Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese refugees in Chad reject UAE aid, demand end to RSF support

Lana Nusseibeh, UAE Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, inspectes a UAE-funded field hospital in Abéché for Sudanese refugees on Friday September 13, 2024

Lana Nusseibeh, UAE Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, inspectes a UAE-funded field hospital in Abéché for Sudanese refugees on Friday September 13, 2024

September 16, 2024 (ABECHÉ) – Sudanese refugees in Chad have rejected humanitarian aid offered by the United Arab Emirates and demanded it cease military support for the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group, a refugee told Sudan Tribune on Sunday.

Lana Nusseibeh, UAE Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, visited Chad on Friday and inspected a UAE-funded field hospital in Abéché, built to treat Sudanese refugees.

“Around 100 refugees met with Nusseibeh at the UNHCR headquarters in Abéché and informed her of their categorical refusal of any humanitarian aid provided by the UAE,” the refugee representative, who wished to remain anonymous, told Sudan Tribune.

A video circulating on social media showed a refugee telling Nusseibeh that the UAE had the power to stop the war and urging her to convey their message to the leaders of the Gulf country.

Nusseibeh reportedly cancelled a planned visit to the border town of Adré due to fears of further protests.

The Sudanese army has accused the UAE of providing military supplies to the RSF via Chad, the Central African Republic and Libya, allegations the UAE denies.

The conflict between the army and the RSF has displaced over 4 million people since April, including over 600,000 who have fled to Chad.

In August, hundreds of refugees in Chad began walking back to Sudan due to deteriorating conditions and lack of aid.