is no consumers rights and protection in current market in this country. This is because not all people earn from the main source of income government jobs. It’s really hard for some people to afford buying daily bread because food getting expensive due to high price. This need government intervention into this problem and control of money as people carrying and stored the money in their own homes.

    By Dotcom

  • J.James

    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    Mr. president:

    Your compalling speech made everyone to show whatever type of teeth he has as perfect sign of smile. Thank you for the move and we are surely with you.

    Expansion of freedom, equality, and justice for all should be our main motto. As matter of fact, there are many people who are still dissatisfied in surprising numbers regarding the way our resources are divided among people in the southsudan.

    There are some counties who are benefiting than others for being lightly populated and yet recieves the same amount given to the densily populated one. This made it even difficult for the economists to compute national wealth to the people. For instant, the counties of west Awil and Pibor are unfairly compressed into one county respectively regardless of their large geographical areas and population outbust.

    As everybody who might have been in SPLA knows, its unbelievable to categorize the vast area from Pibor all the way to Buma as one county, the distance that cost 7 to 8 days by footing. I don’t know west Awil in that matter but I heart it is also very large.

    Mr president, those counties need urgent observation or division so as for the inhabitants to be easily handled and equally shared like others.

    I heard few months ago that, the parliament had passed the bill granding Pibor to be divided into three counties, Gumuru, Pibor and Buma and I don’t understand where that paper is dumped. The same prividges were also granded for some of other counties with Southsudan and non of them recieved feedbacks.

    Mr. president, as you said, I know there are some people who don’t worry about justice and equality for all, but their comfort zones. Consequently, You really need to reinforce your speech of decentralization with actions by including some of my suggestion into the package.

    I hope others give you hands.

    God bless

    The writer is the hunter around Nanaham, Kongkong, and Lotila rivers.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    South Sudan President calls for Public Service reform
    you see!!! now we understand what “KOKORA” was all about “Decentrallzation” and was not about sending Dinkas and others out of greater
    Equatoria.With the federal system in place now those allegations against Equatorians interlectuals should be withdrawn as the cause of southerners going to bush.The war of liberation started in Torit,EES because the people who started it all were able to look and see into the future of south sudan.
    Equatorians deserve hand claps for having started the liberation war on 18th of August 1955 and we still have that vision of independent south sudan nation because we started it and have the formula to solve it mathemathically
    Now it is time to join our hands together to solve the problems of south sudan because the south belongs to all of us from Nimule to Aweil and from Raga to Bor. Let the Unity of southerners be in their blood stream.Southern sudan OYEE!! the liberation continues.

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