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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Tagadum coalition condemns RSF attacks on civilians

RSF fighters in Khartoum -file photo

June 22, 2024 (KHARTOUM) – The Coordination of Civilian Forces “Tagadum” strongly condemned the recent attacks perpetrated by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against civilians in the Ad Babakir area, east of Khartoum, and Asir village in Al-Jazirah state.

Since last Wednesday, Ad Babakir has been subjected to repeated RSF assaults, resulting in widespread looting of shops, properties, and homes, as well as the indiscriminate killing of at least seven civilians.

In a similar incident, at least 18 civilians were killed in Asir village on Friday following a violent attack by RSF-affiliated forces.

In a statement released Saturday, the Tagadum Coordination condemned these attacks as “a blatant violation of the right to protect civilians in conflict,” emphasizing that these actions constitute “a persistence in violating the right to protect civilians in conflicts, which is guaranteed by all treaties and laws of local and international human rights.”

They noted that these incidents are only the latest in a long series of “serious crimes and violations inflicted on thousands of innocent civilian victims since the outbreak of the war on April 15.”

The RSF has maintained control over most of the East Nile locality in Khartoum State since the early days of the conflict, where their widespread violations have forced many residents to flee.

The coalition called on “all human rights activists, media professionals, human rights defenders, and all those concerned with Sudanese affairs to stand with the innocent civilians and unite to stop this war, which has brought nothing but bitterness and pain to the Sudanese people.”

They urged these groups to “work together to halt the ongoing crimes, violations, and horrors experienced by millions of innocent people since the outbreak of the war.”

After the eruption of the war, the coalition of pro-democracy forces has faced longstanding accusations of maintaining silence or issuing only timid condemnations regarding the crimes committed by elements of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

In a political declaration signed in Addis Ababa on January 2nd by both the RSF and Tagadum leaders, the paramilitary force pledged to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian access.

 A report issued by the East Nile Observatory for Human Rights revealed that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacking Ad Babakir announced their intention to forcibly displace the population.

The observatory indicated that the RSF looted all houses overlooking the main road, along with shops, pharmacies, and bakeries, often burning the shops after looting them.

The report detailed crimes committed by the paramilitary group, including kidnappings, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and torture of civilians, some resulting in death.

It further revealed the assassination of at least seven people by direct gunfire. The RSF also kidnapped several young men, taking them to unknown locations, though some detainees were later released following mediation by local leaders.

The report explained that the deadly attacks and looting in Ad Babakir have caused shortages of food, medicine, and essential supplies in the southern, central, and main road areas.

Additionally, the theft of mobile phones and Starlink devices has severely hampered residents’ ability to receive financial aid from abroad, upon which many rely.

The observatory strongly condemned the grave violations committed by RSF-affiliated groups against civilians in Ad Babakir and the broader East Nile locality.

It demanded the removal of armed forces from civilian areas and an immediate end to the repeated attacks and violations against residents.