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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan lawmakers report recommends sacking defense minister

October 17, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – A report issued by a Sudanese parliamentary commission pointed fingers at the army for failing to prevent Darfur rebels from attacking the capital last May.

Sudan's Defence Minister Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein speaks during his meeting with the media at Sudan's Ambassador's home in Amman October 15, 2008 (Reuters)
Sudan’s Defence Minister Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein speaks during his meeting with the media at Sudan’s Ambassador’s home in Amman October 15, 2008 (Reuters)
The lawmakers said that defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein is responsible for negligence in handling the assault on capital, in excerpts of the report that was to be published by the independent Al-Sahafa before being censored by security bureau.

They further described the May incident as a full blown attack rather than infiltration as government officials described it at the time.

The Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) fighters mounted an assault on the Sudanese capital that took the government and international community by surprise. However the Sudanese government repulsed the attack and accused Chad of backing JEM in its attempt.

The commission said it met with Hussein as well head of security and intelligence and interior minister.

The report which was not made public also said that the 1,200 rebels fought seven battles with the army before storming into the capital.

“Defending the country is the responsibility of the army” the commission said and stressed that the military capabilities must be enhanced and developed to better carry out their mission.

Khartoum accused Chad of backing the JEM rebels attack and severed relations with its Western neighbor. The government also implicitly accused Libya and France of providing logistics and funding to the rebels.

The defense minister at the time said that there was a “minute by minute communication between the international power and the rebels on their way to Khartoum so that they can go around areas with a presence of the armed forces”.

Hussein told lawmakers that he is prepared to resign if negligence is proven. He also blamed US sanctions for hindering the development of the Sudanese army.

“We are using fighter jets dating back to the Second World War” he said and pointed out that the air force is lacking surveillance and reconnaissance planes.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan lawmakers report recommends sacking defense minister
    That’s a white liar Mr Abdel Rahim!

    Mig 29 Jet Fighters, Antinop bombers and Helicopters Gunships you are using now are Russians and Chines most advanced war-fares. The truth NIF’s defence minister should have said is only one between two:

    One, people of Sudan including Khartoumers, Omdurmanians and NIF own air force jet pilots have sided JEM in Omdurman battle.

    Two, JEM is so powerfull, own justice, military initiative and determined by the time and therefore, NIF Air Force, Infantry or both could have done nothing to stop JEM’s attack.

    I can remember an article issued by a number of NIF newspapers in Khartoum not long ago which was said to be from NIF Army’s spokeperson saying and I quot; “Sudan military weaponary manufactury had managed to manufacture a Un-man Surveilance military plane”

    NIF lawmakers should ask their minister this question; why are your boys still using 2nd WWII Jet fighters despite of an advanced NIF military weoponary Technology? If he fail to provide convincing answers, please, sack him right now before JEM’s boys come back to finish off their business.

    Anyway, minister is a liar like his boss cousin. So, do not let them spread a culture of lying as they did spread a cultures of Killing, Intimidation, threatening, rape and hatred.

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