Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Declaration of Washington between SPLM and SSDF



The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF)

Washington, D.C. Nov, 10, 2008

WHEREAS the people of South Sudan and the marginalized Sudanese are yearning for peace and democratization of the country;

WHEREAS the desire for democratizing Sudan is the fundamental objective of all the marginalized Sudanese to crystallize a comprehensive national consensus among all Sudanese political forces being the correct approach to a historic settlement and a comprehensive and peaceful resolution to the national crisis as well as to the major problems of our country, which are the ending of the civil war in Darfur through a just peace agreement, the building of true democracy and the unification of Sudan on a new basis through the voluntary will of its people;

WHEREAS the arbitrary rule and the denial of democracy in Sudan and respect for basic human rights have created bitter resentments and conflicts lasting for generations;

WHEREAS the repressive policies of the old Sudan resulted in the waste of vast human and economic resources;

WHEREAS the marginalized communities of Sudan desire to establish a just and democratic order where authority emanates from the freely expressed will of the people, where people have control over decisions affecting their lives, where power is devolved to organs of government closest to the people, where the rule of law replaces the rule of the jungle, where fundamental freedoms and civil liberties are guaranteed for all;

WHEREAS the marginalized Sudanese agreed that the combined or coordinated efforts and actions are necessary for freedom and democracy to flourish and to end isolated struggles that have contributed to the continuation of tyranny and injustice;

WHEREAS the institutionalization of racism in the old Sudan since the dawn of the independence was not the aspiration of the marginalized people of Sudan who struggled to establish a just and democratic Sudan;

Therefore, the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF), through their duly authorized representatives, held a series of meetings in Washington, D.C. from November 7th to 10th 2008. The meetings deliberated on all the issues pertaining to the national crisis and the current political situation and arrived at the following:

1. In order to secure full and unwavering implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and build true democracy that protects basic freedoms and rights and permits the peaceful transfer of power, the people of South Sudan must unite under the leadership of Salva Kiir Mayardit as the only leader who would take them to Promised Land.

2. The parties confirm that Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is the only leader the marginalized Sudanese should rally behind in order to realize new, democratic and secular Sudan.

3. The two parties affirm that Sudan is politically pluralistic, religiously and culturally diverse and there ought to be mutual consensus on a new Social Contract that does not permit discrimination on the basis of religion, culture, race, gender or region.

4. The two sides affirm that the right to self-determination is a legitimate Human Right and that the unity of Sudan should be based on the voluntary will of its people.

5. The two parties affirm that the people of Darfur have inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and urge all the Sudanese political forces to support Sudan People Initiative that shall bring about comprehensive peace in the whole of Darfur.

6. The two sides agreed that given the nature of Sudanese plurality, diversity and geographic size, it cannot be administered centrally and that there is need for a formula of decentralized rule to end the hegemony of the center over the periphery and to accommodate the needs of the regions for self-administration by their own citizens, meanwhile the center performs its national duties and external obligations.

7. The two sides agreed that Sudan People Initiative which shall end the war in Darfur, achieve a just peace agreement and build true democracy in the country by placing the country at the threshold of stability, must be based on regional co-operation, non-interference in the internal affairs of others coupled with respect for their political choices, regional and international stability.

8. The two sides demand the repeal of laws restrictive of free speech in the country and call for lifting of censorship of the media and the acceptance of free political activity, press freedom and freedom of expression, and the release of all political detainees.

9. The two sides agreed on a joint action program for the achievement of unity of the people of South Sudan under the wise leadership of Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit in accordance with modalities of implementation and follow-up agreed upon.

For the SPLM: For the SSDF:

Hon. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth Hon. Gordon Buay


1. Representatives of U.S. State Department

2. Representatives of U.S. Congress


  • Ater Achuku Pal
    Ater Achuku Pal

    Declaration of Washington between SPLM and SSDF
    Wow, what a great progress that the Nuers have made. They are now able to release a Declaration on their own. This should be a bad sign of where Southern Sudan is heading. Nuers are very much satisfied with the current situation in Sudan. Their bad behavior of not sticking to the cause by initiating flip flopping behaviors like the defaction of 1991 has now pay off that their present and voices are being heard everywhere. Well, what should I say. Visionary leaders are not there anymore in Southern Sudan.

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