Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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US embassy in Sudan boosts security after ICC rebel indictment

November 22, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The US embassy in Khartoum beefed up security measures around its complex in wake of the announcement by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that he requested secret arrest warrants against three Darfur rebel commanders.

US embassy in Khartoum
US embassy in Khartoum
The pro-government daily Al-Rayaam quoting unidentified sources reported that the embassy carried out precautionary measures “in order to prepare for any escalation between Sudan and the ICC”.

The newspaper said that the embassy set up extra concrete blocks around the complex preventing access to the embassy “in case of surmounting the first barrier as well as hanging curtains that blocks view into the building’s courtyard”

One source told the newspaper that the embassy recruited Sudanese ex-army commanders to assist in devising the surge in security measures.

This week the ICC prosecutor submitted a sealed application to the judges requesting an arrest warrant be issued against three Darfur rebel leaders whose names were not disclosed.

The counts against the rebel leaders included war crimes of violence to life, intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission and pillaging.

The U.S. special envoy to Sudan, Richard Williamson in an interview with Reuters welcomed the ICC move against rebel groups.

“I believe that for justice to be credible and for restorative justice to take place, all sides who commit crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide have to be held to account” the US official said.

Another request for an arrest warrant against Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is still pending.

The embassy took similar measures when the indictment of Al-Bashir was announced in mid-July.

The US has been working on constructing a new embassy south of Khartoum for over 2 years. Last year a standoff occurred between Washington and Khartoum over 400 containers that were blocked by Sudan’s treasury because of non-payment of customs fees.

Sudan blocked another shipment containing equipments for the new embassy prompting the US administration to threaten that they will stop working on the new building.

A US official told Sudan Tribune last year that Washington told Khartoum that it is in their interest to facilitate the construction of the new embassy or “it will take another 10 years” and will continue the inconvenience for the residents of the area surrounding the current location of the US embassy in Khartoum.



  • Ahmed

    US embassy in Sudan boosts security after ICC rebel indictment
    Congratulation to all the people of Sudan your country will be on top soon.

    well most of people might get confused with the above statement, yea occampu is an agent of western countries its obivous as we can see and judge he dont care about having peace in darfur or anything he is just doin what his masters in western countries say him to do as president al bashir said recently.

    But the positive thing that mr. occampu dont know is when he requested secret arrest warrants against three Darfur rebel commanders this means he put some pressure on these rebel leader so these leader will go to DOHA in qatar to negotiate in darfur peace process and make it easier for the government and solve the crises in darfur.
    And at the end of the Day we will continue doin our successfull business with our chinese friends and maybe US also.

    God bless.

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