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Sudan Tribune

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Senior Umma party figure killed in car accident

November 22, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The largest Northern opposition party lost one of its leading figures in a car accident on Saturday morning.

of Dr. Abdel-Nabi Ahmed, Secretary general of the Umma party
of Dr. Abdel-Nabi Ahmed, Secretary general of the Umma party
The car crash occurred near Wad Madani city in central Sudan claiming the life of Dr. Abdel-Nabi Ahmed, Secretary general of the Umma party and a pedestrian. Five others were injured including two sons of Ahmed, according to the daily Al-Hayat newspaper published in London.

In 2003 the Umma party lost its former Secretary General Dr. Omer Nur Al-Dayim in a car accident as well.

The Umma party leader Sadiq Al-Mahdi mourned Ahmed saying he was his “right hand man” and instrumental in leading the party work throughout the years.

“As a result if his struggle and caliber he was elected as the Secretary General and became the dynamo for the party politically and organizationally. His line was a national one while preserving his party and Ansari commitment” Al-Mahdi said.

The late Darfuri figure was the governor of the western region in the late eighties. He will be buried in the twin capital city of Omdurman.

Al-Mahdi is en-route from the Syrian capital to take part in the funeral ceremony.



  • John Mou
    John Mou

    Senior Umma party figure killed in car accident
    This is a clear warning for all oposition parties. Why a car crash every time to such important figures like Dr. Omer Nur Al-Dayim and Dr. Abdel-Nabi Ahmed and not to Al-Bashir or Nafie?

    Keep alert all the time for the NCP guys are not sleeping.

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