Monday, October 7, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Tagadum calls for end to Sudan war, condemns atrocities

عبدالله حمدوك والهادي اديس وفضل الله برمه يحيون المشاركين في اعمال المؤتمر التأسيسي لتقدم في 27 مايو 2024

October 6, 2024 (OUMDURMAN) – The Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum), a coalition of Sudanese political and civil society groups, condemned war crimes committed by both sides in Sudan’s ongoing conflict and called for renewed peace efforts in a statement issued on Sunday.

The statement, released after a virtual meeting of Tagadum’s Leadership Council chaired by former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, highlighted the worsening humanitarian crisis and called for unimpeded access for aid organizations.

“The humanitarian crisis in Sudan caused by this war is the worst in the world, with increasing rates of displacement, refugee outflows, and hunger, worsening daily,” the statement said.

The anti-war coalition urged the international community to fulfil its aid commitments and demanded that both warring parties, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), remove all obstacles to aid delivery.

The Council also expressed concern over the “surge in military confrontations” across the country and reiterated its stance that “there is no military solution to the conflict in Sudan.”

The statement condemned “ongoing violations” by both sides, including “murder, looting, artillery shelling, and airstrikes,” and called for accountability for those responsible.

Tagadum specifically criticized elements of the former regime of Omer al-Bashir, accusing them of exploiting the war to “spread terrorism, eliminate opponents, promote racism and hatred, and attack democratic civil forces.”

The group called on all Sudanese people to unite to end the war and “resist hate speech.” It urged international and regional actors to coordinate efforts to address the humanitarian crisis, work towards a ceasefire, and seek a peaceful political resolution to the conflict.

Tagadum also called on external actors to refrain from providing material or political support to either warring party.