Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan to upgrade bilateral relations with China

September 7, 2024 (JUBA) – South Sudan and  China have agreed to elevate relations between the two nations to the highest diplomatic level.
The strategic shift foreign relations emerged during South Sudan President Salva Kiir’s visit to the Asian nation.
Kiir, who was in China to attend the China-African summit, met his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping on September 9.
“The two countries are now comprehensive strategic partners”, a diplomat accompanying President Kiir told the Sudan Tribune on Friday.
Africa’s youngest nation has been pushing for the upgrade for years as it sees China as a key country in its strategy to secure global supply chains from China-related risks and diplomatic support against internal and external pressure on the government of Kiir.
The country’s ruling Communist Party welcomed President Kiir and his accompanying delegation in a function that included officials waving Chinese and South Sudanese flags and honour guards carrying bayoneted riflees noted the strides that had been taken towards improved ties.
“We can trace many years of cooperation and progress between our nations, from external pressures and economic hardships to working together. Our history and that of China are the same to this new elevated status”, remarked Kiir.
South Sudan is having to navigate frosty relations between Washington and Beijing as it seeks its own foothold in the international economic competition.
It also comes as Juba’s longstanding relationship with Russia which the president visited in 2023 after receiving a cold reception when sought to meet the president of the United States, causing him to go east from the west.
A statement from the office of the president described the meeting as a notable diplomatic engagement,  saying the two leaders gave themselves time to discuss and enhance the already existing cordial bilateral relations between their respective nations.
The meeting underscored a mutual commitment to collaborate on various fronts, elevating bilateral ties to a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”
“During their discussions, both leaders emphasized the significance of implementing the partnership action plans presented during the opening session, with a clear aim to fostering cooperation in key sectors such as infrastructure, trade, people-to-people exchanges, healthcare, and industrial chain cooperation, which are deemed vital for South Sudan’s economic development and stability”, the state-owned television (SSBC) reported.
Kiir said South Sudan is eager to work closely with China to realize the objectives outlined in the partnership action plans adopted in the just concluded Africa-China summit.
The partnership is widely anticipated to bring substantial benefits, enhancing the country’s capacity for growth and development.