Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM not renegotiating the CPA – official

By James Gatdet Dak

October 26, 2008 (JUBA) – A high ranking official of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) said his party had not engaged in renegotiating the provisions of the peace deal it signed in January 2005 with the National Congress Party’s led government in Khartoum.

Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development in the Government of Southern Sudan, Michael Makuei Lueth, who is also member of the Joint Executive Political Committee that oversees implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), said the peace partners were not renegotiating the CPA, but looking for ways and means to implement it.

Lueth was responding to a question posed to him in an interview with the Southern Sudan TV whether or not the ongoing joint dialogue between the two peace partners on CPA implementation amounted to its renegotiation.

In June this year, NCP and SPLM had to strike another roadmap agreement to resolve a three-year stalemate over implementation of the Abyei protocol after the NCP rejected, with impunity, the experts report on the Abyei boundaries.

The roadmap agreement has, in addition to implementation of security and wealth sharing protocol, provided for establishment of the Abyei Area administration with temporary boundaries while a permanent solution to the boundaries is to be sought in the international court of tribunal in The Hague.

Makuei said the CPA was silent about the role of international community in case of any violations by any party to the agreement.

“There were no mechanisms put in place in the CPA as to what should be the role of IGAD or international community if any party to the agreement violates provisions in the agreement,” he said.

He explained that only the Assessment and Evaluation Commission is what the CPA has provided for with a limited mandate of just informing or reporting any violations to the parties concerned without any punitive measures against the violator.

He said the implementation of the peace deal depended only on political will of both the National Congress Party and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement.

Makuei also said the people of Southern Sudan in 2011 referendum would judge whether unity of the country is made attractive or not by the peace partners, particularly the NCP.

The SPLM official however said “non-implementation of some provisions of the CPA would have no impact on the people of Southern Sudan in exercising their referendum unless the other party (NCP) tries to obstruct the exercise.”



  • DOOR!

    SPLM not renegotiating the CPA – official
    Good on you His Excellency Michael Makuei lueth.
    We don’t even need an inch of discussion especially on Abyei.
    Better we return to fire with Arabs than taking our motherland.


  • Ayuen Buol mum
    Ayuen Buol mum

    SPLM not renegotiating the CPA – official
    We southerners need to understand that CPA is bending agreement and if both parties fail to implement there is no mandate to imposed to either party unless both parties vulenteer agree or disagree. In addition, CPA was negotiated as alternative resolution to the conflict between both parties.and If the NCP fail to implemented it we have no choice than either going to war or seek other venues to the conflict.

    I am just high light the differences between Madiation and arbitration is that madiation has no imposed on either side of the conflict and arbitration is imposed by the law and in case of the CPA it was under madiation as a form of alternative conflict resolution, so, my advice to my fellow southern is that we shouldn’t blame our official in case they try different alternative to the resolution conflict and the CPA modelities.

    Thanks….legal minister for clarification.

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