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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Conflicting reports on the fate of Chinese hostages in Sudan

October 27, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government announced today that Darfur rebels killed five out of nine Chinese oil workers who were kidnapped last week.

: Chinese oil workers at a joint Chinese-Sudanese refinery greet China's visiting President Hu Jintao on Friday in Aljaili on Friday Feb 2 2007 (AP)
: Chinese oil workers at a joint Chinese-Sudanese refinery greet China’s visiting President Hu Jintao on Friday in Aljaili on Friday Feb 2 2007 (AP)
Khartoum said that two of the hostages managed to escape while the remaining two are still held captives.

“It happened around 3:00 pm (1200 GMT). Those people from JEM killed five Chinese and two of the Chinese workers managed to escape. They are now with the government” foreign ministry spokesman Ali al-Sadiq told Agence France Press (AFP).

But the daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published in London quoted Abu Humaid Ahmed Dannay, a leader of the kidnappers saying that none of the Chinese workers have been killed.

“We want to end this thing peacefully and hand over the hostages to the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM)”. We do not trust the ruling National Congress Party (NCP)” he told the newspaper.

Danai warned of a “bloodbath” if Sudanese military attempts to use force to free the hostages saying they are surrounded by ground troops and helicopters.

On Saturday the Sudanese army dismissed news reports that they clashed with the kidnappers wounding two workers.

Three Chinese engineers and six other workers employed by the China National Petroleum Corporation were kidnapped on October 19 in South Kordofan.

The chief of kidnappers said that they requested Chinese departure from the area because of their support to the Sudanese government.

But leading figures of the Arab Misseria tribe said the kidnappers who belong to them carried out the kidnapping because they want a greater share of the region’s oil revenue.

The former governor of Kordofan Abdel-Rasool Al-Nour told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center website that the kidnappers do not belong to Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Darfur rebels as Khartoum has claimed.

The Sudanese foreign minister spokesperson said that the bodies and the two wounded former hostages were recovered by Sudanese government forces in a small village in western Kordofan, and the injured are undergoing medical treatment.

“This happened without any confrontation with the abductors, while the government was trying to solve the problem through peaceful means” said Sadiq.

But one local leader denied the official version of events.

“There was fighting between the Sudanese army and the kidnappers. As a result of this fighting, the five have been killed” he told AFP by telephone from Kordofan, asking that his identity not be disclosed.

In New York the Sudanese envoy to the UN told Reuters that the UN Security Council (UNSC) must take actions against JEM for carrying out the kidnapping.

Sudan’s envoy Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Mahmood said he would raise the issue on Tuesday when the 15-nation council meets to discuss deployment of a joint African Union – United Nations (UNAMID) peacekeeping mission in Darfur.

Abdel-Mahmood said his country wants the UNSC to issue “a strong condemnation” but added that this would not be sufficient.

“The leniency of the council has encouraged them….It is time for taking measures against those who destroy the peace process and take the lives of ordinary citizens” he said.

The Sudanese diplomat also accused the Darfur rebels of attempting to sabotage his country’s relation with its Chinese ally.

China has been accused by Western countries and human right groups of blocking international sanctions against Sudan to protect their oil investments.



  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    Conflicting reports on the fate of Chinese hostages in Sudan
    Is that is the way to drive the cattle?? First of all and in the name of all Sudanese peace loving people we convey our deep condolences to the friendly Chinese People on hostages’ executions in our land attached with mourning and regrets. Secondly we condemn that unprecedented criminal act unfortunately done by who call themselves Justice & Equality Movement. We strongly request from both ruling parties NCP & SPLM to do out of their capacities to bring those murderers assassins to justice as immediately as possible regardless of consequences or who behind them because it has gone too for.

  • Yaak Barach
    Yaak Barach

    Conflicting reports on the fate of Chinese hostages in Sudan
    Who killed the Chinese workers? SAF, JEM or the Messiriya Arabs?….It doesn’t matter because they are all Islamic terrorist groups. SPLA during its two decades confrontation with the SAF never engaged in terrorist activities such as this one. I would like JEM to be more human and act as Africans; avoid unnecessary killings of innocent individuals like the Chinese oil workers. JEM needs to aim for Bashir’s head instead.

  • Kabarika Jackson
    Kabarika Jackson

    Conflicting reports on the fate of Chinese hostages in Sudan
    Damn Bashir, Damn NCP! These demonic government tries to smear their evil deed to innoncent people since they are the really influencial masterminder leading to the kidnapping of those innncent Chinese guys. This nasty Party will never run out of lies until the truth is spoonfeed to them. As far as you still prone your horn to hunt innocent, you will always expect the unexpected. Siding with foreign country like China to help clear black land for your unaccepted bizzzare will never give you peace of mind. Remember, whatever you did to the people the native people of Sudan will perpentually hunt you for the rest of your life. The clock is ticking for you and your Party.

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