Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Nine people killed in Lakes state feuding

By Manyang Mayom

October 14, 2008 (RUMBEK) – Inter-clan fighting broke out in Cueibet County in the western part of Lakes state when two hitherto friendly clans, Waat and Kongor, clashed on Sunday in a place called Duong Payam, resulting in five people shot dead and four more severely injured.

Waat and Kongor are two sections of the Gok Dinka of Cueibet.

The commissioner of Cueibet County, Kongor Deng Kongor, explained that the fighting erupted over a girl being impregnated last year. There are no political differences involved, added the official.

Meanwhile, in Rumbek East County on Monday, fighting broke out that resulted in four people killed and three wounded, who were admitted to Rumbek State Hospital under critical condition.

The fighting in Rumbek East County was reportedly caused by a song that was created by youth belonging to the Duor-chiek clan to insult the Duor-bar clan. Fighters from the groups clashed in Bar-Pakeny, the most important market servicing the communities of Lakes state during the war period in southern Sudan when the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) fought the Khartoum government.

The government of Lakes state indicated it is trying its best to ease the tense situation by sending policemen in two directions, toward Rumbek East County and the northeast part of Cueibet town centre in Cueibet County.

Furthermore last August an SPLA soldiers was killed in Cueibet County by cattle keepers claiming that the soldier had kidnapped a child of a Cueibet resident. The suspected attacker is now in Lakes state correctional prison, facing trial and serious investigations.



  • Angelo Yum
    Angelo Yum

    Nine people killed in Lakes state feuding
    Inter-clan fighting is n’t suppose to be posted here we have no interest of reading it eveybody fedup with Lake state inter-clan fighting every year what will be their future.This is sad news by the way.

    The writer is Angelo Bol who can be contacted on the following addresses [email protected]
    Tell +256 477 102 027 & +249914264153

  • Julia Anok
    Julia Anok

    Nine people killed in Lakes state feuding
    is really sad news what we heard always is shot dead in fighting between inter clans but Lakes government in Rumbek make no solution to stoped or even disarmed them ,guns can kill huge of people like that for simple problem .SO to reduce killing is upto government to collect guns from them and leave them with their spears so if they fight the spears can not kill as many as guns done .

    my God rest their soul internal life

  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    Nine people killed in Lakes state feuding
    Perhaps, the Lake State can make a use of “Ganoon Wanh Alel” below:

    Draft – September 27, 2008
    Proposed Bill of Amended Codes of Ganoon Wanh Alel


    We the Council of Traditional Authority Leaders (COTAL) of Warrap State, meeting at Zaraa, Kal Kuel on September 22nd to 27th, 2008 hereby proposed the following amendments to Ganoon Wanh Alel. The Executive Committee is hereby authorized to seek further consultations with authorities, women, youth and all other stakeholders. The Executive Committee shall report back to the COTAL or seek opinion by county within 6 months.

    1. Tax

    No amount of Poll Tax shall be repatriated out of the Boma from which it was collected but money and resources collected from Poll Tax shall be strictly used by Executive Chief in the Boma to be local contribution towards the cost of supporting education and health services in the community.
    Poll Tax shall be SDG10, Sdg 20, SDG50 per annum.
    Poll Tax is for adult male and adult female of 18 years old.
    every family of married male and female shall pay marriage tax of SDG1000 or its equivalent.
    any impregnated girl or male who impregnates a girl shall be equally fined of SDG1000 or its equivalent by the executive chiefs, the funds shall be utilized on education and Mother and Child Health (MCH) schemes in the community.

    2. Murder

    Murder during confrontation in front line shall be 51 cows, 31 cows, 20 cows from the culprit and the rest from his kinship. The Culprit shall be imprisoned for 3 years or 5 years without bail
    Murder for revenge shall be 51 cows, 71 cows paid by the culprit and his father and brothers. The culprit shall be imprisoned for 15 years outside his immediate community.
    Murder under any circumstances of a chief or any public office holder shall be punishable by 80 cows and life imprisonment.

