Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Muslims in Western Equatoria celebrate end of Ramadan

September 30, 2008 (YAMBIO) — In the dark hour before dawn, hundreds of Islam Believers in Western Equatoria State gathered at the Yambio freedom square marking the first day of Eid al-Fitr, one of the biggest celebrations of the Muslim calendar. It signals the end of the month of Ramadan.

“Eid Fitr is the Day of Thanksgiving to Allah, for giving His servants the opportunity to fast and to worship Him in the month of Ramadan”, said of the Muslims in the square.
“In Ramadan the Muslims fast. We don’t eat during the day for one month”.

Grace Datiro, State Minister of Social Development and Religious affairs attended the colorful event, for the Government of Western Equatoria State. During the celebration Tuesday morning, he said that, “the state government of WES is thankful to the Muslims community in WES, for their cooperation and peaceful co-existence among the Christian dominant society of WES.

The minister further stressed that, “Religion is very important for every body, if you are a Christina or a Muslim, all Religions should be respected in WES as it is stipulated in the CPA, the Interim Constitutions of southern Sudan and the Interim State Constitutions of WES.

She assured the Muslims community in WES to celebrate the end of Ramadan peacefully. On behalf of State Government, Datiro donated 1,000SDG (500$) for the celebration of the in Yambio.

Ramadan concludes with a 3-day festival known as “Eid el-fitr,” which literally means “the fast of breaking/to break fast.” The Holiday month of fasting and a culmination of the month long struggle towards a higher spiritual state.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Muslims in Western Equatoria celebrate end of Ramadan
    Good probe for New Sudan Vision’s products!

    SPLM have shown that there is no intention what so-ever to upset God Worshipers, but there are intentions to support them in term of providing security, making soldarity with them and giving them freedom to choose places of worship and celebrations.

    All religions in New Sudan, especially Muslim and Christians are free to exercise their faiths freely as we have seen from WES something that old Sudan lack especially in Khartoum.

    It’s true that Christian have places of worship in the north including Khartoum, but there is no such freedom because of the following facts:

    1. Christian’s worship places are confiscated yearly around Khartoum and other States in the north by Khartoum governments.

    2. Christians are attacked by the Police and Udercover security agents inside Churcues during their religion celebrations.

    3. Christians occasions are not cover by media in the north like Muslim occasions, and Christians are attacked and abused by the media in the north.

    These facts are available in plenty of sources in Sudan and other countries. Accuse me of being naive or hatred citing, but you will not deny Police attacking Christians in Khartoum Churches during Chritmas celebration on 24th December 1982 during Nimeiry Time.

    Christian suffered brutal acts, prosecutions and abuses in the hand of this current NIF regime. Let Samani say it is not true, but I need Samani to tell the readers about what happened to Catholic Club opposite to Khartoum Int.Airport on the other side of Airport street.

    I do not mentioned those facts for hatred purpose, I did it only to point out what old Sudan failed to offer that New Sudan can do for people to practice their faiths without fear of being attack by the Police of their own country.

    I wish New Sudan and her people good luck and happy Eid Al Fitr for Muslims.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Muslims in Western Equatoria celebrate end of Ramadan
    Yes there is freedom of expression in Greater Equatoria regardless of our region,cultures,tribes and beliefs,it’s just the fact of being genuine,but just go to other states and see how they treat those bloody terrorist beleivers,for instance in Jungle last time the governor has reject to offer the islamic with a piece of land to build with their mosque,and in Somali they are terrorsing and burning the christain churches to ground level like how the arabs in north are planning to do.

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