Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Rebels play down Bashir’s declaration of ceasefire in Darfur

November 12, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur’s main rebel movements minimized the importance of announcement made by the President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, on the immediate and unconditional ceasefire and the disarmament of the militias.

refugees_run_for_shelter-2.jpgThe Sudanese president made Tuesday a public announcement at the closing session of large consultation in Khartoum he had initiated since last July.

The rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Khalil Ibrahim both denounced Al-Bashir lack of seriousness and credibility.

Al-Nur said the government had “a long waiting list” of dishonoured commitments from the past that have never been implemented. “What we need is action, not words,” he said. “He armed the janjaweed. Now he has to disarm the militia,” he added.

JEM spokesman Ahmed Hussein Adam called the presidential declaration a big public relations exercise. He added that Khartoum has to demonstrate its willingness at the negotiating table and not through the media.

However Al-Nur, who demands Khartoum to implement “conflict suspension” measures before talks, added that “Bashir will find us before him at the negotiating table the day where he disarms the janjaweed, kicks out the newcomers from the abandoned villages and helps the return of displaced persons and refugees.”

Adam, on the other hand, regretted that Bashir didn’t follow the forum’s recommendation to free detained and sentenced JEM rebels who took part in a raid on the Sudanese capital Khartoum. He also criticised Bashir decision to create a new state in Darfur saying such decision belongs to the people of Darfur not the central authorities.

The people’s initiative recommendations are expected to lay a foundation for a possible peace conference in Qatar during the coming months.


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