    3. Alcohol

    Ban all imported alcohols or restricted sale of imported alcohol with license issued at a fee of SDG5000 per annum, these license fees will be used for community (Boma) development projects.
    Local brew white staff alcohol and asaliya is only allowed in ceremonies for adults only.
    Trader found guilty of selling any type of alcohol to under age shall be imprisoned for 6 months or alternatively Sdg100 in first instant and Sdg1000 for any repeated offence and one year without bail.
    Any official holding public office found drunk during working hours shall be imprisoned for 3 months and demotion to the next lower rank. Any such repeated abuse for six months and loss of job.
    License of ban of alcohol shall be restricted and issued at less than SDG1000, if any liquor store operates during working hours, the store/bar shall be closedown and the license shall be withdrawn.
    sale of alcohol without license shall be fine with SDG 5,000

    4. Tobacco

    Trader found guilty of selling any type of tobacco to under age shall be imprisoned for 6 months or alternatively Sdg100 in first instant and Sdg1000 for any repeated offence and one year without bail.
    No smoking in public office and offenders shall be fined Sdg50 or one month imprisonment.
    5. Environment Protection and Safety

    Other than medical facilities there shall be total ban of plastic in Warrap state.
    Traders must revert back to use of paper in packing
    Any development projects must be subject to Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment before it is approved.
    All forms of harmful bleaching creams shall be banned from sale and traders found guilty of stocking, importing and selling any form of bleaching cream to females and males shall be fined Sdg 1000 and for repeated offence the trader shall be fined Sdg10,000 and 3 years imprisonment.
    Every citizen and relatives of a victim of harmful bleaching creams shall have a right to open a case for compensation of up to 5 cows and a fine of Sdg10,000.

    6. Theft of Livestock

    Thief of livestock shall be imprisoned for 5 years, 10 years and fine of 5 cows, 10 cows detached from immediate owned cattle, father and brothers.
    Repeated theft shall be imprisonment of 10 years, 15 years or sententh to death.

    7. Protection of Girls

    Abuse to under age girl is 30 cows and imprisonment for 3 years, 5 years and 10 years.
    Impregnating school girl shall be 5 cows, 10 cows and imprisonment for 2 years, 3 years without bail or under reformatory for under age male.
    impregnating mature girl shall be 10 cows, 7 cows, one cow plus 3 years imprisonment without bail to the male

    8. Adultery

    Adultery is 7 cows and 2 years without bail for non-relative wife
    Female adulterer shall be fined Sdg400.
    Adultery is one cow and 3 imprisonment years
    Adultery of relative wife is 1 cow and 3 years imprisonment without bail
    Adultery for relative wife who is seeking child after staying barn shall not be punishable.
    Adultery to breast feeding mother is 15 cows and 3 years in imprisonment without bail.
    No woman accused of adultery shall be subject to interrogation as to how many men shall has mad sex with other than the accused male

    9. Swapping of children who were conceived through unwanted pregnancy

    9.1 Swapping of minor is 5 cows for both male and female.
    9.2 Swapping of adult shall be 10 cows or 15 cows for male and female

    10. Elopement of girls

    Elopement of a girl shall be 15 cows if she is not married
    Elopement shall be reported to Executive Chief who shall immediately detach 31 cows from the accused.
    Relatives of eloped girl shall not go to collect the girl by themselves otherwise they shall be fined 10 cows and the leader of the group shall be imprisoned for 3 years.
    Elopement and disappearance for more than one year is 50 cows to be detached by the Executive Chief.

    11. Kidnapping

    Kidnapping of children shall be 10 years imprisonment

    12. Divorced

    Dead wife without children there shall be allowed recovery of 50% of dowery in number but not in tracing the original cows.
    Dead wife with one child and more after more than 2 years marriage shall only recovered 50% of dowery but not the original cows.
    Dead wife with more than one child there shall not be allowed any form of recovery of dowery.

  • koorditngok

    Nine people killed in Lakes state feuding
    unlawlessness will never stop in Lakes state as long as empty headed like anyijong akot is still the governor.may God remove the unremovable.

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