Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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RSF shell MSF-backed hospital in Omdurman, killing three, injuring 27

Entrance of Al-Nao Hospital in Omdurman (file photo)

June 19, 2024 (OMDURMAN)- Doctors Without Borders (MSF) announced on Wednesday the death of three people, including a volunteer, and the injury of 27 others following intense artillery shelling that struck a medical facility in northern Omdurman.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) launched a heavy artillery attack on widespread areas within the Karari locality in northern Omdurman.

Among the targeted sites was Al Nao Hospital, the only functioning medical facility in Omdurman, supported by MSF. This hospital had previously been repeatedly targeted by the RSF, causing casualties among patients and their companions.

“MSF-supported Al Nao hospital in Omdurman was struck on Wednesday, June 19, amid heavy shelling in the city, killing three, including a local hospital volunteer. At least 27 injured were admitted to the ER (Emergency Room),” stated the medical charity group on after the strike.

“Attacks on healthcare facilities should be unthinkable, but they’re something we’re seeing far too frequently in Sudan. This must stop now!” stressed MSF

The pro-democracy Ghadboun group mourned the loss of Sharaf Abu Al-Majd, who was killed in the attack on Al Nao Hospital. The young man was known for his active participation in anti-military coup protests and had worked as a volunteer at the hospital for months, providing treatment and assistance to patients.

Eyewitnesses informed Sudan Tribune that the RSF intensively shelled Karari locality from their positions in Khartoum Bahri.

Artillery shells hit neighbourhoods 13, 7, 12, 10, 8, 20, 21, 9, and others, causing significant destruction of homes and service facilities.

In recent weeks, the RSF has escalated military operations in areas of northern Omdurman, entirely under the control of the Sudanese army, continuing to shell civilian sites in the Al-Thawra neighbourhoods.

Karari had received numerous displaced individuals from Omdurman and Bahri, who sought refuge in Al-Thawra neighbourhoods instead of leaving Khartoum.

Al Nao Hospital has been repeatedly caught in the crossfire of violence. In a previous incident last October, a shell struck the emergency department, tragically killing two caretakers and injuring five others.

The hospital’s dedicated medical team faced a grueling challenge between May 31 and June 6, responding to two mass casualty events within a single week. The most recent incident was overwhelming, with 65 wounded individuals arriving simultaneously, resulting in the deaths of 10.