Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UNAMID vehicle seized in South Darfur town

November 2, 2008 (NYALA) — Two men wielding knives and guns seized a peacekeeping vehicle near a guesthouse in South Darfur’s largest town
on Friday. The driver, a United Nations volunteer, was robbed but
unharmed, reported a spokesperson for the mission.

The African Union-United Nations hybrid peacekeeping mission in Darfur
(UNAMID) is tasked with protecting civilians and humanitarian workers
in Darfur, but itself is sometimes targeted by bandits and the warring
parties in Darfur, which have faced off since an insurgency broke out
against the government in 2003. Gunmen in heavily armed vehicles
killed one peacekeeper and wounded another in an attack on Wednesdayin North Darfur.

So far this year, at least 208 humanitarian vehicles have been
hijacked and 155 aid workers abducted, with 43 World Food
Program-contracted drivers still unaccounted for, according to the UN
Secretary General, who reported these figures on Oct. 17.

“UNAMID Sector South highlighted an increase in the number of vehicles
car-jacked by armed elements in the area,” said the mission
spokesperson. “These vehicles include UNAMID vehicles, international
agencies operating in the area as well as national NGOs.”

The driver was robbed of his personal possessions, his UN identity
card and a hand-held radio. UNAMID reported the incident to the
Government of Sudan police and National Intelligence for Safety and

The peacekeeping mission in Darfur is working with Sudanese police
forces to try to improve their respect for human rights and their
ability to enforce the law. UNAMID police in West Darfur are currently
preparing to conduct a training course designed for Sudanese Movement

The Sudanese forces will be trained in law enforcement, human rights,
community policing, child protection and protection of women. The
course will be held from November 9 to November 27 and is expected to
be attended by 90 local police officers.


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