Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir urges lawmakers to enact Southern Sudan Referendum Bill

By James Gatdet Dak

October 21, 2008 (JUBA) – The First Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit urged both Southern Sudan and national lawmakers to expedite the passing of the Southern Sudan Referendum Act.

He made the remarks during the opening of a joint meeting on Monday between the Khartoum-based Council of States, which membership comprises two members from each of the Sudan’s 25 states, and the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba.

The two-day meeting is the first of its kind since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) during which the lawmakers are expected to discuss working relations between the two Houses in the context of implementing the CPA.

Unlike the National Assembly, the Council of States is uniquely mandated by the Interim National Constitution to meet at any time, or in any place in Sudan that it may choose.

Kiir, who is also the SPLM Chairperson, told the lawmakers that the issue of referendum “is extremely important for the people of Southern Sudan and Abyei.”

“As much as we may aspire to make the unity of Sudan an attractive option to the people of Southern Sudan, it is also a constitutional obligation that the referendum is held by January 2011 as per the provisions of the INC and the CPA,” he stressed.

On the forthcoming general elections in the country, the SPLM Chairperson said the elections must be free, fair and transparent.

“We must have good elections, rather than bad elections that will produce nothing but hatred, divisions and loss of innocent lives as recently witnessed in the region,” Kiir warned.

Referring to the expected population census result which was conducted in April, Kiir said building a national consensus on the expected census results is one of the most pressing issues in the implementation of the CPA.

“Despite the fact that Southern Sudan has raised genuine concerns over the conduct of the population census, we need to ensure that the awaited results of the population census have adequately reflected these concerns so that such results are accepted by all,” he stated.



  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Salva Kiir urges lawmakers to enact Southern Sudan Referendum Bill
    I do not understand why president Kiir is jumping to 2011 leaving 2009. What can the southerners do in these elections before the 2011 referendum? Are you a candidate or not? Say by your mouth!

    2011 has nothing to do with Abyei unless they vote to be southerners and be accepted by northerners. Let’s put more efforts on 2009 elections to make unity attractive other than praising Arabs as people who can not accept being ruled. The land is ours and our effort have taken us to vice presidency for the first time.

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Southern Sudan.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Salva Kiir urges lawmakers to enact Southern Sudan Referendum Bill
    I was convinced by Garang’s approach which advocates hardline towards Jallaba, and competition against them over the entire Sudan. And I really wonder if president Kiir current approach which is leaning towards pleasing jallaba will work for the smooth separation of the South. We have seen president Kiir when he came out strongly in support of Albashir against ICC, thinking that Albashir arrest would abolish the CPA. Also,You might have learnt about his historic remarks on the day he was appointed by Albashir as chairman of the national Committee for fighting accusations of Mr. Ocumbo. President Kiir in his own words was quoted to have said that he doesn’t see any body in the Sudan who is qualify for presidency other than Albashir. Currently, all indications show that president Kiir will be working with Albashir in cleaning Garang’s mess in the North. Also, I think president Kiir doesn’t mind at all to work with Albashir in rebuilding Jallaba empire which was destroyed by Garang. Now, let us wait to see if Jallaba will listen to him and enact the Referendum Bill which he asked. All I’m afraid of is that president Kiir is walking blindly in the same path once taken by Dr. Riek Machar and others, and I’m afraid that poor Southerners will once again find themseleves in a position that they have to pick up arms again in the near future.

  • Nhial Reath Thoan
    Nhial Reath Thoan

    Salva Kiir urges lawmakers to enact Southern Sudan Referendum Bill
    Hey Mr.Wiseman don`t be easily confuse !! It is Good to mention what is controversial rather than the minors issues , I think Mr. President is right to mention this case .
    Mr. President, We wish you all the best , your being a president of Southern Sudan is the gift in the eyes of God for the People of Southern Sudan .

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